View Full Version : rogue gearing

03-20-2020, 04:29 PM
I am a rogue main in my early 30's and trying to decide on gear focus. my gut says go pure STR, but have heard that DEX is important as well. for example, i currently wear and Executioners Hood but am considering Crested Helm for the STR boost. Should i be going for both? switch out Jagged Bands for the 5STR/DEX rings?


03-20-2020, 04:37 PM
I think you should go for strength and HP, and resists if you raid.

From the wiki on Dexterity (http://wiki.project1999.com/Statistics#Dexterity_.28DEX.29):

This determines how often you crit with your weapons, how quickly you learn weapon and rogue skills, and how often a magic weapon will process its skill. This is a good skill to have for fighters, especially warriors, rangers, rogues and of only limited use for magic users.

You can probably max your weapon and rogue skills easily enough with any level of dex.

Do rogues get crits in this timeline? I don't even know. If so, that might be a reason to raise dex...but str should probably be a priority, since it will give you a more consistent increase in damage.

03-20-2020, 04:46 PM
You on green or blue? Just curious for gearing advice. In general tho, priorities:
Weapon dmg (main) and ratio (offhand)
Item Haste
Regen (if possible)
Hps (with ac if possible).
Stam (conversion goes hps sucks at 30 and isn’t great at 60).
Resists (as mentioned if raiding, if not just try for Sv magic when convenient).
Agil and dex is junk.

Basically get your weaps and basic haste sorted. Then get as much strength as possible knowing a sham at 49 can add 66. Max is 255.

Once you have dps squarely dialed in to the best possible turn to the rest. If raiding later on your may have to sacrifice str/ac/hps for passable resists.

03-20-2020, 04:46 PM
crits are only on ranged for rogues

03-20-2020, 05:04 PM
i am on green. sorry, should have stated that earlier

03-21-2020, 03:07 AM
i am on green. sorry, should have stated that earlier

Diamondine earrings.

Str rings aren't terrible, but those are big +hp slots. Djarns/+55 hp rings or just 2x 55hp would be better.

In general, forget dex unless you need it for procs (you shouldn't). Go for str/hp/resists for damage and survivability.

Haste is really expensive now, but a fbss will probably be your biggest single item DPS boost in classic. Get a cheaper TBB to use in meantime and sell it once you save enough cash for fbss.