View Full Version : 2nd spy this month

03-28-2018, 07:59 PM

go join your AM friends again dummy.

03-28-2018, 08:20 PM
thank, you Lulz.

Tecmos Deception
03-28-2018, 08:25 PM

go join your AM friends again dummy.


I feel like I'm still playing Eve :confused:

03-28-2018, 08:51 PM
omg not a spy nooo

03-28-2018, 08:56 PM
It was me I admit it, I spied on <Auld Lang Syne> to get the coveted Glubbsink timer. For this I am truly sorry

03-28-2018, 10:02 PM
excuse me this is server chat

please take your toxic behavior to rants and raves

wow. says the biggest shit poster on the forums. pot kettle something something

03-28-2018, 10:09 PM
wow. says the biggest shit poster on the forums. pot kettle something something

Take it to RnF so you can get the recognition you truly deserve.

03-28-2018, 10:11 PM
Take it to RnF so you can get the recognition you truly deserve.

I don't want to be recognized...this is a warning to others and a finger in your eye if you don't like it. .l..

03-28-2018, 10:26 PM
Don't be mad

you just need more vetting

and maybe some sort of apparatus to prevent undesirables from crossing.

03-28-2018, 11:20 PM
I wonder how the staff feel about deliberate spying. oh but of course the AM guild leadership can't be held responsible. Give me a break they're encouraging it.

Is it still a competition when one team has an unfair advantage over another?

03-28-2018, 11:24 PM
Staff is pro-spying, I heard Sirken say in his stream last week that he’s got a spy in every guild and he calls them “Sirken friends.”

03-28-2018, 11:47 PM
oh but of course the AM guild leadership can't be held responsible. Give me a break they're encouraging it.

If somebody wants to level an alt up in a smaller guild we don't care. If you want to feel like Detective Save-A-Hoe by booting some dudes alt and calling them a "spy" to sleep better, go for it. It's not how we find out which zone yall are in whether you want to believe it or not. We don't even go for the same targets 90% of the time so it's actually amusing reading that.

03-28-2018, 11:48 PM
If somebody wants to level an alt up in a smaller guild we don't care. If you want to feel like Detective Save-A-Hoe by booting some dudes alt and calling them a "spy" to sleep better, go for it. It's not how we find out which zone yall are in whether you want to believe it or not. We don't even go for the same targets 90% of the time so it's actually amusing reading that.

By not putting a stop to it you're encouraging it. simple as that.
There is also a clear willingness to accept this ill-gotten information.

03-28-2018, 11:50 PM
By not putting a stop to it you're encouraging it. simple as that.
There is also a clear willingness to accept this ill-gotten information.

Yes.. go level an alt up in a different guild.

See? Nobody cares. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AERwgNvgMmc

03-28-2018, 11:51 PM
A dick move, but it’s not like there are secrets up in here.

03-28-2018, 11:53 PM
Here is an example: Twitch bans streamers who don't put an end to racism in their chat.
It's not twitches fault and it's not the chats fault because it's the streamer's fault for allowing it to go on.

It's not P99's fault and it's not the players fault because it's the guild's fault for allowing it to go on.

03-28-2018, 11:56 PM
toxic bullying angle shooting guild had a spy?

im so surprised

03-29-2018, 12:27 AM
If you ask me, OP should start interrogating everyone I his guild to make sure they don't have any other characters in any other guilds. Make it REALLY uncomfortable for everyone and execute those you find in the Freeport arena.

03-29-2018, 04:25 AM
Not surprised in the slightest.

Pixel addiction is a serious condition though. Plz do not mock them. Help them heal.

03-29-2018, 05:35 AM
This thread makes me laugh. I have alts in Kittens, Auld Lang Syne, Second Sons, and Dawn Believers.
1. I have WAYY too many alts.
2. Sometimes it's nice to just level in a lower lvl guild, much more going on at every level phase.

INB4 I'm spying on each and everyone one of these guilds... :P

03-29-2018, 06:24 AM
I have alts in <Bone Diddlies>, but I've actually been spying on AM for them the entire time. We're playing the super long game.

03-29-2018, 07:01 AM
Yes.. go level an alt up in a different guild.
Why can't they level alts in their own guild?

03-29-2018, 07:06 AM
Easy question, to try to get all the loot the failed to lock in their vaults! ;)

03-29-2018, 10:07 AM
Must be a good/stable environment right now in Blood Guard.

03-29-2018, 10:15 AM
Why can't they level alts in their own guild?

Dawg my wizard got recruited one time and I literally said I am in Aftermath and they were like "you wanna level with us" soooooo

03-29-2018, 11:40 AM
Other than creating alts in guilds with special rules such as Auld Lang Syne, what advantage does one have doing so outside of your main guild? Social aspect? Change of scenery?

03-29-2018, 11:51 AM
Other than creating alts in guilds with special rules such as Auld Lang Syne, what advantage does one have doing so outside of your main guild? Social aspect? Change of scenery?


03-29-2018, 12:23 PM
This thread makes me laugh. I have alts in Kittens, Auld Lang Syne, Second Sons, and Dawn Believers.
1. I have WAYY too many alts.
2. Sometimes it's nice to just level in a lower lvl guild, much more going on at every level phase.

INB4 I'm spying on each and everyone one of these guilds... :P

If those guilds aren't aware you're in a competitor guild. then yes you are spying.
And now admitting that You and AM are spying on other guilds. Congrats you've proven how you want to play the game and AM by association.

I fully expect AM members to now attack me and for them all to make this into a joke. When the fact is that it's a serious offense to the server.

03-29-2018, 12:51 PM
None of those guilds are competing with AM. I think one of them has a NToV kill, and AM pulled the mob for them. I get you're trying your hardest to push this "AM is toxic for the server" narrative, but it doesn't jive with reality in this instance.

03-29-2018, 01:54 PM
If those guilds aren't aware you're in a competitor guild. then yes you are spying.
And now admitting that You and AM are spying on other guilds. Congrats you've proven how you want to play the game and AM by association.

I fully expect AM members to now attack me and for them all to make this into a joke. When the fact is that it's a serious offense to the server.

Kittens, ALS, TSS, and Dawn Believers are competitors?! Are you high? They are some awesome people and I love hanging with them, but they don't compete with AM. Baler I think you're literally retarded, take a break from the forumquest.

03-29-2018, 02:32 PM
Pls move to rants and flames so we can rant and flame

03-29-2018, 03:39 PM
I just don't understand why this is even a big deal. What does AM gain by reading your guilds chat or motd or forums? Do you think the way they are tracking spawns is by watching your guild chat, bc that seems less reliable and likely to make them lose races.

People have friends, siblings, etc in other guilds. Inevitably they will talk to each other and offhandedly throw out information that everyone probably knows anyway, like "I'm just sitting here socking stupid dragon x."

03-29-2018, 03:59 PM
I think it's akin to roleplaying when raiding - it's the veil of secrecy and group-think and companionship that makes people anxious when one of their own isn't .. one of their own.

03-29-2018, 04:15 PM
Members of Blood Guard aren’t allowed to have friends in other guilds is all I’ve learned from this. The level paranoia here is concerning to say the least.

03-29-2018, 04:32 PM
I thought everyone had at least one character in every guild...

I know I do.

03-29-2018, 04:38 PM
Its almost as if other smaller guilds that don't play by raid windows all week long and large portion of their player base only logs in for batphone's are a better place to enjoy the leveling experience...

03-29-2018, 04:40 PM
This might come as a surprise, but in guilds like Aftermath and Awakened members get hourly DKP for tracking which ever zones currently have mobs in window.

One might even say that the members of these guilds are incentivized to log on one of the three million trillion readily available guild tracker toons to sit and earn some DKP to fuel their neckbeard autism pixel feverTM. Instead of be on their alts having fun leveling and making new friends (read: Spy toons).



03-29-2018, 04:56 PM
Last night Aftermath killed a bunch of dragons because we mobilize faster, have more toons to swap to, and have a larger guild of active players. The only two dragons that we killed contested were Naggy from venerate and Dain from PS.

We tracked that these mobs were contested by having members of our 100 person Zerg force in every zone we were interested in killing a mob.

We killed Naggy because venerate couldn’t engage since they had no cleric. We engaged with 1 warr, 1 bard, 1 cler, 1 paladin.

We killed Dain because PS was unable to pull him by the time we ran there after KT. In fact they had a couple failed pulls before we even got there.

This was followed with the largest TOV slaughter to ever exist. We pulled 9 dragons in 53 minutes.

Lord Kreiz
lord feshlak

You see, we were able to accomplish this without any help from spies. We brute forces the people required to keep eyes in every zone while chain pulling dragons and mobilizing around Norrath.

Baker, if you think we would gain anything from having alts in your guild than you either vastly overestimate your guild, or underestimate Aftermath.

I leave you with, if you want to join the uncontested #1 raiding guild on P99 thrown in an app to Aftermath. We are the only guild able to clear all the content. We have a core of raid leaders vastly superior to any guild on the server, and a core of players with the knowledge and skills required to beat you to any mob, and pull it in without training zone in.


03-29-2018, 05:06 PM
^ nice try, DEFINITELY have spies or else how would you have done it?

propaganda spinning hard kek

03-29-2018, 05:12 PM
Last night Aftermath killed a bunch of dragons because we mobilize faster, have more toons to swap to, and have a larger guild of active players. The only two dragons that we killed contested were Naggy from venerate and Dain from PS.

We tracked that these mobs were contested by having members of our 100 person Zerg force in every zone we were interested in killing a mob.

We killed Naggy because venerate couldn’t engage since they had no cleric. We engaged with 1 warr, 1 bard, 1 cler, 1 paladin.

We killed Dain because PS was unable to pull him by the time we ran there after KT. In fact they had a couple failed pulls before we even got there.

This was followed with the largest TOV slaughter to ever exist. We pulled 9 dragons in 53 minutes.

Lord Kreiz
lord feshlak

You see, we were able to accomplish this without any help from spies. We brute forces the people required to keep eyes in every zone while chain pulling dragons and mobilizing around Norrath.

Baker, if you think we would gain anything from having alts in your guild than you either vastly overestimate your guild, or underestimate Aftermath.

I leave you with, if you want to join the uncontested #1 raiding guild on P99 thrown in an app to Aftermath. We are the only guild able to clear all the content. We have a core of raid leaders vastly superior to any guild on the server, and a core of players with the knowledge and skills required to beat you to any mob, and pull it in without training zone in.



You still have a fetus on your face.

03-29-2018, 05:21 PM
I've learned from this thread that Mueller needs to stop investigating Trump/Russia and immediately pivot to investigating Aftermath. It's tenfold more serious and unethical.

03-29-2018, 05:25 PM
If this thread is about who I think it's about, he's probably not a spy, just a dumbass selfish oblivious idiot instead.

I've had the confused displeasure of their company, too.

03-29-2018, 05:45 PM
Last night Aftermath killed a bunch of dragons because we mobilize faster, have more toons to swap to, and have a larger guild of active players. The only two dragons that we killed contested were Naggy from venerate and Dain from PS.

We tracked that these mobs were contested by having members of our 100 person Zerg force in every zone we were interested in killing a mob.

We killed Naggy because venerate couldn’t engage since they had no cleric. We engaged with 1 warr, 1 bard, 1 cler, 1 paladin.

We killed Dain because PS was unable to pull him by the time we ran there after KT. In fact they had a couple failed pulls before we even got there.

This was followed with the largest TOV slaughter to ever exist. We pulled 9 dragons in 53 minutes.

Lord Kreiz
lord feshlak

You see, we were able to accomplish this without any help from spies. We brute forces the people required to keep eyes in every zone while chain pulling dragons and mobilizing around Norrath.

Baker, if you think we would gain anything from having alts in your guild than you either vastly overestimate your guild, or underestimate Aftermath.

I leave you with, if you want to join the uncontested #1 raiding guild on P99 thrown in an app to Aftermath. We are the only guild able to clear all the content. We have a core of raid leaders vastly superior to any guild on the server, and a core of players with the knowledge and skills required to beat you to any mob, and pull it in without training zone in.


I'm not sure if I should be proud to be in the guild or disgusted after reading this.

03-29-2018, 05:45 PM
I've learned from this thread that Mueller needs to stop investigating Trump/Russia and immediately pivot to investigating Aftermath. It's tenfold more serious and unethical.

I move to elect a special council to investigate 'Aftermath Collusion' and possible ties to Mayor Gubbin's campaign of 2999.

03-29-2018, 05:51 PM
As a spy in Crust's guild I have to say theres nothing worth spying on.
Thinking of moving my resources over to Omni in case the alliance gets up and running again. I scored some amazing loot from those crooked /randoms.

03-29-2018, 06:09 PM
Last night Aftermath killed a bunch of dragons because we mobilize faster, have more toons to swap to, and have a larger guild of active players. The only two dragons that we killed contested were Naggy from venerate and Dain from PS.

We tracked that these mobs were contested by having members of our 100 person Zerg force in every zone we were interested in killing a mob.

We killed Naggy because venerate couldn’t engage since they had no cleric. We engaged with 1 warr, 1 bard, 1 cler, 1 paladin.

We killed Dain because PS was unable to pull him by the time we ran there after KT. In fact they had a couple failed pulls before we even got there.

This was followed with the largest TOV slaughter to ever exist. We pulled 9 dragons in 53 minutes.

Lord Kreiz
lord feshlak

You see, we were able to accomplish this without any help from spies. We brute forces the people required to keep eyes in every zone while chain pulling dragons and mobilizing around Norrath.

Baker, if you think we would gain anything from having alts in your guild than you either vastly overestimate your guild, or underestimate Aftermath.

I leave you with, if you want to join the uncontested #1 raiding guild on P99 thrown in an app to Aftermath. We are the only guild able to clear all the content. We have a core of raid leaders vastly superior to any guild on the server, and a core of players with the knowledge and skills required to beat you to any mob, and pull it in without training zone in.



Aftermath has beaten the game y’all. Let’s pack it up.

03-29-2018, 06:19 PM
As a spy in Crust's guild I have to say theres nothing worth spying on.
Thinking of moving my resources over to Omni in case the alliance gets up and running again. I scored some amazing loot from those crooked /randoms.

I see your true colors shinning through...

03-29-2018, 06:21 PM
wow raiding on blue sounds really bad

03-29-2018, 07:03 PM
Last night Aftermath killed a bunch of dragons because we mobilize faster, have more toons to swap to, and have a larger guild of active players. The only two dragons that we killed contested were Naggy from venerate and Dain from PS.

We tracked that these mobs were contested by having members of our 100 person Zerg force in every zone we were interested in killing a mob.

We killed Naggy because venerate couldn’t engage since they had no cleric. We engaged with 1 warr, 1 bard, 1 cler, 1 paladin.

We killed Dain because PS was unable to pull him by the time we ran there after KT. In fact they had a couple failed pulls before we even got there.

This was followed with the largest TOV slaughter to ever exist. We pulled 9 dragons in 53 minutes.

Lord Kreiz
lord feshlak

You see, we were able to accomplish this without any help from spies. We brute forces the people required to keep eyes in every zone while chain pulling dragons and mobilizing around Norrath.

Baker, if you think we would gain anything from having alts in your guild than you either vastly overestimate your guild, or underestimate Aftermath.

I leave you with, if you want to join the uncontested #1 raiding guild on P99 thrown in an app to Aftermath. We are the only guild able to clear all the content. We have a core of raid leaders vastly superior to any guild on the server, and a core of players with the knowledge and skills required to beat you to any mob, and pull it in without training zone in.


I dunno why, but I was laughing hysterically at how edgy this sounded. WTG pals

03-29-2018, 08:16 PM
Last night Aftermath killed a bunch of dragons because we mobilize faster, have more toons to swap to, and have a larger guild of active players. The only two dragons that we killed contested were Naggy from venerate and Dain from PS.

We tracked that these mobs were contested by having members of our 100 person Zerg force in every zone we were interested in killing a mob.

We killed Naggy because venerate couldn’t engage since they had no cleric. We engaged with 1 warr, 1 bard, 1 cler, 1 paladin.

We killed Dain because PS was unable to pull him by the time we ran there after KT. In fact they had a couple failed pulls before we even got there.

This was followed with the largest TOV slaughter to ever exist. We pulled 9 dragons in 53 minutes.

Lord Kreiz
lord feshlak

You see, we were able to accomplish this without any help from spies. We brute forces the people required to keep eyes in every zone while chain pulling dragons and mobilizing around Norrath.

Baker, if you think we would gain anything from having alts in your guild than you either vastly overestimate your guild, or underestimate Aftermath.

I leave you with, if you want to join the uncontested #1 raiding guild on P99 thrown in an app to Aftermath. We are the only guild able to clear all the content. We have a core of raid leaders vastly superior to any guild on the server, and a core of players with the knowledge and skills required to beat you to any mob, and pull it in without training zone in.


03-29-2018, 09:41 PM
Obviously not working if these guys keep getting caught. Gotta up our spy training dkp or something.

03-29-2018, 10:04 PM
http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/e0/e0ab7d30d57972802de828fe13459fb3bdac3b61496ea58988 f6d4c038f32b9f.jpg

03-30-2018, 12:04 AM
how much dkp is awarded per mob timer stolen?

03-30-2018, 12:15 AM
how much dkp is awarded per mob timer stolen?

you dont need to steal timer when you kill every single mob on the server and have people tracking all over every day

03-30-2018, 03:25 AM

03-30-2018, 03:48 AM
Fake News.. Long live <AM>


03-30-2018, 05:41 AM
The simple fact is we gain no advantage to having any spies in any guild. We know when every mob dies and relying on any other source besides ourselves to keep up on mob deaths is a recipe for failure.

As stated, we have guild toons parked in every zone and if we want to know what any other guild is doing we can just swap to all these toons until we find them. Believe it or not, you dont need that many! There only 5 or 6 zones where raids mobs are that were interested in.

That being said, continue the propaganda and slander!

03-30-2018, 06:03 AM
Last night Aftermath killed a bunch of dragons because we mobilize faster, have more toons to swap to, and have a larger guild of active players. The only two dragons that we killed contested were Naggy from venerate and Dain from PS.

We tracked that these mobs were contested by having members of our 100 person Zerg force in every zone we were interested in killing a mob.

We killed Naggy because venerate couldn’t engage since they had no cleric. We engaged with 1 warr, 1 bard, 1 cler, 1 paladin.

We killed Dain because PS was unable to pull him by the time we ran there after KT. In fact they had a couple failed pulls before we even got there.

This was followed with the largest TOV slaughter to ever exist. We pulled 9 dragons in 53 minutes.

Lord Kreiz
lord feshlak

You see, we were able to accomplish this without any help from spies. We brute forces the people required to keep eyes in every zone while chain pulling dragons and mobilizing around Norrath.

Baker, if you think we would gain anything from having alts in your guild than you either vastly overestimate your guild, or underestimate Aftermath.

I leave you with, if you want to join the uncontested #1 raiding guild on P99 thrown in an app to Aftermath. We are the only guild able to clear all the content. We have a core of raid leaders vastly superior to any guild on the server, and a core of players with the knowledge and skills required to beat you to any mob, and pull it in without training zone in.


At least this guys humble.

03-30-2018, 05:08 PM
Last night Aftermath killed a bunch of dragons because we mobilize faster, have more toons to swap to, and have a larger guild of active players. The only two dragons that we killed contested were Naggy from venerate and Dain from PS.

We tracked that these mobs were contested by having members of our 100 person Zerg force in every zone we were interested in killing a mob.

We killed Naggy because venerate couldn’t engage since they had no cleric. We engaged with 1 warr, 1 bard, 1 cler, 1 paladin.

We killed Dain because PS was unable to pull him by the time we ran there after KT. In fact they had a couple failed pulls before we even got there.

This was followed with the largest TOV slaughter to ever exist. We pulled 9 dragons in 53 minutes.

Lord Kreiz
lord feshlak

You see, we were able to accomplish this without any help from spies. We brute forces the people required to keep eyes in every zone while chain pulling dragons and mobilizing around Norrath.

Baker, if you think we would gain anything from having alts in your guild than you either vastly overestimate your guild, or underestimate Aftermath.

I leave you with, if you want to join the uncontested #1 raiding guild on P99 thrown in an app to Aftermath. We are the only guild able to clear all the content. We have a core of raid leaders vastly superior to any guild on the server, and a core of players with the knowledge and skills required to beat you to any mob, and pull it in without training zone in.


Where do I sign up for AM? I feel like PS is stifling my potential to keep down the little guy with all these losers who play for fun. I am way too serious for this guild.

03-30-2018, 05:17 PM
Where do I sign up for AM? I feel like PS is stifling my potential to keep down the little guy with all these losers who play for fun. I am way too serious for this guild.

Nonsense. PS had a great turnout for the repop, slaughtering VP and getting a crown from the king of Kunark. In fact, their raid progression over the last 4 months has been extremely impressive. That had trakanon on lock down for awhile and now are a dominant force in VP, consistently contest statue/AoW, and have NTOV/tunare kills under their belt.

We all play this game for fun. Some of us have been here longer and have the infrastructure and skills to do more, but that doesn’t mean the newer guilds aren’t improving and filled with little guys as you put it.

And by the way, on the repop Aftermath went to sleep before PS. So if your too serious for PS then you will have no home in AM either.

03-30-2018, 05:23 PM
All of the adults on this server playing pixel espionage is fucking pathetic. Degenerates. It's no wonder people leave this server.

03-30-2018, 05:27 PM
Nonsense. PS had a great turnout for the repop, slaughtering VP and getting a crown from the king of Kunark. In fact, their raid progression over the last 4 months has been extremely impressive. That had trakanon on lock down for awhile and now are a dominant force in VP, consistently contest statue/AoW, and have NTOV/tunare kills under their belt.

We all play this game for fun. Some of us have been here longer and have the infrastructure and skills to do more, but that doesn’t mean the newer guilds aren’t improving and filled with little guys as you put it.

And by the way, on the repop Aftermath went to sleep before PS. So if your too serious for PS then you will have no home in AM either.

4ever alone in seriousland : (

03-30-2018, 05:38 PM
Hello I am the guild leader of Rivervale Vanguard.

We are now seeking our aftermath spies to app

Please join but only on Halfling dwarf or gnome spies

03-30-2018, 09:55 PM
Hello I am the guild leader of Rivervale Vanguard.

We are now seeking our aftermath spies to app

Please join but only on Halfling dwarf or gnome spies
Make them work for your secrets and then pay for cab fare in the morning. Don't give up those spawn timers without getting some sugar.

03-31-2018, 01:34 PM
Last night Aftermath killed a bunch of dragons because we mobilize faster, have more toons to swap to, and have a larger guild of active players. The only two dragons that we killed contested were Naggy from venerate and Dain from PS.

We tracked that these mobs were contested by having members of our 100 person Zerg force in every zone we were interested in killing a mob.

We killed Naggy because venerate couldn’t engage since they had no cleric. We engaged with 1 warr, 1 bard, 1 cler, 1 paladin.

We killed Dain because PS was unable to pull him by the time we ran there after KT. In fact they had a couple failed pulls before we even got there.

This was followed with the largest TOV slaughter to ever exist. We pulled 9 dragons in 53 minutes.

Lord Kreiz
lord feshlak

You see, we were able to accomplish this without any help from spies. We brute forces the people required to keep eyes in every zone while chain pulling dragons and mobilizing around Norrath.

Baker, if you think we would gain anything from having alts in your guild than you either vastly overestimate your guild, or underestimate Aftermath.

I leave you with, if you want to join the uncontested #1 raiding guild on P99 thrown in an app to Aftermath. We are the only guild able to clear all the content. We have a core of raid leaders vastly superior to any guild on the server, and a core of players with the knowledge and skills required to beat you to any mob, and pull it in without training zone in.


Update me in 6 years when you are still clearing velious in your mom's basement.

03-31-2018, 04:51 PM
Update me in 6 years when you are still clearing velious in your mom's basement.

Mom lives in MY upstairs.

04-02-2018, 04:09 AM
Yeah, I was correct. Big thanks to the Admins for such a speedy process. The tools you all have access too are impressive.

Aftermath, there are farm crews in your guild that actively try to fuck over this community. This is now irrefutable. This cannot be a surprise, it would be if you all actually did something about it.


04-02-2018, 04:53 AM
Sensing a lot of lonely, foul smelling posters in this thread

Pope Hat
04-02-2018, 10:29 AM
I love that I have no idea what this thread is about.

04-02-2018, 11:04 AM
I love that I have no idea what this thread is about.


04-02-2018, 11:05 AM
I love that I have no idea what this thread is about.

Aftermath is being accused of having spies in a smaller guild to get information for raiding so they have an unfair edge of other smaller guilds.