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View Full Version : Jarsath Scale alternative for Dwarf Cleric?

04-01-2018, 12:05 PM
Good morning, and Happy Easter!

My brother and I recently started fresh on P99 after a long absence from the game. He’s a Human Monk, I’m a Dwarf Cleric, both level 12. We pumped our first 100pp into a Wu’s Quivering Staff for him so we can start killing a little quicker, and now I’m looking to gear myself up a little.

I’m aware of several +mana and +WIS items I can buy, but money will be a little tight for a while, so I’m looking for items that commonly rot in higher level zones. The Jarsath Scale set in KC would be perfect, but I don’t believe Dwarves can wear that set.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.



04-01-2018, 02:33 PM
shin gauntlets and greaves in gukbottom not wis or mana, but free plate look AC. Can probably get through guktop safely as a dwarf cleric and find these rots at deaside zoneline. A bit more risky you could try for a granite breastplate, probably not worth the effort.

Opalline helm you can get from goblins in oasis. High levels waiting for raft, doing enc epic, killing sand giants, spectres, etc might be able to help you on this piece.

Forest hammer is a respectable ratio rot in Warslik's Wood at the giant fort.

Get on board with some giant faction groups in Wakening Lands, then find no drop rots in skyshrine (people tyring to farm necro shawls or guardian robes).

Tainted morning star (or something like that) in kithicor forest (actually has decent wisdom on).

Really you will be best using your time wearing dropped cloth/rawhide/chain/bronze, and pumping all your effort into xp, any money that comes into the monkey (haste is next priority as you got a great weapon already).

You can hit up guktop for farming gems/silk for cash and xp from spiders after you are done with crocs. Then kill frogs to kit yourselves out iin woven/mesh armor.

Frogs drop okay gems too, but the fungus have a very high gem drop rate. You guys can make at least late 20s in guk!

04-01-2018, 06:50 PM
I'd recommend spending 10pp on a peridot and running it over to Oggok and handing it off to your brother using an Ogre alt to purchase a Crude Stein (+15 cha) off of a vendor as guard killers commonly stock them up pretty well near the entrance. With your both being level 12, at that point I'd muscle in on the Sister Camp in Lesser Faydark which you could milk to level 19 and make phat plat while doing so. If you are careful with your pathing, you can easily sell in the same zone and Gate back to the Sisters to get the full cash payout, with the Stein helping your low dwarf charisma.

At level 19, take a break and use about 110 to 140pp total to skill up blacksmithing to max off of Banded armor and end the exercise with a full suit of small banded. You're probably going to need the blacksmithing skill for the Coldain Prayer Shawl later anyway.

Once you're 19 and in full small banded, you could consider either doing the cleric class armor quests or simply buying cheap upgrades from EC as you go.