View Full Version : Miscellaneous: Baton of Faith

04-26-2011, 08:10 AM
The equipped graphic of the 'Baton of Faith' is incorrect. It is currently the same graphic as a T-Staff, when it should actually look like a Fine Steel 2HB.

Will dig up some evidence later if needed!

12-17-2011, 04:32 PM
Mar 27 2001 at 5:55 PM
I have one of these at lvl 45 with maxed 2hb skill, so far the max I have hit was 140. I consistently hit for 70-100 and alot of times 110-120.

It looks like a wu's trance stick, and most people go OMG what is that when they see it hit so hard, and they are used to a trance stick hitting for <30. :)
