View Full Version : Spells: Cannot giving less Mana than it should

12-18-2018, 09:45 PM
I may have bugged this a year ago with Canni 2 or 3 but also seeing it with Canni 1.

Supposed to receive 20+ Mana per cast, but regularly it only returns 8 Mana whilst still taking 50 hp.

12-23-2018, 02:37 AM
For the P99 developers' benefit, can you link to a source that corroborates this spell function as it existed on Live EQ servers before December 4th, 2001? That is the date the P99 server is working with currently. Could you link to the previous thread if it provides additional info?

12-23-2018, 02:39 PM
I'm not sure what you are asking, but sometimes Canni gives 20+ Mana return as expected but regularly only gives 8 (or just 7 sometimes). I could link to wiki or zam but I don't think that's what you are asking.

12-24-2018, 02:19 PM
Cast a spell other than Canni after sitting for a few ticks. Do this severl taimes, Notice how you numeric mana amount drops one or sometimes two med ticks worth of mana MORE than the cost to cast the spell... I find the UI usually shows more mana than I have on my casters, there is a persistent but slightly variable desync between the UI mana display and the mana you actually have. An insta-clickie will also reveal this, click before casting Canni, as the UI always gets at least momentarily resync'd by any spellcast including clickies.

Canni is not giving you less mana than it should, your UI is showing you more mana than you have, which gets briefly resync'd when you cast Canni.

12-25-2018, 09:47 AM
The ui is not a trustworthy indicator of Mana level after casting spells. It tries to guess Mana level after the cast and is continually corrected by the server each tick because the client is from 2007(?) and has different ideas about what Mana regen should be.