View Full Version : Are hill giants

08-04-2019, 10:20 AM
In rathe mountains a legit camp with rules or basically ffa?

08-04-2019, 10:27 AM
There are no specific rulings for Hill Giants, which means they follow the normal (general) outdoor mob camp rules (http://wiki.project1999.com/Camp_Rules#General_Rules).

08-04-2019, 10:35 AM
In rathe mountains a legit camp with rules or basically ffa?

I am not high enough to kill them yet, but would think that it is FFA. At least that is how it was on my "Live" server. It is a pretty large area, and I don't think any one person should be able to call the whole part of that zone.

08-04-2019, 10:43 AM
GM said that in outdoor, a camp is one mob at most, so all the rest are ffa fte...

08-04-2019, 10:44 AM
There are no specific rulings for Hill Giants, which means they follow the normal (general) outdoor mob camp rules (http://wiki.project1999.com/Camp_Rules#General_Rules).

Single spawn point man that would go so slow though lol.

I am not high enough to kill them yet, but would think that it is FFA. At least that is how it was on my "Live" server. It is a pretty large area, and I don't think any one person should be able to call the whole part of that zone.

I could see where you’re coming from. But my bro and I were able to duo the whole mountain before repops. We’re not there anymore but it was an issue I wanted to clarify. Thanks you two.

08-04-2019, 11:05 AM
I could see where you’re coming from. But my bro and I were able to duo the whole mountain before repops. We’re not there anymore but it was an issue I wanted to clarify. Thanks you two.

Yeah that's what FFA means. If you're the only 2 there, you get the mountain. But you can only camp 1 spawn, rest is FTE.

08-04-2019, 11:12 AM
GM said that in outdoor, a camp is one mob at most, so all the rest are ffa fte...

What about specs in Oasis? That would mean 4 people could each camp 1 of the ground level spawns.

08-04-2019, 11:16 AM
Single spawn point man that would go so slow though lol.

It's important to understand the rules properly. They DO NOT say you can only kill one hill giant (or any other mob) per respawn cycle.

What they say is that everyone can do as many hill giants (or anything else in an outdoor zone), as long as they want ... until another player shows up and says "I want to camp a specific hill giant".

At that point, you are forced to pick one spawn point to keep as "your's". No one else can kill that particular giant, and if that guy who showed up and said "I want to camp giants" takes it you can petition him. After you do that, he gets to pick one spawn point too.

But even then the rules do not say you both get only one giant! What they say is that each of you is guaranteed that the other one can't take one giant (from one spawn point). However, every other giant in the area, ie. every one that comes from a spawn point other than the two you guys picked, will be "FTE" or "First to Engage". In other words, you and the other person race to see who can agro those giants first, and whoever does gets them.

Two important notes though. First, in practice (maybe this has changed, as I haven't done hill giants in forever, but ...) most people don't worry about the single spawn point rule, because it's just too much hassle at somewhere like that (you'd have to sit and wait at just one giant's spawn point, so that he doesn't wander off and you lose your claim ... who wants to do that?). Instead everyone tends to just treat all hill giants as FTE.

And second, all of this requires communication. If you don't talk with your fellow players, no one owns any spawn points. Or rather, technically the first person there "owns" everything, as long as they've killed it quickly enough since respawn ... but if someone else shows up and starts taking giants without talking, I doubt the staff would ban them off the bat or anything. Again, if you want staff protection you first have to communicate to the other person "this one spawn point is mine, I was here first, please don't take it", and the second person has to then steal the mob anyways.

Otherwise even if the first person petitions, I don't think anyone would get in trouble, because this is EverQuest not LawyerQuest ;)

08-04-2019, 11:26 AM
What about specs in Oasis? That would mean 4 people could each camp 1 of the ground level spawns.

This is the "nightmare scenario" people envision on Green, and technically you are correct, that could happen. Practically speaking though, I just can't see four players being that desperate that they'd all sit there doing one spec at a time.

Also it's worth noting that you don't have to follow these rules, they're only to settle disagreements. If two people want to do spectres, they can just split them, two each. They don't have to take the one spawn point each and race for the other two; that's only if they can't agree on something better

This is what commonly happens at a camp where people really do care about every last mob: A4 in PoM. Technically it's four separate camps (Rat, Ape, Twins, and 22). Sometimes players do get technical, force another player to pick one, and they race the rest.

But usually players are civil and instead just divide the camp. One person gets ape/rat, the other gets twins/22. In general I think things go smoother on P99 when people do things this way, rather than going to the rulebook.

08-05-2019, 01:35 AM
im at CE in MM on my paladin pulling mobs from inside and from pits. CE is considered a camp spot, but MM is an outdoor zone. a mage was in gypsy room "stealing" our mobs - am i being too presumptious to consider that stealing mobs, or was he wrong?

08-05-2019, 03:21 AM
RM has on live, and has been on p99 as long as I've played, a complete FFA. Go there at any time and it's always a mad rush to any giants. People generally share them as required by the number of people there, and it's not uncommon for many tells sent back and forth of "Go ahead and take that one."

I have NEVER seen someone "claim" a particular HG spawn. (There's only 6 places in the zone that they spawn anyway.) FTE rules on HG Mnt. I haven't seen any official GM clarification on RM HG spawns, but aside from the asshat druids rounding 4 of them up all at once to quad, it's never been an issue that I have seen, and I have spent HOURS in RM farming giants.

I have seen multiple players try for the same giant, both tag it, (Usually a meelee hits it before a caster lands a spell that he is in the process of casting, and 9x out of ten, you get a "Sorry, didn't see you were casting." Its pretty self-goverened and not an issue.

If there is an official protocol set by the GMs, I am not aware of it.

08-05-2019, 03:41 AM
im at CE in MM on my paladin pulling mobs from inside and from pits. CE is considered a camp spot, but MM is an outdoor zone. a mage was in gypsy room "stealing" our mobs - am i being too presumptious to consider that stealing mobs, or was he wrong?

'Outdoor zone' doesn't mean every zone which is mechanically outdoors, aka you can cast SoW. Mistmoore counts as a dungeon type zone. If you are camping CE and someone is taking your mobs, tell them to stop, then petition if they keep doing it.

Do not try to 'steal back' mobs aggroed by them since this will count as kill stealing and look very bad.

08-05-2019, 11:11 AM
Above poster is wrong. If you're camping outside you don't have claim to the rooms inside. If someone wants to claim gypsy room that is their right. If no one claims it then it's just FFA and you compete with them for pulls.

If you want to claim rooms you need to camp in the rooms.

08-05-2019, 11:13 AM
'Outdoor zone' doesn't mean every zone which is mechanically outdoors, aka you can cast SoW. Mistmoore counts as a dungeon type zone. If you are camping CE and someone is taking your mobs, tell them to stop, then petition if they keep doing it.

Do not try to 'steal back' mobs aggroed by them since this will count as kill stealing and look very bad.

Fortior nailed this one. It's not really outdoor vs. non-outdoor, and I think the staff doesn't even use that language anymore. It's really more dungeons vs. non-dungeon, and you can probably guess which a zone is. If you're not sure the Camp Rules (http://wiki.project1999.com/Camp_Rules) page has all the known details, like:

"Dungeon type zones could be anything from MM, COM, hhk, Guks, or Sebilis."

However, the one thing Fortior left out is that there are also Player-Defined Camps (http://wiki.project1999.com/Player-Defined_Camps), and while the staff won't enforce those, they very much do encourage the players to follow them. In all this talk of "the official camp rules" it's easy to forget the importance of these "social convention" rules. I don't know the details of the MM camp being discussed, but I'm just saying that even if the official rules didn't apply to the mob in question, that doesn't let the person off the hook.

Even if someone wasn't literally taking a mob from a "set of mobs within line of sight of each other but otherwise separated from other mobs" (ie. an official GM-enforced camp), they still could be taking a mob from a commonly-defined player camp, and while the staff won't send them to ban-land for that, they (and most players on the server) will strongly encourage them not to do that.

Like I said, at PoM A4 (which is kind of a distillation of the camp rules because of its popularity and stakes) most people do follow the player convention of splitting the camp evenly (or at least as evenly as possible; there's an odd number of mobs). Every now and then someone comes along and forces the official "I get a room, you get a room, we FTE race the rest" rules, but most of the time the GM rules don't even enter into it. The players just settle things reasonably themselves the same fair and reasonable way that other players have settled that same conflict in the past.

08-05-2019, 11:15 PM
This is the "nightmare scenario" people envision on Green, and technically you are correct, that could happen. Practically speaking though, I just can't see four players being that desperate that they'd all sit there doing one spec at a time.

This was most definitely the case with specs on this server in old world before Kunark, at least in Feerott. I camped the roaming guards on my druid at that time and there were often several people camping one spec at a time, each had their own number. I can't speak to Oasis and OOT, I think those were mostly quadded with a list, but considering what the pop is bound to be, wouldn't surprise me to see a mage/necro/druid/wizard/shaman/cleric on each spawn point.

08-05-2019, 11:20 PM
Good god. Essays are not required to figure this out.

It’s an outside zone and thus FFA.