View Full Version : Necros - what does your spellbook look like?

05-25-2019, 08:05 PM
Hey. Just wanted to see the general gist of how others lay out their spells in their book for quick swaps. :)

First 6 pages, boiz.




05-26-2019, 12:41 AM
The outside is the spellbook covers but the inside is the latest issue of Big'Ems...

05-26-2019, 07:15 AM
I put all my core spells in the first 2-4 pages, and all of my frequent "swap" spells on page one(things like dispel and 30 sec root).

05-27-2019, 02:53 AM
First pages are things I use a lot (or important to access quickly) like gate, pet summon, DMF, root, FD etc. followed by dots, then other things grouped by category like undead only spells, or invis line/related spells. Outdated spells are moved to the back unless I sometimes use downranked versions like undead fear or darkness line snares.

05-27-2019, 11:02 AM
I use /book macros so the page numbers are kind of irrelevant

But I have 2 pages for dots assorted for types (FR PR MR, then DR on the next page since I never use them)

Then I have a what I call on my enchanter the buff page but for my enchanter it's just kindof the bread and butter stuff (DMF, FD, lich varieties, lifetaps, fear)

Then I have another I call utility and it's SB, twitch, harmshield, veil, the FR/CR nukes, root, lull, charm etc

I've grown to really like using these / book commands because flipping pages is just so slow to me and I can swap spells in the time it takes me to stun a mob. With necro it's not *as* big of a deal imo but being able to grab a spell you're looking for faster is always better.

05-28-2019, 10:57 AM
First pages are things I use a lot (or important to access quickly) like gate, pet summon, DMF, root, FD etc. followed by dots, then other things grouped by category like undead only spells, or invis line/related spells. Outdated spells are moved to the back unless I sometimes use downranked versions like undead fear or darkness line snares.

05-28-2019, 11:13 AM
Thanks for sharing and starting this thread! Interesting stuff. I clearly need to put a little more thought into my respective spellbooks' organization (not just on my necro)

05-29-2019, 11:45 PM
Same strategy any efficient caster employs. Spells used all the time are close to the front. Rest are buried in the back.