View Full Version : Pet Window workaround?

09-08-2019, 09:20 AM
I use a customized VertUI for p99, and looking at the Actions window there is a way to add an additional tab to that and get the pet name/hp gauge and buttons to display, however the buttons don't work as they were likely disabled in code.

I know we can setup pet commands like "/pet follow me" to social commands like macros. Is there a way to pull macro commands from the UI window as buttons?

If so this might be the easiest way to kludge together a "pet window".

Not sure if this sort of UI workaround is allowed or not, figured I would post and see what the devs say. Not sharing the code I've figured so far unless its permissible.

09-08-2019, 09:30 AM
Yes you have to manually setup hotkeys.

09-08-2019, 09:44 AM
Yeah, I wasn't sure how to tie in things of that nature in the UI. I've only tinkered with UI changes here and there to get things where I want them.

Off topic, but I had actually repurposed the short term buff window for displaying stats without keeping the inventory open. I found a way to display them in the group window (I use a horizontal group being I run 21:9) but can't figure out how to appropriately move them down. Adding a label just stops the UI from loading.

09-08-2019, 10:33 AM
The pet window was nice for bards when our charm only last about 18 seconds it’s useful to see when it wears off so you can recast it quickly. Is there a ways to at least get the hp target window for the pet back even if the buttons don’t work? I’m fine creating hotkeys I’m just hoping the hp/visual queue to show when the charm lands and breaks can be retained. Though the hotkeys might be an issue if I’m understanding correctly have we lost the extra hotbars and are limited to just one now? Twisting songs and switching instruments takes up a fair number of hotkeys in and of itself not sure how many pet commands we can afford to hotkey.

09-08-2019, 11:06 AM
Not sure for other actions windows, but its a quick modification to the VertUI one to give a display like that, as it has tabs already. Waiting on OK by devs before I explain or give files (even visual only) due to this being something they did disable.

09-08-2019, 11:10 AM
Fingers crossed... make bards playable again

09-08-2019, 01:29 PM
With a little modification this can even be added to the VertUI Player window, or likely any other player window. It does require modification of the original pet window to work and does give the red XML files not compatible message, but seems to work (for just the pet gauge/name)

09-08-2019, 02:32 PM
The buttons (and by extension the buttons on the other hotbars) are all disabled, likely server side.

For Hotbars I tried to see if I could change Hotbar1 and 2 around in the file and get 2 as my only bar. It did load the size, location and such for that bar, but nothing in it when there was before and cannot cycle the pages. So unfortunately there isn't a way of even adding them to an existing window or replacing something else with them.

09-08-2019, 02:45 PM
That’s super disappointing. I understand I’m not paying for p99 so it’s hard to really complain, but it also sucks to be so disappointed but not really have a leg to stand on or a voice to speak against with. The options seem like you either live with it or quit. I’ve really enjoyed experiencing the classic game but I don’t feel like the UI was what made this such an enjoyable experience. It was just a tool to enjoy the environment. And now that tools been significantly diminished. So experiencing and enjoying the classic environment has been really hit hard, especially for some classes more than others. I play a bard and made heavy use of hotkeys and the pet window. It would really be a nightmare to accomplish what I used to be able to do having to do it with only 6 or 10 buttons. I guess I’ll give it a try and try to make ends meet but it really is disappointing.

09-09-2019, 12:06 AM
I don't understand why you can't just use SHIFT + number to change the button sets. I have all songs on page 1, charm buttons on page 2. My Vert also has pet hp bars next to each toon in the group as well as the player window for yourself - stop using inferior versions of Vert.

09-09-2019, 12:08 AM
Don't forget you can still ALT cast songs just like you do with spells - ALT 1, ALT2 ALT 2, ALT 3 ALT 3, Alt 1 and repeat.

Bards these days....

09-09-2019, 01:36 AM
People were wasting hotkeys on spells which could be easily alt+# or mouse clicked!?

Fair enough for bards that might want to /stop and /cast of the same button i guess, otherwise bo big deal.

For the pet window you can proxy this by opening the abilities window, switching to the socials page and then just setting up the appropriate /pet commands on the page. Ita mouse operated juat like the pet window, the only problem is as it is command line bases you can't use it while casting spells etc (classic nerf tbh).

09-09-2019, 02:05 AM
You can still have the macro window opened for 20 total actions (10 hotkeyed) and your alt-# spells... Not great but with correct use of your shift-# it's workable...

09-09-2019, 05:13 AM
For 'live' pet health reports you can set up a /do ability # /pet report as part of your 'sense heading on a direction key press' button.

Each time you press left/right your pet will tell you its hp and you will get your heading sensed.

09-09-2019, 02:44 PM
For 'live' pet health reports you can set up a /do ability # /pet report as part of your 'sense heading on a direction key press' button.

Each time you press left/right your pet will tell you its hp and you will get your heading sensed.

This is a great tip, thanks!

09-09-2019, 03:45 PM