View Full Version : Macro for clicky?

05-12-2019, 03:47 PM
How do you guys use clickies with a hot button or macro? I've tried putting the item in a hot button slot and hitting that key but it does nothing.

05-12-2019, 04:51 PM
There is no way to do this and still follow the rules of the server.

05-12-2019, 04:54 PM
There's two different things: hotbars and macros.

First off, items in bags, or clickies that have to be equipped but aren't, won't work ... from a hotbar or anywhere else.

But for equipped items or inventory-usable items that aren't in a bag, if you left-click and hold it on the item it should put an icon onto your cursor, and then you can put that in a hotkey bar to use the item (or use the appropriate number key).

Some people use the secondary hotkey bars and then bind other keyboard shortcuts to them, and some go further and even hide that secondary hotbar (so they just use the keyboard shortcuts with no visual to click).

However, there is no / command for triggering an item/hotkey, which means there' no way to call those items as part of a macro (that I'm aware of).

05-12-2019, 10:29 PM
But for equipped items or inventory-usable items that aren't in a bag, if you left-click and hold it on the item it should put an icon onto your cursor, and then you can put that in a hotkey bar to use the item (or use the appropriate number key)

So I was actually was trying to do this but I found out that for some reason it doesn't work if it's keybound to Shift-E or Shift-2. But it works if it's 1-8 or my mouse buttons. Shrug.

05-13-2019, 12:54 AM
I have buttons on my hot bar that I have keystrokes for. I have my Rod of Insidious Glamour in one of my bag slots you then click and hold left click and put it on your hot bar. then set wherever you put it to a keystroke. When I push "E" it will use my Rod of Insidious Glamour and cast alliance resetting my GCB's. Another wonderful little trick is putting your "open all Bag" and "Close all Bag" on hot keys. I have my open bags on "Z" and close bags on "Alt Z". Its awesome.

05-22-2019, 03:05 PM
I have buttons on my hot bar that I have keystrokes for. I have my Rod of Insidious Glamour in one of my bag slots you then click and hold left click and put it on your hot bar. then set wherever you put it to a keystroke. When I push "E" it will use my Rod of Insidious Glamour and cast alliance resetting my GCB's. ...

I do this as well. To make it even more awesome, use your mouse config/software to bind a mouse button (I use the middle wheel button,) to that key. You get insta-clicky from just a mouse button press.

05-22-2019, 03:43 PM
Something that could work would be to drag the item into a hotkey slot, and have the macro you want on a different slot, and then bind them both to the same key.

Like Loramin said the item would have to be equipped or in an inventory slot (as opposed to in a bag).

05-23-2019, 10:28 AM
Another wonderful little trick is putting your "open all Bag" and "Close all Bag" on hot keys. I have my open bags on "Z" and close bags on "Alt Z". Its awesome.

didn't you not know this until 60? imagine being that guy...