View Full Version : Forum Time

11-26-2018, 06:12 PM
Anyone else having issues with the forums displaying the wrong time? It's 2:52 PM right now and it's saying it's 2:11 PM.

All times are GMT -8. The time now is 02:11 PM.


11-26-2018, 06:13 PM
test posting this at 2:55pm.

*edit* forum says 2:13pm yep the clock on the server is off.

11-26-2018, 06:14 PM
They've always been off by some wacky number of minutes

There are actual time zones that aren't spaced out by the hour. Greenland, I think. Or maybe some part of northeast Canada, but even those are staggered by exactly 30 minutes

At first I thought that might have been the case, that I got put on Greenland time, but it's not..

11-26-2018, 06:29 PM
It used to be near exact, definitely getting more kooky.

12-03-2018, 11:11 PM
this is fixed?