View Full Version : have to rescribe spells after death

03-24-2018, 10:31 AM
how do I fix it so after I die I don't have to rescribe my spell to hot bar

03-26-2018, 04:25 PM
It's a classic feature, so there is no fix. You just have to do with rescribing spells every time you die.

03-27-2018, 07:04 AM
LOL serious question?

03-27-2018, 12:15 PM
Memorizing, not scribing. They're permanently inscribed in your spellbook, you just have to rememorize them every time you die. It's a hold over from stuff like D&D.

03-27-2018, 12:36 PM
Memorizing, not scribing. They're permanently inscribed in your spellbook, you just have to rememorize them every time you die. It's a hold over from stuff like D&D.

I'd hate to see it removed. I like this feature. Dying shouldn't be convenient.

03-27-2018, 07:12 PM
to be fair, tho...if someone has only played eqlive and only recently started playing p99, this would seem strange. On live, alot of buffs persist thru death also.

03-27-2018, 07:54 PM
Yeah, that’s the way EQ is (was), as people said. PLUS...spells are memorized faster as you gain levels. Newer spells take a while, like level 4 spells take a while at level 4, but they’ll go faster at level 10. So, it gets better.

To clarify, I don’t think it’s a function of level - I think it’s a function of Meditate skill.

That reminds me, when you get to the level you can train in Meditate, you have to train in it to use it. I met a level 20-30 druid who complained of slow mana regen...we asked and it turns out he never trained meditate. XD