View Full Version : Does charmed pet (or any pet) need to be behind target to backstab?

12-19-2019, 02:52 AM
I'm more concerned about charmed pet because I don't think enchanter pet can backstab, right?

Had a group member say that the pet needs to be behind the target to get backstabs and whatnot. But I feel like I had been charming a rogue in highpass hold that seemed to be doing backstabs even when it wasn't behind the enemy it was attacking. Anyone know if positioning matters for this?

Thanks in advance.

12-19-2019, 03:28 AM
Yes, if you charm a rogue pet, the pet will need to be facing the mob's back in order to attempt to backstab it.

12-19-2019, 06:59 AM
"front" is something like 120 degree arc, everything else counts as "back". the eq devs seemed pretty generous.