View Full Version : I <3 SCIENCE!

04-17-2019, 02:01 PM
Man, I love science. Did you hear they recently took a picture of a black hole? So fucking cool. I wish I understood more about that astrophysics stuff. If I had been better at math I think I would have been an astrophysicist or something like that. It’s mind-blowing enough just to realize we are all stardust, but can you imagine studying it for a living? I’m not smart enough honestly, but I have mad respect for those guys (and ladies!) who are.

Did you guys see Neil Degrasse Tyson on Colbert the other night? That guy is so hilarious. I’m seriously thinking of getting a tattoo of his face on my left shoulder by my Flying Spaghetti Monster tat. The tat I have now just says “FSM” so maybe I can have the tattoo artist expand it into “Fund Science More!” haha. You don’t see those Pastafarian memes around as much anymore and I’m wondering if people will still get the joke in a few years from now. But yeah, NDT (I call him NDT) is the shit. Can you imagine being that smart and that funny? I feel like I could just have a beer with him, cos we’re both nerds.

It’s fun to just talk about how science rocks with other people who get it, like you guys, but then...I always remember that that are actually people out there who DON’T BELIEVE science, and then I honestly just get pissed and disgusted at the world. I mean, can you believe there are still people like that? When I meet one of these clowns I just want to be like Hello! Hi! It’s 2019! The Middle Ages are over! Come and join us!

I’m not saying science is perfect. There have been some mistakes, like say, eugenics. YIKES. That was a big one. But that wasn’t really science, y’know? That was just plain old racism, disguising itself as science. I do sometimes worry about the future though. Like what if rich people, sort of, steal science for their own benefit? You ever see the movie Gattaca? Sometimes I worry that something like that could be real.

Anyway, we gotta keep fighting the good fight and just trust that reason and rationality will win out in the end. And hey - if those science denying jokers in the middle of the country really want to push us, who is going to be able to win that war? Us science loving liberals, who can make nukes, or those yokels that think God made the earth in 6 days and think their magic sky daddy will help them somehow beat nukes with their AR-15s? Lol. I wouldn’t cry if we did have to nuke em tbh. Country’d be a whole lot better imo. I’d take one NDT over some whole states in the Midwest!

Anyway, sorry, I’m being dramatic. It just blows my mind to think that these science denying people actually exist. All I know is, if I ever had kids I would raise them to respect SCIENCE just as much as some people brainwash their kids to be terrified of JEEZUS sitting on a cloud and watching them as they masturbate. Lol. Anyway, if you guys see any cool science news articles or catch any cool new science docs on PBS or Discovery Channel, shoot me an email. I’m always down to watch that shit. I fucking LOVE science.

04-17-2019, 02:05 PM
I call him "Tyrone Degrassi" I think this is witty beyond measure

04-17-2019, 02:21 PM
i liek science too and am thankful that we have people liek NDT, Michio Kaku and Bill Nye to educate us on black holes, string theory and climate change.

04-17-2019, 02:23 PM
You are such a dolt, Dino.

04-17-2019, 04:05 PM
i liek science too and am thankful that we have people liek NDT, Michio Kaku and Bill Nye to educate us on black holes, string theory and climate change.

Lol ;)

04-17-2019, 04:32 PM
Pity reply

04-17-2019, 05:03 PM
cool troll (not)

04-17-2019, 05:08 PM
cool troll (not)

Did you just make a not joke?

04-17-2019, 07:35 PM

04-17-2019, 07:49 PM

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! XD

04-18-2019, 05:12 AM

gold is just 1 letter off from god, coincidence? :p

04-18-2019, 09:06 AM
The wooden altar is golden too huh? Interesting. God isn’t catholic though so I’d go scientific. God is in Constantinople and he’s waiting for true aryans to meet him in Valhalla, Turkish skulls in hand

04-18-2019, 09:13 AM
The wooden altar is golden too huh? Interesting. God isn’t catholic though so I’d go scientific. God is in Constantinople and he’s waiting for true aryans to meet him in Valhalla, Turkish skulls in hand

The Varangian Guard are his archangels.

04-18-2019, 09:43 AM
The wooden altar is golden too huh? Interesting. God isn’t catholic though so I’d go scientific. God is in Constantinople and he’s waiting for true aryans to meet him in Valhalla, Turkish skulls in hand


04-18-2019, 10:14 AM
man i was a little disappointed that this is just copypasta, why cant anyone actually put effort into their own shitposts anymore

04-18-2019, 10:41 AM
man i was a little disappointed that this is just copypasta, why cant anyone actually put effort into their own shitposts anymore

Naw, dis real

04-19-2019, 02:47 AM
So. Like. Gravity travels are pretty near the speed of light. That is making my head trip real fucking hard, because i actualy understand the weirdo shit einstien was thinking about when he was imagining relativitstic trains. I mean. I am close to being all caught up with him, but I still can't do math, but like.

There is a lot of shit missing obviously. Like the general picture is predictable, but there is a lot going on that isn't like readily measured on the macro level, which achually translates to how the macro behaves, but i don't think it can be changed, but it might be real fuckin interesting, especially at the planky kinda level. And I feel like there's a big problem with quantum theory because. It makes this assumption about particles, which really pisses me off. Because it's measuring like the measurment. i mean I get where the guys who came up with it were like "its good enough to kinda predict where an electron might be" but it does nothing to explain how that shit achuually works and can be manipulated. It is like, quantom mechanics is like saying IF I THROW A STONE INTO A LAKE THERE WILL BE A RIPPLE AND I MIGHT SEE IT IF I HAVE A TWIG FLOATING ON THE OTHER END BUT MAYBE IT WASNT EVEN MY STICK BUT IF I HAVE BUNCH OF STICKS THEY WILL JUST FUCKING BUMP UP AND DOWN NEXT TO EACHOTHER AND EVENTULLY IT WILL LOOK LIKE THIS THING I THINK IS LIKE SOME KIND OF ENERGY BUT IT"S JUST A BUCH OF STICKS GOING ALL OVER THE PLACE WHILE I LOOK AT A FEW HERE AND THERE AND I HAVE NO IDEAA WHY ALL THESE STICKS ARE ACTHCUALLY MOVING BECUASSE I CAN"T EVEN SEE THE WATER< SOMETIMES WHEN I THROW ROCKS IN NOTHING REALLY SEEMS TO HAPPEN BUT THE BIGGER STICKS SEEM TO HAVE IT HAPPENNEN A LOT MORE THAN THE SMALLER STICKS.