View Full Version : What's the rule/etiquette regarding looting the kills of others?

06-10-2019, 07:14 PM
I'm noticing a lot of Fine Steel Swords being left to rot on the dead guards in High Keep and I'm highly tempted to scoop them up. What's the general rule/etiqeutte on doing this, looting others kills if they leave the corpses untouched for extended periods of time? I don't want to come off as a jerk to people, but I'm also not one to say no to free money if people don't want it, and that's the impression I get when people don't loot their kills.

06-10-2019, 07:16 PM
Go for it. No etiquette, especially in HK. They've had 2 minutes to loot and I know that when I did guards, I looted the swords right away unless I was killing like 5 at a time, and most everyone else does too in my experience.

06-10-2019, 07:29 PM
Don't loot other peoples stuff without asking. Rude and against the rules. If someone is just leaving stuff to rot they usually would be fine with you just looting it to sell.

06-10-2019, 08:02 PM
Loot up!

I would say the only time when you shouldn't is if there is a reason they haven't looted it and they were going to, like they are in the middle of a fight and want to focus on completing the kills successfully.

If you are not sure, just do it secretly.

06-10-2019, 08:31 PM
Loot up!

I would say the only time when you shouldn't is if there is a reason they haven't looted it and they were going to, like they are in the middle of a fight and want to focus on completing the kills successfully.

If you are not sure, just do it secretly.

Sounds like great advice ... if you want to get in a fight with another player and quite possibly get suspended:

4. You may not Ninja Loot.
Ninja looting defined is when a player, disregarding the players or player who killed a mob, loots an item that is generally regarded as significant or valuable from the mob they did not kill. This is strictly prohibited and will result in removal of the item(s) and any appropriate disciplinary action.

It's not a hard rule to understand (minus the Yoda-speak at the beginning). If you want to get all lawyerly you can try arguing that the FS (or whatever) you took wasn't "significant", but do you really want to bet a suspension on winning that argument with a GM?

As others have said, it's really very easy: if you want to loot a corpse you didn't kill, just ask the person first. If you can't handle doing that, at the very least wait until the last second before the corpse poofs before you loot. And if you don't do either of those things, you might still get away with it ... or you might get a suspension.

Personally I wouldn't think it's worth even the chance of a suspension just to loot some fine steel I did nothing to earn.

06-10-2019, 08:57 PM
So if i'm reading this right, just regard the player before you loot their stuff and you're good.

My lawyer services are available starting at 55K/hr

06-10-2019, 09:16 PM
So if i'm reading this right, just regard the player before you loot their stuff and you're good.

My lawyer services are available starting at 55K/hr

What's your retainer fee?

06-10-2019, 09:37 PM
So if i'm reading this right, just regard the player before you loot their stuff and you're good.


06-10-2019, 09:57 PM
Realistically you probably will not get in trouble by taking these fine steel weapons (especially if nobody is around) but it is considered rude and in poor taste to stand around someone exping and looting whenever the timer lets you.

If you ask the person leaving the corpses, 99 times out of 100 they will let you have the fine steel. While you're at it, offer to trade their gold out for your plat at a 50% rate.

Sounds like great advice ... if you want to get in a fight with another player and quite possibly get suspended:

4. You may not Ninja Loot.
Ninja looting defined is when a player, disregarding the players or player who killed a mob, loots an item that is generally regarded as significant or valuable from the mob they did not kill. This is strictly prohibited and will result in removal of the item(s) and any appropriate disciplinary action.

A fine steel weapon is neither significant nor valuable. Petitioning something like that is a waste of the staff's time.

That said, I always thought of "Ninja looting" as taking a high level item by nefarious means such as leaving your group during a raid before looting so nobody can see the text, or looting something you didnt earn and logging off, etc. You can be on a raid, help kill the mob, and still be a ninja looter.

06-10-2019, 10:23 PM
Ive caught a suspension for just joking about this in game. Best bet is to not even look at whats on the corpse and just keep it moving

06-11-2019, 12:23 AM
Just ask, if they leave the sword they most probably don't want it and would probably be happy to leave them to lowbies.... But ask, not asking is against the rules, and this game is about socializing anyway...

06-11-2019, 12:30 AM
If you didn’t kill it you should not loot it unless you have the permission of the person who did the killing. Most would not care but if someone did you could be punished for it. Even if the item was about to rot.

Just shoot them a tell and ask them.

06-11-2019, 12:43 AM
Loramin would suspend someone over a 4 platinum fine steel weapon? What a loser.

Primordial Ooze
06-11-2019, 02:03 AM
Just ask. Honestly, if a player asked me if they could loot fine steel, I'd be kinda touched they asked and saved me the trouble of feeling mildly irritated by their silent ninja presence.

06-11-2019, 04:51 AM
is the item tradable? if so, loot up without a word. the game already has a mechanic where if someone kills a mob, they have exclusive loot rights for a period of time. then that period wanes, and looting is ffa...

06-11-2019, 06:44 AM
is the item tradable? if so, loot up without a word. the game already has a mechanic where if someone kills a mob, they have exclusive loot rights for a period of time. then that period wanes, and looting is ffa...

This. From kill time, to 5 min, only the group/player can loot. That is their window. After that, it is indeed FFA. Like it was told to me, if you wanted it that bad, you had 3 minutes to take it. If the original developers wanted it any other way, they would pema lock the corpse as they do in WoW. In WoW if it is not your kill, you can't loot. (At least it used to be that way, years ago.)

The only time I hear whiners go off about "ninja" looting, is when quadders are so busy running around to stay live, they don't have the chance to loot their kills within that 3 minute window. Sux to be them.....

06-11-2019, 07:44 AM
Don't loot things that don't belong to you

06-11-2019, 08:06 AM
Just ask. We're talking about vendor trash. 90%+ of the time you'll get a quick "sure, go ahead" and then you're good to go.

06-11-2019, 08:10 AM
If I was a GM I'd probably give the guy who petitioned a fine steel sword that was "ninja looted" a little vacation from sim elf.

06-11-2019, 08:29 AM
Its 0 tolerance ninja looting for a reason. There's no set line to what is significant. 4p? 10p? 100p? 1000p? If a piddly little newbie killed some mob with a FS weap, but then had to zone. That may even be the first time they've made a few plat off a single mob.

Don't loot things that don't belong to you

06-11-2019, 09:00 AM
Its 0 tolerance ninja looting for a reason. There's no set line to what is significant. 4p? 10p? 100p? 1000p? If a piddly little newbie killed some mob with a FS weap, but then had to zone. That may even be the first time they've made a few plat off a single mob.

'generally regarded as significant or valuable '

"in most cases; usually."

06-11-2019, 09:13 AM
Again, at what value is the drop significant, even in most cases?

06-11-2019, 09:15 AM
Again, at what value is the drop significant, even in most cases?

Are you really this daft? On blue FS is not "generally regarded as significant or valuable". On green would be a different story, though. Really not complicated. I just gave you the freaking definitions of generally.

06-11-2019, 09:31 AM
Ive caught a suspension for just joking about this in game. Best bet is to not even look at whats on the corpse and just keep it moving

Sage advice.

*nods judiciously*

06-11-2019, 09:32 AM
Again, be specific with the amount. Otherwise, the only other policy is a 0 tolerance. What you may consider significant is not what someone else does. is your opinion is the only one that matters? FS weapons may be significant for someone that is not you. An opal may be significant for someone. Or a diamond. Maybe you consider kunark armor (~500p) significant, but I dont so I ninja it and "lul its not significant you poor peasant".

"Generally" is a shit term when you're talking about rules and punishment

06-11-2019, 09:36 AM
is the item tradable? if so, loot up without a word. the game already has a mechanic where if someone kills a mob, they have exclusive loot rights for a period of time. then that period wanes, and looting is ffa...

06-11-2019, 09:47 AM
Again, be specific with the amount. Otherwise, the only other policy is a 0 tolerance. What you may consider significant is not what someone else does. is your opinion is the only one that matters? FS weapons may be significant for someone that is not you. An opal may be significant for someone. Or a diamond. Maybe you consider kunark armor (~500p) significant, but I dont so I ninja it and "lul its not significant you poor peasant".

"Generally" is a shit term when you're talking about rules and punishment

Use your head. If it were zero tolerance they never would have added the qualifiers of "significant" or "valuable".

06-11-2019, 11:17 AM
It's strange to me this even still a debate. It wasn't tolerated on live, a P99 GM said in this thread not to do it, the rules say not to do it.

There is a debate about what constitutes significant enough... usually if you have to start really trying to nitpick details you are probably not inline with the intent. Fine Steel isn't what most people would consider a big deal but if you are doing something like that for a while it starts to add up.

Also there has been on many servers the discussion about should things be considered FFA once the lockout expires? People who want it to be FFA determine the intent by the developers was to have that small window be their limit of ownership. This was never handled with that intent on live. It's way more likely that the lockout time could be used to clearly define who owned the kill and the open loot time serves the function that the looter may not have been a part of the highest damage person/group, or was just an outside player to who they could grant consent to loot. The lockout timer probably helped avoid a lot of potential CSR issues with nefarious looters waiting to ninja loot.

Anyway, once again, it is super easy to send a tell to benefit from someone else's work. In almost all cases the person who killed the mob would probably be fine with it if they were going to let it rot.

06-11-2019, 11:31 AM
It's strange to me this even still a debate. It wasn't tolerated on live, a P99 GM said in this thread not to do it, the rules say not to do it.

There is a debate about what constitutes significant enough...

There isn't really a "debate", just a few people who want to be able to ninja loot and not get in trouble for doing it, making noise.

While they may talk big in the forums, and maybe they'll even act big in-game sometimes (based on the assumption that no player would petition them over something they consider insignificant) .... if they actually do ninja loot the wrong lowbie's stuff and get petitioned, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts they'll face a suspension.

The "significant" bit is there, like much of the stuff in the rules, to give the staff leeway. If some new player doesn't know any better and loots someone else's item, the staff has discretion: they don't have to suspend that person if they consider the looted item "insignificant". But like all the rules the emphasis is on the staff member's definition of the word's meaning, not the player's.

As I said on page 1:

If you want to get all lawyerly you can try arguing that the FS (or whatever) you took wasn't "significant", but do you really want to bet a suspension on winning that argument with a GM?

Especially given:

Don't loot things that don't belong to you

06-11-2019, 11:36 AM
Use your head. If it were zero tolerance they never would have added the qualifiers of "significant" or "valuable".

Those terms literally mean nothing in the context of value of loot since significant or valuable changes person to person. Use your head. If you can't define what the "general consensus of significant value' is, then the qualifier is meaningless.

Anyways, GM already spoke just to say don't loot things that dont belong to you.

Its simple.

If you didn't kill it, don't loot it.
If you didn't get permission, don't loot it.

If you killed it, have permission from the killer, or have permission from your raid force, go loot it.

06-11-2019, 11:45 AM
People still debating when a GM already commented in this thread, lol. Don't loot items that don't belong to you unless you have permission, even if it's something as insignificant as fine steel.

06-11-2019, 11:55 AM
This. From kill time, to 5 min, only the group/player can loot. That is their window. After that, it is indeed FFA. Like it was told to me, if you wanted it that bad, you had 3 minutes to take it. If the original developers wanted it any other way, they would pema lock the corpse as they do in WoW. In WoW if it is not your kill, you can't loot. (At least it used to be that way, years ago.)

The only time I hear whiners go off about "ninja" looting, is when quadders are so busy running around to stay live, they don't have the chance to loot their kills within that 3 minute window. Sux to be them.....

Or when someone kills something, and then switches over to an alt to loot the item. Looting their kill without their permission in that situation will get you a GM handslap. A former guildmate came across a Skyshrine corpse that was open with no one around so he looted it, only to find out the person was logging in their alt to loot, and not at all happy it had been taken off the corpse. Account suspension followed. You have no way of knowing what a person's intentions are for a mob's loot even if it appears to be rotting, so it's best to ask first. .

06-11-2019, 11:59 AM
Those terms literally mean nothing in the context of value of loot since significant or valuable changes person to person. Use your head. If you can't define what the "general consensus of significant value' is, then the qualifier is meaningless.

Anyways, GM already spoke just to say don't loot things that dont belong to you.

Its simple.

If you didn't kill it, don't loot it.
If you didn't get permission, don't loot it.

If you killed it, have permission from the killer, or have permission from your raid force, go loot it.

Jesus christ, dumb ass. Did you even read the definition of 'general'? In MOST SITUATIONS is a FS weapon considered significant or valuable on P99 blue? Every person here with an IQ over 40 knows the answer. It doesn't matter if there is one newb/moron who thinks otherwise, because 'generally' explicitly excludes exceptions. time to hire an elf lawyer to write your posts if you want to talk about rules.

06-11-2019, 11:59 AM
Calm down loser

06-11-2019, 12:05 PM
Are you hard of thinking? Have you not read anything posted in this thread and decide to just rage at not being able to ninja loot?

Then define your term of significant loot. Apparently FS weapons are not significant (4-10p) to you, or your definition. Then, is a gem @ 24p significant ("in most situations")? Or a velious gem which vendors for 50p significant ("in most situations")? I honestly have no idea what you're even trying to argue for anymore. You have given literally no examples of what you consider significant loot, and the only item you list is FS weapons.

Everyone here with an IQ over 40 can tell that significance is solely determined subjectively, so without a quantifying number next to it, it literally means nothing. Even if you say "most situations", again, what do you mean by most? Average across the whole game? Most situations per zone? If most of the loot (say in HHK gobs) is between 5-15p (besides ears) in value, is that then significant since it is the most common loot?

It doesn't matter if there is 1 person who wants to ninja loot and apparently is a moron thinks otherwise, because 'generally' is quite honestly a shit term for rules. You dont see speeding laws saying "Speeding over a significant speed" or "Speeding over a generally accepted value" cause its a shit term when you define punishments. A GM already even said not to loot other's mobs, so if you can't even read that, you may need to hire a teacher to teach you how to read, let alone trying to lawyerquest.

06-11-2019, 12:10 PM
It's hilarious when someone tries to play the game of semantics yet doesn't even understand the words they are using. If significant and valuable are undefinable/unknowable, why they specifically included in the rules? Answer the question and don't waste the bandwidth writing 6 paragraphs trying to look like you know what you are talking about when you clearly don't.

06-11-2019, 12:13 PM
Are you really still trying to argue that you can ninja loot? I see that you cannot think of any examples or new arguments yourself so you try to attack me. Good luck ninja looting in game, I'm done arguing with you.

(and for a last point, again, don't loot things you didnt kill or have permission to loot).

06-11-2019, 12:25 PM
Are you really this daft? On blue FS is not "generally regarded as significant or valuable". On green would be a different story, though. Really not complicated. I just gave you the freaking definitions of generally.

Agreed. Context.

Even on blue; sure one FS weapon probably not a huge deal to most. But FS weapons are farmed by many for plat, so they do have value in this way.

So in the example the OP gives, looting lots of fine steel probably won't end well, especially given the warning guideline stated by Landris.

06-11-2019, 12:28 PM
Its like a battle of wits minus the wits!

06-11-2019, 12:28 PM
DMN is so dumb. Stop trying to argue with him. He's a lost cause. Check his post history.

06-11-2019, 12:28 PM
Don't loot things that don't belong to you

06-11-2019, 12:35 PM
DMN is so dumb. Stop trying to argue with him. He's a lost cause. Check his post history.

Calm down loser

I love it when you destroy people so thoroughly they spend the rest of their lives tugging at your cape in hopes to give them another round. Some kind of masochistic Stockholm syndrome.

06-11-2019, 12:53 PM
I love it when you destroy people so thoroughly they spend the rest of their lives tugging at your cape in hopes to give them another round. Some kind of masochistic Stockholm syndrome.

Yeah, you're a real killer. Or you're just dumb. Either/or.

Also, stop being such a dick bag and listen to the GM. He made his point very clear.

06-11-2019, 01:01 PM
Yeah, you're a real killer. Or you're just dumb. Either/or.

Also, stop being such a dick bag and listen to the GM. He made his point very clear.

"The GM" gave specific advice for low IQ people, like you, to understand without complication. But that does not specifically speak to the original question posed in this thread.

06-11-2019, 01:11 PM
"The GM" gave specific advice for low IQ people, like you, to understand without complication. But that does not specifically speak to the original question posed in this thread.

There's no situation where it is okay to loot a corpse of something you did not kill without the permission to do so. Does that clear it up for you? I know reading is difficult for your kind.

06-11-2019, 01:13 PM
I love it when you destroy people so thoroughly they spend the rest of their lives tugging at your cape in hopes to give them another round. Some kind of masochistic Stockholm syndrome.

There are exceptions to this. I can think of two specific posters who haven't ever "thoroughly destroyed me", as far as I can recall at least. They are just assholes to everyone on the boards. So I take jabs at my leisure and at their expense because it occasionally brings me pleasure.

Feniin probably just doesn't like you. Patting yourself on the back because of a self percieved victory is disingenuous at best and isn't really fooling anyone.

06-11-2019, 01:49 PM
If a player is killing guards, well over 90% of the time they are intending to loot the FS weapons to toss into their weight reduction bags to sell to vendors later. This is especially true in Felwithe. If you are a low level player and you check a corpse that has 3 minutes or less on it and all that's on it is ringmail piece or shield, chances are excellent the person already looted the gems and weapon(s) off of the corpse and could care less about what remains.

If you are mid to high level player, shouldn't you be killing your own loot bearing mobs rather than checking out the pocket change on a corpse that doesn't belong to you?

06-11-2019, 01:52 PM
is the item tradable? if so, loot up without a word. the game already has a mechanic where if someone kills a mob, they have exclusive loot rights for a period of time. then that period wanes, and looting is ffa...

Corpses are never FFA. Once you kill a mob, its corpse is yours. You might want to loot it, you might want an alt/buyer to loot it, or you might want to let it rot to teach it a lesson. But it's never FFA, unless the person who owns it tells you its A-Okay to loot it.

Will most people care if you loot their scraps? No, probably not. But being polite doesn't cost you anything, and makes everything simple for everyone.

06-11-2019, 02:32 PM
Jesus christ, dumb ass. Did you even read the definition of 'general'? In MOST SITUATIONS is a FS weapon considered significant or valuable on P99 blue? Every person here with an IQ over 40 knows the answer. It doesn't matter if there is one newb/moron who thinks otherwise, because 'generally' explicitly excludes exceptions. time to hire an elf lawyer to write your posts if you want to talk about rules.

Lol at calling a person low IQ while ignoring the fact that the server GM already told us all flatly that you don’t loot something you don’t kill. If someone worked to kill a thing it is theirs to loot or even let rot if they so choose. Period.

There is no debate.

Value is relative. I don’t consider FS to be valuable now, but when I was new here you better bet your ass I did.

06-11-2019, 02:50 PM
Lol at calling a person low IQ while ignoring the fact that the server GM already told us all flatly that you don’t loot something you don’t kill. If someone worked to kill a thing it is theirs to loot or even let rot if they so choose. Period.

There is no debate.

Value is relative. I don’t consider FS to be valuable now, but when I was new here you better bet your ass I did.

I just answered this same idiotic claim. Learn how to read. Value of one person is irrelevant. 'Generally' only considers the majority. Basic English reading comprehension, get you some.

06-11-2019, 03:34 PM
I just answered this same idiotic claim. Learn how to read. Value of one person is irrelevant. 'Generally' only considers the majority. Basic English reading comprehension, get you some.

Do you even play this game? Serious question. No guild would have you so you're probably in some vanity guild with a bunch of other mouth breathers and wall lickers, meandering around level 30 after 7 years.

06-11-2019, 03:38 PM
I just wanted to know the general consensus on it, thanks everyone. Didn't mean to instigate a war on the subject.

06-11-2019, 03:57 PM
Given enough time, all threads here devolve to RnF. Kind of like Godwin's law, minus the Hitler part. Although I guess Hitler still comes up pretty often

06-11-2019, 03:58 PM
I just wanted to know the general consensus on it, thanks everyone. Didn't mean to instigate a war on the subject.

Yeah, it's odd how it turned out. People had views that were either valid, wrong, or just plain strange. Points were offered up, and then as usual when people are faced with either logic or common sense, reaching for name calling as a means to refute what's being claimed is the go-to. I guess I'll add to that sentiment by stating way too many people are under the influence of drugs in this game.

06-11-2019, 06:18 PM
it's because it's trying to put common sense down to words.

for the most part, we all now the so-many-times it is super okay to loot some rotting FS and nobody cares or quite the opposite and they'd probably be happy someone enjoys the 5pp instead of the item rotting if someone would ask them. These situations are easy to spot; random corpse alone, dude is killing far away and clearly not looting anything, above level for the zone, etc. many hints lead us to understand it's okay.

But if you try to draw a line, people will try to get near the line.
Don't draw a line.
Common sense should be enough.
You got what you asked for ;)

06-11-2019, 06:38 PM
it's because it's trying to put common sense down to words.

for the most part, we all now the so-many-times it is super okay to loot some rotting FS and nobody cares or quite the opposite and they'd probably be happy someone enjoys the 5pp instead of the item rotting if someone would ask them. These situations are easy to spot; random corpse alone, dude is killing far away and clearly not looting anything, above level for the zone, etc. many hints lead us to understand it's okay.

But if you try to draw a line, people will try to get near the line.
Don't draw a line.
Common sense should be enough.
You got what you asked for ;)

I think if the players of this server had a common definition of "common sense", we wouldn't even need rules or GMs in the first place.

06-11-2019, 06:44 PM
Why doesn't DMN go test whatever he believes to be true in front of a GM and report the results to us back here?

06-11-2019, 06:49 PM
I think if the players of this server had a common definition of "common sense", we wouldn't even need rules or GMs in the first place.

It's pve, if there were no GMs or riules common sense would be to ninja loot everything because there are no repercussions.

Obviously that's not quite right, you might get a bad reputation and effectively be penalized, but the rules and GM enforcement decide what is common sense and what isn't.

06-11-2019, 06:56 PM
This rule is such a waste of time.

You should be allowed to loot any corpse that is unlocked.

That being said, I have no intention of getting banned over fine steel.

06-11-2019, 07:13 PM
As long as it's tradeable I would say anything should be free to loot if you aren't grouped with the party that killed it. I mean there's little excuse to not loot something before the corpse unlocks. I've been in scenarios where it's happened.. say duoing in LCY when hands trains 20 mobs on us and we have to kill them all. It happens, but super rarely and what are the odds anything meaningful drops. As for no drop stuff there is viable reasons for not instantly looting it so it should be protected by this rule.

I mean in general you could just say "don't be an asshole" but most of the players seem to be of a certain mindset. The kind of people who see some news propaganda and vocally agree with it even though they are alone in a room. It's not that I'm an advocate for ninja looting, it's just where I'm from ninjas don't sit on their hands for 2 minutes doing nothing. Just feels like a pointless rule that feels more necessary because of people acting like pricks.

But rules are rules.. you aren't supposed to loot anything you didn't kill/win. I agree with that, but we've all been in situations where the slayer wasn't around and we snagged some free loot, likewise people have taken our loot too. In the end no one really cares 'cuz no one is leaving anything worthwhile around.

06-11-2019, 07:28 PM
for the most part, we all now the so-many-times it is super okay to loot some rotting FS and nobody cares or quite the opposite and they'd probably be happy someone enjoys the 5pp instead of the item rotting if someone would ask them. These situations are easy to spot; random corpse alone, dude is killing far away and clearly not looting anything, above level for the zone, etc. many hints lead us to understand it's okay.

I think that's absolutely the case and most here understand that the majority of the time the person doing the killing doesn't care. Having said that, the very first time somebody does care, having looted a thing you didn't kill you'll find yourself squarely in the wrong and at the mercy of the GMs - warning/suspension/ban.

The rule is easy: If you didn't kill it you don't get to loot it.

The etiquette: Assume nothing and just ask the person who killed it if it's ok. It's the nice thing to do.

06-11-2019, 07:39 PM
I been looting shit for generations, never been suspended.

06-14-2019, 02:23 AM
There's a reason why corpses unlocked before rotting on live. If the developers had wanted to perma-lock to the owner, or give the owner the ability to unlock with a click, they could have easily written that code but they did not.

The truth of this thread is that unlocked corpses were intended to be FFA, but because the GM's here don't wanna deal with griefers and dickheads they simplify their lives by creating a rule that overrides a classic mechanic.

So the rule is not classic, like many things on the server, but it's not necessarily a bad thing either. This server has it's own unique identity and I'm not going to bitch about little quality of life rules being implemented.

06-14-2019, 10:10 AM
Context matters.

Killer left a corpse with a valuable item on it? Better ask just in case.

Killer leaving fine steel behind as they mow down high keep guards? Probably fine, might wanna ask if you're gonna do it a lot.

06-14-2019, 10:13 AM
I like how people keep posting their irrelevant opinions in here as if a GM didnt already come and post the ruling in here.

06-14-2019, 10:15 AM
I like how people keep posting their irrelevant opinions in here as if a GM didnt already come and post the ruling in here.

True. That said, I'd like to think people aren't dickish enough to petition cause a newbie loots a rotting fine steel long sword off a dead guard they were too lazy to loot in time. That's probably giving some people too much credit though.

06-14-2019, 11:11 AM
The truth of this thread is that unlocked corpses were intended to be FFA, but because the GM's here don't wanna deal with griefers and dickheads they simplify their lives by creating a rule that overrides a classic mechanic.

I don't think you could follow a raid around and wait for the timer to expire while slamming your /loot hotkey to snag some items during any point on live.

06-14-2019, 11:14 AM
This. From kill time, to 5 min, only the group/player can loot. That is their window. After that, it is indeed FFA. Like it was told to me, if you wanted it that bad, you had 3 minutes to take it.

absolutely blown away anyone could actually think this is correct. there's no way this isn't a troll post right?

06-14-2019, 02:05 PM
So we just had a Rogue in High Keep whining that he was unfairly kicked from his group because he was pickpocketing the goblins, denying the rest of his party their loot, including ears. Is this against the rules and the PnP as well, or just scummy, frowned upon behavior but not in violation of anything?

06-14-2019, 02:10 PM
I like this guy... he keeps properly bringing cases here to Elf Court for the rules lawyers to make their arguments. Move to RnF for advanced lawyering.

06-14-2019, 02:16 PM
I like this guy... he keeps properly bringing cases here to Elf Court for the rules lawyers to make their arguments. Move to RnF for advanced lawyering.

Hey, I didn't name'n'shame the guy at least. I just wanted to know what the consensus was on this matter, because the guy literally outed himself for it and then complained when everyone else said he deserved it.

06-14-2019, 02:27 PM
It was non-sarcastic praise... we thrive on Elf Court proceedings here. :)

06-14-2019, 02:28 PM
It was non-sarcastic praise... we thrive on Elf Court proceedings here. :)

In that case, how does the Defendant plead?

06-14-2019, 03:07 PM
Referring to the Project 1999 Guidebook:

Prohibited per Paragraph 11:
"using deception to deprive another player of items"

Prohibited per Paragraph 13:
"Though EverQuest is a Role-playing game, the claim of "Role-play" will not be accepted in defense of any of the anti-social behaviors mentioned above. We strongly encourage role-playing, but cannot allow it to be done at the expense of others."

I find the defendant GUILTY of violating these rules.

However, I'm sure I will be out-maneuvered by more experienced elf lawyers.

06-14-2019, 03:19 PM
Referring to the Project 1999 Guidebook:

Prohibited per Paragraph 11:
"using deception to deprive another player of items"

Prohibited per Paragraph 13:
"Though EverQuest is a Role-playing game, the claim of "Role-play" will not be accepted in defense of any of the anti-social behaviors mentioned above. We strongly encourage role-playing, but cannot allow it to be done at the expense of others."

I find the defendant GUILTY of violating these rules.

However, I'm sure I will be out-maneuvered by more experienced elf lawyers.

I think you're correct, but I'm too lazy to search the forums to prove as much (I know pick-pocketing has come up here before).

But really all this talk of pickpocketing just reminds me of ... who was it, JimJam? Skarlorn? Whoever it was who wrote that epic post about pickpocketing Seafuries back in the day. Good times :)

EDIT: It was Skarlorn (https://www.project1999.com/forums/showthread.php?t=277707).

06-14-2019, 03:29 PM
Hey, I didn't name'n'shame the guy at least. I just wanted to know what the consensus was on this matter, because the guy literally outed himself for it and then complained when everyone else said he deserved it.


06-14-2019, 03:35 PM

Welp, since someone else did it for me, yes, that's the guy.

06-14-2019, 03:47 PM
Welp, since someone else did it for me, yes, that's the guy.

Oh I was just gonna post one rogue's name at a time. Thanks for confirming and outing the guy!

06-14-2019, 03:56 PM
Oh I was just gonna post one rogue's name at a time. Thanks for confirming and outing the guy!

You sly devil, you.

06-14-2019, 03:57 PM
If you're really role playing a rogue well, you'd never get caught in the act, such as stealing a book...

06-14-2019, 03:58 PM
If you're really role playing a rogue well, you'd never get caught in the act, such as stealing a book...

Except for the fact that the enemy will call you out for it. Goblins kept saying "Stop, thief!".

06-14-2019, 04:04 PM
And after the goblins called him out by name, he blamed some poor little broke rogue named Raveneo. Stole his ears then slandered his name :(. He will be emotionally scarred for life.

06-14-2019, 04:17 PM
DUDE! I was grinding a little with him last night.. no wonder it took 3 rotations on mobs to get anything, of course I was Chain pulling whole time so I did not see the act.

06-14-2019, 05:02 PM
You wouldn't download an ear.

06-14-2019, 05:25 PM
its better to ask for forgiveness later, than permission now...

wait.. is that how it goes?

06-15-2019, 08:03 AM
So if i'm reading this right, just regard the player before you loot their stuff and you're good.

sounds like something Ron Swanson would do.

"You are a player, and I have regarded you. Now, I will take the items that I want off of these corpses. Good day."

06-15-2019, 09:47 AM
Years back I petitioned a rogue outside the group for pick pocketing the bugs in seb when they were pickpocket-able. At the time, black sapphires were worth a couple thousand plat, blue diamands at least a thousand and jacinth 500p, so it wasn't just a small jerky annoyance. The GM at the time, Amelinda replied that it was a rogue skill and that it was just part of the game, even though the rogue had nothing to do with killing the mob, had no chance of aggroing the mob to put himself at risk and was literally stealing our loot. I don't know what the current GM's think on this these days, but it did indeed suck.

06-15-2019, 12:12 PM
Are you really this daft? On blue FS is not "generally regarded as significant or valuable". On green would be a different story, though. Really not complicated. I just gave you the freaking definitions of generally.

Did you not see Llandris just tell everyone to not loot stuff that is not your own, DMN? everyone, enjoy your suspensions.

06-15-2019, 12:19 PM
Funny how this thread is here after my unfortunate event yesterday. This is probably better in RnF but hey..

Chairforceone (sp) 51 druid and whatever level monk decided to loot my Ice Burrower Skin in WW when I went to switch to my monk.

They had complained that they spent hours killing them and never seen one drop, I got one to drop on my first kill. Swap over and no corpse to be found.

Can't 100% say they looted because I didnt see it happen, but the coincidence of her sending me a tell about it mid-kite and conveniently not being online the rest of the day makes me suspicious.

06-15-2019, 12:25 PM
Funny how this thread is here after my unfortunate event yesterday. This is probably better in RnF but hey..

Chairforceone (sp) 51 druid and whatever level monk decided to loot my Ice Burrower Skin in WW when I went to switch to my monk.

They had complained that they spent hours killing them and never seen one drop, I got one to drop on my first kill. Swap over and no corpse to be found.

Can't 100% say they looted because I didnt see it happen, but the coincidence of her sending me a tell about it mid-kite and conveniently not being online the rest of the day makes me suspicious.

I know if you drop something, and someone else picks it up, the staff can see that and tell you who took your item. If you petition with the exact time it's possible they might be able to see who did it ... but I'm honestly not sure what information they have available.

06-15-2019, 12:34 PM
I know if you drop something, and someone else picks it up, the staff can see that and tell you who took your item. If you petition with the exact time it's possible they might be able to see who did it ... but I'm honestly not sure what information they have available.

It crossed my mind, but honestly little shit moments like that aren't about to ruin my day. I planned to kill more burrowers for the silk to sell, I'm sure I'll see another skin.

06-15-2019, 01:44 PM
I suggest 250 ports refusing tips and 10 hours monk PLing with no fee as community service penance for these accused crimes.

06-15-2019, 01:45 PM
Did you not see Llandris just tell everyone to not loot stuff that is not your own, DMN? everyone, enjoy your suspensions.

This is idiotic "point" has been addressed. All aboard the dumb ass train! We got a lot of riders in this thread.

06-15-2019, 02:33 PM
Choo Choo! All Aboard, Conductor DMN here to deliver us unto the promised land.

06-15-2019, 03:16 PM
This is idiotic "point" has been addressed. All aboard the dumb ass train! We got a lot of riders in this thread.

Have you ever thought that maybe, if everyone else thinks you're wrong, and you're the only one who thinks you're right ... maybe, just maybe, you're actually wrong?

It must be so tiring being constantly certain that you're right about everything (Trump-like) in spite of all of the mountains of evidence to the contrary around you in that crazy place called reality.

06-15-2019, 03:24 PM
I wonder how many pages it will take to clear this up.

06-15-2019, 03:49 PM
Have you ever thought that maybe, if everyone else thinks you're wrong, and you're the only one who thinks you're right ... maybe, just maybe, you're actually wrong?

It must be so tiring being constantly certain that you're right about everything (Trump-like) in spite of all of the mountains of evidence to the contrary around you in that crazy place called reality.

Lol. Mountainous? Perhaps for a toddler.

"Wahndris say-id so"

Really convincing. So tell me, sans the shoe polish breath, what exactly is the "server rule" when the written rules and one specific GM's own version of that rule contradict?

06-15-2019, 04:10 PM
Llandris is the lead server GM you twat.

06-15-2019, 04:17 PM
there's no rule against being dumb :)

06-15-2019, 04:18 PM
Sadly, far too many people exploit that fact.

06-15-2019, 04:23 PM
Llandris is the lead server GM you twat.

His contradictory version of a rule will only be relevant when he's answering a petition. And i surely hope he doesn't enforce it as he said. You can't expect the hoi polloi to read every dumb ass rando forum post in the hopes that some GM decided to visit it and deliver a new version of an already established rule. i'm sure some cancerous clowns will be more than ready to run through a newbie zone flattening everything only to petition the noob looting his bat wings. Genius idea.

06-15-2019, 04:37 PM
Do you even play on this server? Or are you just some weird forum goblin?

06-15-2019, 04:43 PM
Do you even play on this server? Or are you just some weird forum goblin?

Living in your head rent free isn't as bad as I imagined. The echo makes it great for yodeling.

06-15-2019, 05:20 PM
Imagine picking this stupid-ass topic as the the retard-sword you’re going to die on.

DMN, what’s your hope here? To finally pull your sweatpants up over your gut, and bellow in your basement “I gottem! I proved my point so hard that now everyone knows I’m right!”

06-15-2019, 05:26 PM
I apologize, I didn't mean to instigate the kind of drama this thread has propogated. I merely wanted to know exactly how the community felt about this matter. I probably should've just read the server rules more carefully on this matter, but it seemed like a little bit of a grey area.

06-15-2019, 05:27 PM
How dare you start this thread, loadsamoney.

06-15-2019, 05:27 PM
How dare you start this thread, loadsamoney.

I know, I deserve a ban for it.

(really though, I didn't mean to start this kind of feud)

06-15-2019, 05:27 PM
I know, I deserve a ban for it.


(really though, I didn't mean to start this kind of feud)

I think they're all arguing about something else and just using this rule as the excuse.

06-15-2019, 05:39 PM
His contradictory version of a rule will only be relevant when he's answering a petition. And i surely hope he doesn't enforce it as he said. You can't expect the hoi polloi to read every dumb ass rando forum post in the hopes that some GM decided to visit it and deliver a new version of an already established rule. i'm sure some cancerous clowns will be more than ready to run through a newbie zone flattening everything only to petition the noob looting his bat wings. Genius idea.

No idea who you are or why you deem it necessary to bring RnF into server chat but I think it's time you had yourself a little break from the elf forums. I apologize to anyone who had to read this persons posts from the past few days

06-15-2019, 06:37 PM
No idea who you are or why you deem it necessary to bring RnF into server chat but I think it's time you had yourself a little break from the elf forums. I apologize to anyone who had to read this persons posts from the past few days

If I may ask, can we get an official word on Rogues pickpocking the targets of others, both solo and in groups? I didn't see if it was answered before, but someone named earlier in this thread copped to it in open chat and was publically shamed and petitioned for it, and I'd like to know what a GM says about such an act.

06-15-2019, 06:46 PM

06-15-2019, 08:26 PM
what I dont get is that everyone agreed but they were still arguing lol I re read the whole thing, everyone was saying the same thing lol

06-15-2019, 11:11 PM
So I could, for instance, kill the AC on my necro. Then, log onto my enchanter who is camped at the spawn to loot the corpse without fear of someone stealing it? And if someone does steal the ring I could petition them? I still own the corpse even on another character?

06-16-2019, 12:44 PM
So I could, for instance, kill the AC on my necro. Then, log onto my enchanter who is camped at the spawn to loot the corpse without fear of someone stealing it? And if someone does steal the ring I could petition them? I still own the corpse even on another character?

Yes. I do exactly this with every alt I make and have never had somebody even near AC's corpse while I relog.
I don't even always say anything, just inform whoever was next on the list that they're up and camp out.

Everybody just minds their own business chillin at the flat spot on the side of the hill. Pretty sure everyone knows that an AC corpse isn't ffa. Never in my mind have I thought that someone would just loot the corpse, I couldn't even put myself in that person's mindset, like wtf would they be thinking while looting it?

You can expect people saying grats then ignoring the corpse. I can't see it going any other way. If someone does take it, you can expect it back once a gm addresses it anyways. The ninja would only be delaying you slightly. The people who police the server don't want those type of people around either.

06-16-2019, 12:48 PM
Sorry for the double post.

Worst case, they put the ring in the inventory of the character you killed him with, then you get a friend to hail lock Hasten while you self mq.

06-16-2019, 06:33 PM
In the case of fine steel I treat looting like farts. Ideally only don’t when people aren’t in the area. If they are hovering near you and haven’t looted it yet at the least you are being impolite.

The kill/loot with another toon thing is interesting. Would it be helpful to turn log on and announce to the zone or would a GM just track the dialogue back to the time of occurrence?

06-16-2019, 09:35 PM
Shouldnt have to announce, seeing as how you should never loot without permission. If, say, AC ring is ninja looted, its easily found out by a GM.

06-16-2019, 09:41 PM
as they stand on this, the rules are not fucking classic

06-16-2019, 09:52 PM
as they stand on this, the rules are not fucking classic

Says who? I definitely know on my server on live looting something without consent was called Ninja looting and not permitted.

Also, why are people so mad about this? What is the intense desire to just take shit from mobs you didn't kill?

06-17-2019, 08:28 AM
the intense desire to just take shit from mobs you didn't kill

Basically that

06-17-2019, 11:55 PM
No idea who you are or why you deem it necessary to bring RnF into server chat but I think it's time you had yourself a little break from the elf forums. I apologize to anyone who had to read this persons posts from the past few days

Llandris doing the lord’s work.

Thanks for putting the toxic man-toddler in time out.

06-18-2019, 12:13 AM
Yes. I do exactly this with every alt I make and have never had somebody even near AC's corpse while I relog.
I don't even always say anything, just inform whoever was next on the list that they're up and camp out.

Everybody just minds their own business chillin at the flat spot on the side of the hill. Pretty sure everyone knows that an AC corpse isn't ffa. Never in my mind have I thought that someone would just loot the corpse, I couldn't even put myself in that person's mindset, like wtf would they be thinking while looting it?

You can expect people saying grats then ignoring the corpse. I can't see it going any other way. If someone does take it, you can expect it back once a gm addresses it anyways. The ninja would only be delaying you slightly. The people who police the server don't want those type of people around either.

How is that allowed? The character who killed the mob leaves the game. That alone should forfeit any right you had to the mob(baring a disconnect of course). Why should someone be punished for walking by, at the time you are logging in your alt, and looting the item? Is it worded like you said in the rules are is this some kinda unwritten rule everyone should know? Of course the example you give is a extreme one. Everyone knows the AC and the camp but what about other camps. I cant even get a camp for my epic because people solo camp the item for raiding and now, if the rules are like you say, they can camp it for their alts and I am just SoL.

06-18-2019, 01:01 AM
How is that allowed? The character who killed the mob leaves the game. That alone should forfeit any right you had to the mob(baring a disconnect of course). Why should someone be punished for walking by, at the time you are logging in your alt, and looting the item? Is it worded like you said in the rules are is this some kinda unwritten rule everyone should know? Of course the example you give is a extreme one. Everyone knows the AC and the camp but what about other camps. I cant even get a camp for my epic because people solo camp the item for raiding and now, if the rules are like you say, they can camp it for their alts and I am just SoL.

llandris just nip this one in the bud and ban this person now lol

06-18-2019, 01:42 AM
Really? 13 pages and (multiple) GM response and people still want to argue for ninja looting? lol

06-18-2019, 01:47 AM
How is that allowed? The character who killed the mob leaves the game. That alone should forfeit any right you had to the mob(baring a disconnect of course). Why should someone be punished for walking by, at the time you are logging in your alt, and looting the item? Is it worded like you said in the rules are is this some kinda unwritten rule everyone should know? Of course the example you give is a extreme one. Everyone knows the AC and the camp but what about other camps. I cant even get a camp for my epic because people solo camp the item for raiding and now, if the rules are like you say, they can camp it for their alts and I am just SoL.

If you didn’t kill it, you don’t loot it.

JFC this really isn’t that hard to understand. It’s a really simple concept.

06-18-2019, 10:23 AM
How is that allowed? The character who killed the mob leaves the game. That alone should forfeit any right you had to the mob(baring a disconnect of course). Why should someone be punished for walking by, at the time you are logging in your alt, and looting the item? Is it worded like you said in the rules are is this some kinda unwritten rule everyone should know? Of course the example you give is a extreme one. Everyone knows the AC and the camp but what about other camps. I cant even get a camp for my epic because people solo camp the item for raiding and now, if the rules are like you say, they can camp it for their alts and I am just SoL.

You're thinking like a player. Players want the best rules possible for them. Our all-volunteer CSR staff thinks ... like an all-volunteer staff team.

If for them it's easier to just say "don't loot what isn't yours", then we should all just be appreciative that we get to play on a box where people volunteer their time to enforce any rules whatsoever.

06-18-2019, 11:14 AM
If i walk by a mob and check it for loot, and it has something of value, i will /who to see who is in zone. If no one is in zone, then the loot really should be FFA. At that point i have no idea whether someone didn't need it an left, logged out, LD'ed, is switching toon's, etc, but the loot is sitting there with no one even in the zone.

If the rules state i could get in trouble for doing that, then there is something seriously wrong with the rules. Even on live they wouldn't enforce "loot rights" for someone who logged out completely on their own.

06-18-2019, 11:22 AM
If i walk by a mob and check it for loot, and it has something of value, i will /who to see who is in zone. If no one is in zone, then the loot really should be FFA. At that point i have no idea whether someone didn't need it an left, logged out, LD'ed, is switching toon's, etc, but the loot is sitting there with no one even in the zone.

If the rules state i could get in trouble for doing that, then there is something seriously wrong with the rules. Even on live they wouldn't enforce "loot rights" for someone who logged out completely on their own.

Look, this isn't some Zen koan about "if a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?". If there's literally no one in the zone, and you sit and wait for the corpse's timer to almost expire, then there's no one to petition you, and these rules will never even come up.

But if I told my friend Bob he could have some item on a corpse, and then I log, and you show up and /who one second before Bob zones in, why do you have more right to loot it than Bob? And regardless of what you think, you're playing on someone else's server, and they set the rules, not you or me.

Project 1999 may have classic EverQuest as a goal, but it does not have a classic team of paid GMs and sort-of-paid (with free EQ accounts) guides. So it really doesn't matter what you or any player thinks is fair or classic, what matters is what an all-volunteer team can and will actually be able to enforce.

Like I said before, the all-volunteer staff is going to enforce the rules that they think make sense to enforce, and we should all be grateful that they even volunteer their time for us, so that we get to play on a server with any rules at all. This server would be nowhere near as successful without them.

06-18-2019, 11:33 AM
Look, this isn't some Zen koan about "if a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?". If there's literally no one in the zone, and you sit and wait for the corpse's timer to almost expire, then there's no one to petition you, and these rules will never even come up.

But if I told my friend Bob he could have some item on a corpse, and then I log, and you show up and /who one second before Bob zones in, why do you have more right to loot it than Bob? And regardless of what you think, you're playing on someone else's server, and they set the rules, not you or me.

Project 1999 may have classic EverQuest as a goal, but it does not have a classic team of paid GMs and sort-of-paid (with free EQ accounts) guides. So it really doesn't matter what you or any player thinks is fair or classic, what matters is what an all-volunteer team can and will actually be able to enforce.

Like I said before, the all-volunteer staff is going to enforce the rules that they think make sense to enforce, and we should all be grateful that they even volunteer their time for us, so that we get to play on a server with any rules at all. This server would be nowhere near as successful without them.

Again, if someone logs out and leaves a corpse in a zone with absolutely no one in it, not even their friend, then the loot should be considered abandoned.

You can white knight all you want. But its ridiculous to say that items left on corpses with no one in the zone should not be looted because someone who isn't even in game anymore doesn't want you to loot it. Ridiculous, plain and simple, regardless of if it is a rule or not.

06-18-2019, 11:51 AM
Again, if someone logs out and leaves a corpse in a zone with absolutely no one in it, not even their friend, then the loot should be considered abandoned.

You can white knight all you want. But its ridiculous to say that items left on corpses with no one in the zone should not be looted because someone who isn't even in game anymore doesn't want you to loot it. Ridiculous, plain and simple, regardless of if it is a rule or not.

And it's ridiculous that you think that just because you play on this server you get to dictate how the team of volunteers that runs it decides what rules they're going to enforce and how.

This server is not just for you, it's for literally thousands of other players, and the rules exist to serve all of them.

06-18-2019, 11:54 AM
If i walk by a mob and check it for loot, and it has something of value, i will /who to see who is in zone. If no one is in zone, then the loot really should be FFA. At that point i have no idea whether someone didn't need it an left, logged out, LD'ed, is switching toon's, etc, but the loot is sitting there with no one even in the zone.

If the rules state i could get in trouble for doing that, then there is something seriously wrong with the rules. Even on live they wouldn't enforce "loot rights" for someone who logged out completely on their own.

Let's follow this simple Flow chart.

Did you kill it? [Yes/No]
If Yes: Loot it.
If No: Do not loot it.

There's no grey area.

06-18-2019, 12:20 PM
Don't loot things that don't belong to you

(for the 1000th time)

06-18-2019, 12:30 PM
And it's ridiculous that you think that just because you play on this server you get to dictate how the team of volunteers that runs it decides what rules they're going to enforce and how.

This server is not just for you, it's for literally thousands of other players, and the rules exist to serve all of them.

I'm not trying to dictate anything actually. I'm just stating my opinion that if someone who killed something is no longer in game and the timer, specifically built into the game to make sure that people can't ninja loot your items, is up it is ridiculous that you can get in trouble for looting the items.

No matter how you spin this, no matter how many times you say "its their sandbox, you just play in it", no matter how many times you try to justify it by saying "what if they have friends coming", it wont change the absurdity of the whole premise of this.

That is the rule and people, including myself, will follow it. But that doesn't mean it isn't wrong.

Shit, never mind, i'm not allowed to have an opinion, because you work on the Wiki and said that my opinion is wrong.

06-18-2019, 12:47 PM
I'm not trying to dictate anything actually. I'm just stating my opinion that if someone who killed something is no longer in game and the timer, specifically built into the game to make sure that people can't ninja loot your items, is up it is ridiculous that you can get in trouble for looting the items.

No matter how you spin this, no matter how many times you say "its their sandbox, you just play in it", no matter how many times you try to justify it by saying "what if they have friends coming", it wont change the absurdity of the whole premise of this.

That is the rule and people, including myself, will follow it. But that doesn't mean it isn't wrong.

Shit, never mind, i'm not allowed to have an opinion, because you work on the Wiki and said that my opinion is wrong.

Everyone is allowed to their opinion ... but if they air it in public they better be ready for people to disagree with them.

Meanwhile, you left out a crucial "no matter":

No matter how you spin this, no matter how many times you say "its their sandbox, you just play in it", no matter how many times you try to justify it by saying "what if they have friends coming", it wont change the absurdity of the whole premise of this.

"No matter how much extra effort it takes our all volunteer staff to implement the 'let me loot other people's efforts" rules, which I personally feel are "right", I want them to enforce those rules (presumably at a cost of enforcing other server rules)."

06-18-2019, 12:48 PM
14 pages about fine steel swords in 2019

06-18-2019, 12:54 PM
Everyone is allowed to their opinion ... but if they air it in public they better be ready for people to disagree with them.

Meanwhile, you left out a crucial "no matter":

"No matter how much extra effort it takes our all volunteer staff to implement the 'let me loot other people's efforts" rules, which I personally feel are "right", I want them to enforce those rules (presumably at a cost of enforcing other server rules)."

"You let the corpse timer expire without locking the corpse, it is what it is" seems a lot easier than having to look into someone saying "Well, my friend said i could loot an item, and then he logged out, and some random walked by and looted it, but i wasn't in zone yet, but i think it may be this person, because they were in the zone as well. Can you please look into it??"

06-18-2019, 01:03 PM
"You let the corpse timer expire without locking the corpse, it is what it is" seems a lot easier than having to look into someone saying "Well, my friend said i could loot an item, and then he logged out, and some random walked by and looted it, but i wasn't in zone yet, but i think it may be this person, because they were in the zone as well. Can you please look into it??"

... and if players were actually flooding the staff with requests like that, then I'd imagine they'd change the rules.

But since no one is making petitions like that, I'm guessing they're still finding it plenty easy to just say "don't loot what isn't yours".

Also, you seem to be confusing the GM's punishing of rules-breakers for GMs protecting stuff. Nothing about "you can get in trouble if you loot something that wasn't your's" in any way guarantees that the GMs are going to let Bob loot the corpse either. If you loot it, and Bob petitions, if anything I would expect the staff to take the item and then none of you get it; I wouldn't expect them to give it to Bob.

My point in all this is, the staff isn't looking at this the way you are, from the perspective of a single player who wants to loot what other people killed. They're looking at it as, we've got a lot of rules to enforce (based on expectations players have from their paid live days), so let's keep them simple and make it easy (or at least possible) for us to do so.

06-18-2019, 01:07 PM
Or maybe the general rule would be: If you aren't asked not to loot it feel free but know a GM may contact you in the future with TBD repercussions..

If you didn't kill it, you didn't earn it. If it's FS that's one thing but I expect the ancient cyclops or quillmane with a cloak was intended to be looted. People aren't there XP'ing off these mobs...

06-18-2019, 01:09 PM
I think most players would rather not have to worry about locking corpses. Better you can swap to an alt or give your group/raid time to allocate.

It's better that the rule is how it is. The soft lockout timer is only to prevent the most egregious cases

06-18-2019, 01:36 PM
Boy I hope we can figure this out soon (very simple and clear rule posted on page 1)


06-18-2019, 02:17 PM
llandris just nip this one in the bud and ban this person now lol
Why? I am asking a legit question. I want to know this. I am not trolling or trying to antagonise anyone. If you do not wish to answer or can not answer then do not replay.

06-18-2019, 02:26 PM
If you didn’t kill it, you don’t loot it.

JFC this really isn’t that hard to understand. It’s a really simple concept.

Ok. So if someone kills Quill and does not loot it no one running by can loot it or they can be banned. Then whats to stop someone from just troll camping mobs like the AC? Killing it to let it rot. I assume this has already been though about. Is there no recourse for someone doing this? I ask these questions because unlike other MMOs/Online games their is more nuance to the rules here.

06-18-2019, 02:36 PM
llandris just nip this one in the bud and ban this person now lol


06-18-2019, 02:45 PM
Ok. So if someone kills Quill and does not loot it no one running by can loot it or they can be banned. Then whats to stop someone from just troll camping mobs like the AC? Killing it to let it rot. I assume this has already been though about. Is there no recourse for someone doing this? I ask these questions because unlike other MMOs/Online games their is more nuance to the rules here.

You kill the mob, you decide what to do with loot and no one else. Its not really troll camping if they're actually camping it. If someone wants to spend 14 hours to camp a mob and let the item rot, well they earned the right to. You are not entitled to it no matter what you think.

06-18-2019, 03:15 PM
You kill the mob, you decide what to do with loot and no one else. Its not really troll camping if they're actually camping it. If someone wants to spend 14 hours to camp a mob and let the item rot, well they earned the right to. You are not entitled to it no matter what you think.

Pretty much.

But once a lore item drops, they must move on if another player wants the camp.

In the case of AC, his ring is a 100% drop rate. If they want to let that ring rot or destroy it sure, but they have to give up that camp.

06-18-2019, 05:31 PM
14 pages about fine steel swords in 2019

Gotta brush up on the rules-lawyering for newbie content before Green server launches somehow.

06-18-2019, 05:55 PM
hey fun fact Menden (I think that was you right?) and I had to change my name cus of my potty mouth sense of humor and we randomly changed it to Shoveler.

If you want that name real bad, Ill figure out a way to get it to you Yendor.

Someone told me there was a guy who walked around these servers chanting that he was the shoveler haha I was thinking "thats crazy"

Then I see you post here the other day lol

06-18-2019, 08:54 PM
hey fun fact Menden (I think that was you right?) and I had to change my name cus of my potty mouth sense of humor and we randomly changed it to Shoveler.

If you want that name real bad, Ill figure out a way to get it to you Yendor.

Someone told me there was a guy who walked around these servers chanting that he was the shoveler haha I was thinking "thats crazy"

Then I see you post here the other day lol

Lol, naw i'm good... been using this name and doing The Shoveler schtick since '99 on the Xegony server.

06-18-2019, 08:58 PM
we f(*&d up, menden lol

06-18-2019, 09:14 PM
we f(*&d up, menden lol

You're fine... i play like 2 hours a week.

But you're now committed to pick up an abandoned orc shovel out of Lake Rathe and spend your time helping out newbies... with a great name comes great responsibility.

06-18-2019, 09:33 PM
Lol, naw i'm good... been using this name and doing The Shoveler schtick since '99 on the Xegony server.

Yendor once ninjalooted a shovel in my Cazic pug. Uthgaard said it was fine, because he's The Shoveler and had all loot rights to every shovel. It was quite disparaging. I'll never get to be a shoveler.

06-18-2019, 09:34 PM
You're fine... i play like 2 hours a week.

But you're now committed to pick up an abandoned orc shovel out of Lake Rathe and spend your time helping out newbies... with a great name comes great responsibility.


can I use my weeharvester tho, sir.

06-24-2019, 09:04 PM
Better Call Juntsie

06-27-2019, 12:04 PM
ROFL at all the lawyer-questing on this sad server.

06-28-2019, 12:33 PM
So do these same rules apply to people doing bag drop transfers?

06-28-2019, 02:00 PM
So do these same rules apply to people doing bag drop transfers?

Not at all. The moment you drop a bag, it's no longer your's, period.

Now, if you do a drop transfer and someone takes your item, I think the staff will tell you who took it so you can politely ask for it back ... but they won't force the person to give it back.

However if you drop something and no one picks it up (it just rots) then I believe the staff will restore your item (on their usual timetable for restoring lost stuff, which I've heard can sometimes take weeks).

06-28-2019, 05:59 PM
So do these same rules apply to people doing bag drop transfers?

Or what if someone were to temporarily sell an item to a vendor but another player buys it before the first player can purchase it back?

06-28-2019, 07:00 PM
Or what if someone were to temporarily sell an item to a vendor but another player buys it before the first player can purchase it back?

then they will incur wrath.

06-28-2019, 08:00 PM
Jeremy will send packets of death after them.

09-17-2019, 03:41 PM
Thankfully with lists. We dont have to worry.

09-19-2019, 05:04 AM
It is sometimes possible to target the corpse, go behind a wall or object, and /loot it.

JK! I'd suggest asking.

09-19-2019, 11:31 AM
If I see someone killing stuff and letting it rot I'm gonna loot it. I know the difference between someone piling up the corpses for a mass loot and someone just letting stuff rot because they're just leveling up a twink. And that's why no one is going to petition me and get a GM involved.

09-19-2019, 11:50 AM
If I see someone killing stuff and letting it rot I'm gonna loot it. I know the difference between someone piling up the corpses for a mass loot and someone just letting stuff rot because they're just leveling up a twink. And that's why no one is going to petition me and get a GM involved.

Doesn't hurt to ask first. "Hey, you looting those? No? Mind if I do?"

There's a quest I've run a lot where everything drops nearby at a popular camp for high-levels - one of those "it can spawn in any spot so kill them all" kinda camps. I used to ask if I could loot the quest pieces - usually the camper would let me loot whatever I wanted.

The XP's still pretty good at 38; the difference is I can partially do the camp myself (I can kill the named, but I can't clear *everything* by the time repops show up)

09-19-2019, 11:53 AM
If I see someone killing stuff and letting it rot I'm gonna loot it. I know the difference between someone piling up the corpses for a mass loot and someone just letting stuff rot because they're just leveling up a twink. And that's why no one is going to petition me and get a GM involved.


09-19-2019, 11:57 AM

09-19-2019, 01:00 PM
Why is this thread so long?

Chortles Snort|eS
09-19-2019, 01:06 PM
Fine Steel Sword not up