View Full Version : Iksar Monk in Qeynos Catacombs / Sewers - able to bank with Bloodsabers?

08-06-2018, 04:20 PM
Hello all,

I've got an Iksar Monk that is in the Qeynos area and needs to visit a bank. I've taken an Iksar *Necro* to the bank in the Qeynos sewers (with success) and wondered if I could expect the same with an Ikky monk?

(PS - I've not done anything to subtract from Bloodsabers faction on my monk and, if anything, have possibly contributed to the faction via killing guards and such)

If anyone has any experience/insight, that would be most appreciated-- I'm happy to swim down there with a wiki map if this is viable. Thanks!

08-26-2018, 01:11 PM
Not sure about monk, but let us know. I have an iksar warrior and like to know my options.

Doctor Jeff
08-26-2018, 01:14 PM
You’re a monk why don’t you just try it? Or use the normal bank?

08-27-2018, 09:30 AM
Certain banks (HHK for instance) are much safer than others for doing the monk flop routine. The bank in the catacombs is an example wherein I'd be surrounded by several lvl 60 trainers and, if faction isn't safe, I'd be murdered/one-shotted when I turn a corner. I'm guessing they see invis.

Again, my Iksar Necro had no issues with faction but, being a necro, he could have positive class modifiers going on that the monk would not. If anyone has brought an Iksar monk (or warrior or even shaman) down to Qeynos Catacombs to bank *safely*, please let us know!

09-25-2018, 04:28 PM
Might start a level 1 Iksar Monk/War, pay a buddy to get me to Qeynos, and then see what happens. That is, unless someone has already tried this and is willing to share their experience!