View Full Version : NPC Spawn Issue: Rotting Skeleton in Dreadlands

04-14-2011, 10:42 AM
From what I've been able to determine through speaking with other people at the camp, this mob hasn't spawned in three days or more. While it is statistically possible for this to happen with any* spawn rate outside of a guaranteed pop, it's seeming more and more likely that the rate is bugged.

I've personally spent more than 25 hours at the camp without seeing him. Can this spawn be verified to be working or broken, so that players aren't wasting huge blocks of time?

04-14-2011, 11:00 AM
Yep this spawns.

Very rare.

04-14-2011, 11:10 AM
Three full days rare is in no way consistant with the live spawn rate. :/

04-14-2011, 11:48 AM
Post.. links to corroborate.

I do fix things, but if I need to look up everything about it as well, I usually skip to the next listed bug.

04-14-2011, 11:59 AM

Posting all the comments that reference a spawn rate:

The longest complaint was 10 hours. I've personally put in 25 hours, skie has put in 20+, and tracking back through the people the camp was passed off to, the mob hadn't spawned in more than 70 hours on our server.

6 hours
50+ spawns

petitioned and /bug


Come on SoE, SORT IT OUT!

Be prepared for a very long wait if you dont get extremely lucky.


Got him 4th spawn easy camp =) gluck all also the location is good.


Well, I'm the luckiest player in the game. Went to get it, he was up when I got there, had it on the first kill. You all have my sympathy if you have to wait longer.


Man I don't understand it. Some people can't get the mob in under a half of day and others are getting multiple in little time. I hope these people are just joking =P. I spent 10 hours just on the pained soul, and on my first 1/2 hour for the rotting skele.

Anyway, 41 PHs later I got him.


dunno if they changed the spawn rate of him or we got lucky but me and guildie camped him for under an hour and we got 3 spawns!


**edit - 9 + hours it took for my spawn. He finaly popped for me, and on i went to TT to catch the pained soul. There was a cleric from another guild, 2nd day in a row this poor guy had spent 6 hours camping this mob , and still hadn't got him.


Well I was extremely lucky as I got in 7 mins, killed a greater plaugebone and it poped. After killing the rotting skele I waited and it poped again so guess it completely random.


Camped him for 8 hours solid today. About 65 PHs before he spawned. Not much fun.


I camped this mob over a course of 3 days. The first day I spent 2.5 hours and killed the PH every 7-8 minutes. 20 kills and no pop. I logged out at the spawn point.

Next day I log in and camp it for an hour. Eight PH's spawn and again no Rotting skelly.

Finally on the 3rd day, after just 1 PH was killed, the rotting skeleton popped and I killed him quick. Finally! Seems like you will have a 1 in 20 chance on average that this mob will show up on any given spawn based on other reports I've read. Long boring camp but at least you'll eventually get your medallion piece.


I consider myself lucky because he only took about 3hours and a few minutes to spawn for me.


WoW I dont know about everyone else but maybe they changed how this guy spawns, seems to be super rare mob. at least it is for me, have camped it for 10 plus hours straight now and no luck on the rotting skelly.


Took him down twice last night, within 30 minutes. Was simply clearing the skelly camp by using sense undead, and pulled him into target.


Loly Taa
04-14-2011, 12:19 PM
I did level 53-54 at that camp, something like 12-15 hours straight racing Bossco to 54, and I did not ever once see him spawn during that period.

04-14-2011, 06:16 PM
Did this camp about a week ago over the course of two days, got rotting skele in about 20 hours total.

04-15-2011, 12:29 PM
I've done this camp for around 15 hrs and nothing and people before me at the camp were there numerous hours also. It should probably be tweaked to around the same spawn percentage as the pained soul in TT.

04-16-2011, 01:08 AM
Pending update,

Slight increase in spawn