View Full Version : Miscellaneous: Dargon McPherson murderous rampage

04-13-2011, 04:07 AM
Primary NPC Involved: Dargon McPherson
Time: April 13, 2011 at about 3:00-3:10AM EST
Location: Halas

I had just gotten to Halas to train and turn in a quest when I noticed an NPC fighting a guard. I naturally thought "We'll that's strange". Then I realized that it was the Warrior trainer, Dargon McPherson (the very person I was there to turn a quest into)! I ran to the warrior area and saw a dead guard and one of the other trainers also dead. I went back to the fight, sat back, and watched with amusement as Dargon finished beating the crap out of the guard, stood around for a few seconds, and then ran off in a straight line (through walls and blockages) towards the bank. I followed (in a less direct path) and arrived to find him beating on the rogue trainer Ysanna MacGibbon. Cappi McTarnigal was already dead inside as were 2 guards by the banker. I also passed a couple dead guards by the dock as well. After he finished up in the bank, he proceeded to run back (again in a straight line) to his post at the warriors area where I found him chillin.

My theory is that the people of Halas have been teasing him for a long time and he finally just snapped. It looked to me like he had a kill list and was going down the list checking the names off as he went o.O Perhaps a good fix would be to program a therapist for him?

09-30-2011, 12:07 PM
This sounds awesome.