View Full Version : horrible frame rates on one character, but not others

03-26-2018, 03:14 PM
The Issue:

While attending a raid on Filbus, I suffered terrible, laggy frame rates. We're talking like 1 frame per 3 seconds.

I have also noticed this reduction in FPS while on Filbus in other, non-raid environments, such as going into Chardok vs going into Chardok on another toon.

-I'm playing EQ on a fairly powerful gaming PC. It's not spiffy by 2018 standards, but I used to play EQ on a far worse machine without this issue.

-I'm not downloading elf porn or running any intensive programs.

-I adjusted in game frames and other stuff during the raid event, to no avail

Has anyone had this issue? My EQ is installed on a separate HD than the operating system, but all my games are installed this way and its never caused performance issues.

I just don't understand why raiding would destroy my FPS, when I was able to do it for years on worse computers.

Thanks for your thoughts prayers and hoping to help

03-26-2018, 03:27 PM
p99 anti cheat bs and kunark zones do not mix well on some pcs

03-26-2018, 04:08 PM
Check the logfile for that character if you have logging enabled. If it's large, archive it and start fresh.

Ah, dude, thanks. This is probably it. Just archived the old one. Hopefully this helps!

PS it was around 15mb which isn't huge

03-26-2018, 05:33 PM
Also happened to me. Clearing out logs to another folder fixed it

03-28-2018, 08:25 AM
PS it was around 15mb which isn't huge

15MB isn't big at all. I have set GamParse to autoarchive my logfiles when they reach 100MB (which isn't big either) and never had a problem.

I would be surprised if this was the cause of your problems.

03-28-2018, 09:08 AM
UI files maybe? Worth a shot to at least move both out and see if the default gives you problems.

03-28-2018, 05:55 PM
Moving logs has so far made things less choppy. I have yet to be able to attend another high pop raid so we will soon see. I'll try moving out all logs if it'd not better then try temporarily removing ui

03-29-2018, 12:31 AM
I had that happening for one of my character, the log size wasn't the issue since it was lower than my other characters that were unaffected. Deleting that specific log file resolved my problem, it made a new file and now I have a normal framerate on all my characters. May be you're experiencing the same thing.

03-30-2018, 11:38 PM
Making a new logfile solved it!