View Full Version : Game Mechanics: Mend Hotkey

04-07-2011, 02:57 PM
I have noticed that there is an issue with the mend hotkey. While the ability is on cooldown, the hotkey greys out and is unusable: which is expected. However, if you zone into a new location, the hotkey does refresh and appears to be reusable despite the ability being in cooldown: not an issue, or so I thought. I zoned into a new area and entered a fight. Mend appearred to be off cooldown. When I went to use it, I got the message that it had another 10 or so seconds left on the cooldown and the hotkey greyed itself out. After the few seconds had passed, I attempted to mend again, only to find my hotkey still unusable. It stayed this way for the 5 minutes that mend stays on cooldown.

It looks like there is a disconnect between the actual ability's cooldown and the hotkey when one is designated for the skill: almost like the hotkey has its own 5 minute cooldown independant of the actual skill's (or it is still setup like the old mend format prior to the Kunark fix).

04-07-2011, 03:52 PM
From previous bug posts this is how it works. From my understanding this issue is still on live? The devs had two options. One make mend repop every time you zone (which people abused to no end) or deal with the desync with mend when you zone. Not sure if they are working on a middle ground or if one exists?

04-07-2011, 04:14 PM
From previous bug posts this is how it works. From my understanding this issue is still on live? The devs had two options. One make mend repop every time you zone (which people abused to no end) or deal with the desync with mend when you zone. Not sure if they are working on a middle ground or if one exists?

I am a nub...just saw the older post in the search list. My apologies for the double post on this topic.

05-02-2011, 08:28 PM
I have noticed recently that mend is repopping every time I zone. Though a few times it hasn't actually worked. (usually it does) I recognize now that this is a bug, and should not be abused.

05-02-2011, 08:51 PM
Is the button actually working or is it just popping up?

Can you mend, zone, mend again or do you get an error?

For a long time you could mend, zone, then mend again because the devs made it this way (to avoid other issues) and about the time of Kunark release they patched it to have it keep the timer between zoning but the button itself may still pop up to 'appear' like mend is ready.

05-04-2011, 01:02 PM
at this point of time, if your Mend is down and you zone, the following happens:

1. Mend Button is refreshed
2. You press Mend
3. You get a message, saying Mend is not ready yet (for example: 1 minute 23 seconds to go)
4. the Mend Button stays down for the full Mend Recycle CD (6 minutes) (regardless of what your actual timer was)
5. You have to zone again or wait for the Full Duration to get the Mend Button back to Active

the patch basically made it so that you can't exploit Mend anymore, but it screwed monks over at the same time. But then again, just FD, there's no reason to zone ;)

On live it was different. The button would behave correctly. IE: Mend was down before zone, then Mend was also down after the zone

05-04-2011, 02:39 PM
It's a UI issue and for a while had resulted in Mend being reusable after every zone. It was highly exploitable whether or not anyone used it. On Live it was always an issue but it was changed to continue checking the actual refresh timer so that Mend would update the UI to refresh upon the correct time usable much like as was said:

You get a message, saying Mend is not ready yet (for example: 1 minute 23 seconds to go)

05-04-2011, 03:06 PM
at this point of time, if your Mend is down and you zone, the following happens:

1. Mend Button is refreshed
2. You press Mend
3. You get a message, saying Mend is not ready yet (for example: 1 minute 23 seconds to go)
4. the Mend Button stays down for the full Mend Recycle CD (6 minutes) (regardless of what your actual timer was)
5. You have to zone again or wait for the Full Duration to get the Mend Button back to Active

the patch basically made it so that you can't exploit Mend anymore, but it screwed monks over at the same time. But then again, just FD, there's no reason to zone ;)

On live it was different. The button would behave correctly. IE: Mend was down before zone, then Mend was also down after the zone

I've had the button work again after zoning multiple times lately, where it's ignoring the cool down. It's not consistent though - some times when I zone it stays down with the "you have to wait.." message. Other times it heals me.

07-06-2011, 11:22 PM
So when's this UI bug getting fixed?

09-14-2011, 02:54 PM

10-04-2011, 03:59 PM
Timer still broken upon zoning. It took my hotkey 8 min+ to cool down. Normal Mend time is about 6 minutes.

1. Hit Mend key. Start timer.
2. Zone Out. Hit Mend Key again.
3. Chat feedback "You can use ability..again in X minute(s)..."
4. Wait X minutes (in same zone).
5. Button/hotkey does not reset with X minute timer.

Further reading...

Patch Notes - October 30th, 2010
Haynar: Moved mend to use a normal timer. The client is coded to reset the ability on zoning. The server was using a persistent timer. So the client would push the button after zoning when the skill was down, and get the timers out of sync. Verified on live that mend does refresh on zoning. Now mend will refresh on zoning, the same as live, and same as the client is coded.

Patch Notes - 3/27/11
Haynar-Src-Moved mend back to a persistent timer.

03-06-2012, 02:23 AM
Mend reuse timer will sync to the client correctly after zoning, pending update.