View Full Version : Thinking of starting on red

07-02-2019, 02:25 PM
Looking for advise on fitting into a new guild to fill a open niche. I am an active player on blue just wanna try a server where people are not perma camped on everything.

07-02-2019, 11:47 PM
There is a difference between loneliness (the imposition of social isolation) and aloneness (the choice of being alone), and thus the brain reacts in very different ways. Loneliness, or social isolation, affecting a large part of the population as it became an epidemic in the last few years, is known to cause changes in the brain, possibly leading to more serious consequences such as depression and other mood disorders. However, some of those changes can be reversed if the appropriate social interactions are re-established and the person reengages in social activities.

But what if the person doesn’t have that option?

We are talking about solitary confinement, a form of imprisonment still practiced in many countries, including the U.S.

Robert King, an ex-inmate who was in solitary confinement for 29 years, shared his experience with a room full of curious neuroscientists during the world’s biggest neuroscience conference by the Society for Neuroscience in November 2018. Being confined in a 6x9-foot cell for almost 30 years, with very limited contact with other humans or physical exercise, surely has consequences on one's overall health, including the brain. King knew that solitary confinement was changing the way his brain worked. When he finally left his cell, he realized he had trouble recognizing faces and had to retrain his eyes to learn what a face was like. His sense of direction was also messed up, and he was unable to follow a simple route in the city by himself. It is as if his brain had erased all those capabilities that were no longer necessary for survival in a cell no bigger than the back of a pick-up truck.

One of the most remarkable effects of chronic social isolation, as in the extreme case of solitary confinement, is the decrease in the size of hippocampus, the brain region related to learning, memory, and spatial awareness. The sustained stress of extreme isolation leads to a loss of hippocampal plasticity, a decrease in the formation of new neurons, and the eventual failing in hippocampal function. On the other hand, the amygdala increases its activity in response to isolation. This area mediates fear and anxiety, symptoms enhanced in prisoners in solitary confinement.

Studies on mice have shown that one month of social isolation caused a decrease of around 20% of the total volume of neurons, though researchers saw that remaining neurons were branching out more than those mice that were not isolated. When the isolation went on longer — up to three months — researchers saw that the extra branching of the neurons was no longer happening, and that, in exchange, spines (structures that neurons develop to place the machinery that is required to communicate to each other) were greatly diminished. What does this mean? The branching that took place in the first month of isolation may represent some sort of compensatory mechanism that the brain puts in place in order to overcome and prevent the detrimental effects of isolation. However, when isolation went on for “too long," this mechanism seemed to come to an end, and trigger the loss of neuronal communication in the form of spine elimination.

In addition to the effects that loneliness will cause in the brain, solitary confinement also has an important component of sensory deprivation. The small cells where inmates are isolated are windowless, and though inmates are entitled to have one hour of physical exercise every day, sometimes this would not happen due to the busy schedule of the prison, King reported. The sensory deprivation contributes to important health impairments, such as alterations of circadian rhythms, the internal biological clock that regulates overall the proper functioning of our bodies.

Solitary confinement as a punishment is closer to a form of torture, with serious consequences for neurological health. Teams of researchers are investigating further the deep effects of this practice, and studying the possibility of regulating it to maintain physical activity as well as sensory input and circadian rhythms, in order to prevent profound changes in the brain.

This calls attention to the necessity of integrating science in law, as legislators may not recognize possible emotional injuries in the same way they recognize the physical effects of imprisonment. Lawyers and neuroscientists need to work together to understand the full consequences of dangerous practices that still take place in the system, such as solitary confinement.

07-03-2019, 12:13 AM
Looking for advise on fitting into a new guild to fill a open niche. I am an active player on blue just wanna try a server where people are not perma camped on everything.

Welcome! Red has its own set of challenges but also rewards. I'd suggest starting something that can solo and port, like a druid or to a lesser extend wizard. That isn't a MUST, hell I started from scratch as a paladin in rags, so anything is possible, but in retrospect a caster would have been quality of life in a place where ports and binds can be hard to come by at times.

Look up the guild Sanctuary and feel from to ask for help in ooc (ooc is global on red). Use /roleplay to hide your location and level from possible predators but still display a guild tag, /who is your friend to see who came into your zone. There isnt much of an economy but people do trade in ooc, so bonechips spider silk etc isnt going to do you much good getting your newbie spell money so check out some alternative ways to make plat (sisters camp in lfay for instance).

Good luck.

07-03-2019, 05:29 AM
Looking for advise on fitting into a new guild to fill a open niche. I am an active player on blue just wanna try a server where people are not perma camped on everything.

Play a cleric and people will suck your dick to join their raids.

It's red99 if you're a player that can use the WASD keys and bind CH to 1 and wait for your place in the chain (setup by someone else) you will get loot.

07-03-2019, 08:46 AM
There are only a few guilds on Red and finding a niche will be easy with the low server population.

Sanctuary - Leveling guild
Apex - Raid guild
Heretic - Raid guild
..and then a bunch of little PvP guilds

If you're looking to raid, the two most sought-after classes are rogues and clerics. However, if you're not playing prime time, I would not level one of these up first, since soloing is a pain with either class, and you're going to have a hard time finding groups during off hours.

Enchanters and shaman definitely have their uses in raids, and leveling either one up isn't too bad. Druids can pretty much level up naked without a problem, and also have the benefit of being able to port around for groups. However, recently there have been several people offering free ports to newbs across the server. They also are good for raid buffing and patch heals. Necros and mages can pretty much level up solo. Necros can twitch clerics and mages can CotH and drop mod rods for raids.

Honestly, with the low population on Red, as long as you know how to play your class, you will be an asset. So in the end, just play what you like!

07-03-2019, 09:36 AM
Your weakness in bearding on blue will transfer to red

Tune rules these frozen wastes

07-03-2019, 03:35 PM
Don’t think

07-03-2019, 08:27 PM
I started a new leveling guild on Red called <Council> with the intention to level up together and hopefully get some PVP action in.

If youre interested in having a small crew to play with you are welcome to join up with us!

Were mostly between level 15-30 atm but im sure we can help you catch up

07-09-2019, 03:21 PM
Play on RoZ.

Red is dead

07-09-2019, 11:47 PM
Server sucks dick and the players are noobs

07-10-2019, 01:24 AM
Play Warhammer : Return of Reckoning. You will thank me later. Hit me up in game I show you good pvp right away

07-10-2019, 05:49 PM
Red may be low population, but it's not necessarily dead. The low density means a couple things. There is little compition with camps, the people that do play are usually looking for a group and if you know your class, it's fairly easy to level.

Most people will help you out, but finding ports or moving aorund the world can be painful at times.

Soloing is pretty easy as the zones aren't swarmed with people. Necro/Chanter/Shaman are always nice to play. And as you get higher in level chanter and shaman are highly sought after for CC and buffs.

Druids are nice to have for movement, I don't have one, but they are pretty good to have.

a bard is another useful class to have or play as, soloing it pretty easy with a bard even ungeared.

~ 60 Warrior
55 Necro
40 chanter/bard
25 Paladin

07-10-2019, 07:19 PM
The good thing is the wasted time should go 3 to 4 times less to gear and level than on blue if you know how to EQ. The bad thing is like 12 people actually play this game:

07-11-2019, 04:12 AM
i tried that srver at launch and made a runehealer whatever it is, i got a bunch of + Willpower gear it did not increase the amount i healed for and i uninstalled

It not only works now, but the game is a delight. Non stop pvp for the most part right from the jump. Me and the pals, some of which you guys would recognize, are head over heels about the server.

07-14-2019, 01:37 PM
I'm thinking of picking up EQ after a 17ish year hiatus. For obvious reasons I would play on red. My only real question is, with the server pop so low, is it possible to get binds or am I stuck playing some kind of caster?

Sirlious Mudhbuth
07-14-2019, 06:04 PM
If you want everquest pvp I suggest you play rise of zek

07-14-2019, 07:59 PM
I’d find something else to do. Locked box velious server ain’t worth throwing away 17 years of eq free....

07-14-2019, 09:29 PM
I'm thinking of picking up EQ after a 17ish year hiatus. For obvious reasons I would play on red. My only real question is, with the server pop so low, is it possible to get binds or am I stuck playing some kind of caster?

You can definitely get a bind a port. /ooc is server wide, and there are some people, mostly in the guild <Sanctuary>, who are more than willing to help out new players with stuff like that.

That being said, with the low server population, finding a group can be tough, especially during off hours. Since melee are way more gear-dependent than casters, playing a melee as your first character will be a challenge.