View Full Version : Solid Frames for default UI?

03-23-2020, 08:55 PM
I've just started, and am having trouble with the UI. I may have some file issues - when I do /loadskin, the 4 choices I get all wind up with pretty much the same result. What I want is to have the original solid background (like I get when I open the Tome of Order and Discord) for all my windows. This is because I can't really make out the transparent backgrounds, specifically the black lines, so I can't tell, for instance, where to drop spell gems.

Is there a special mojo for getting solid backgrounds?

03-25-2020, 01:07 AM
So it sounds like you're on Green, welcome to the jungle! Green server locks the skin to the Veilous UI (which has been the topic of debate since Green launched with that instead of the classic UI) so all of the skins will just automatically set back to veilous. If you want solid instead of transparent, what you can do is right click on a window > Window (not all windows have this, skip if not) > Background > Texture. Then you can go Window > Background > Tint Color to change the color to whatever you want on the RGB scale. They won't be the stone texture like some of the other windows on the green UI but you can make it stone grey and that's better than nothing

03-25-2020, 07:09 PM
Thanks! That just brought back memories. I can understand the decision to use the Velious interface being considered debatable, as I am one who hated it from jump. The biggest problem for me was trying to get all the random colors, which had been chosen for use on the parchment colored background, to display legibly. I'll now do what I did then - create a *lot* of chat windows and sort text to them by foreground color, then select the optimum background color for each... fun!

Still, waaaay better than another red dot game.

Thanks again.