View Full Version : Guard Valon not responding to hails or orc pawn picks

01-08-2020, 12:23 PM
-- Teal server
-- West commons -3.35, 85.19,-51.7
-- NPC = Guard Valon
-- Quest = https://wiki.project1999.com/Orc_Picks

Steps to reproduce:

1. Hail Guard Valon:

-- Expected response: Guard Valon says, 'Greetings, traveler! If you wish to walk upon the road to Freeport, you will pay the toll of two silver pieces. And you should. It is not safe to stray from the pathway. There are many [dangers in the Commonlands].

-- Actual response: Nothing


2. give Guard Valon 4 orc pawn picks:

-- Expected Response:
Guard Valon says, 'You have done well. Keep up the good work and we may trust you to [hunt the dervish cutthroats] which in turn will allow you to join the Reserve Freeport Militia.'
Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground has gotten better.
Your faction standing with Freeport Militia has gotten better.
Your faction standing with Knights of Truth has gotten worse.
Your faction standing with Priests of Marr has gotten worse.
You gain experience!!

You receive 1 gold pieces.

-- Actual Response: Picks are taken, nothing happens

01-12-2020, 11:03 PM
Fixed, pending update.

02-10-2020, 05:47 AM
This is still an issue on Green. Not sure if the update has been applied yet.

02-25-2020, 08:17 PM
This has rebroken on green. It worked yesterday and isn't working today February 25th