View Full Version : Pre-nerf CoS vs GGR

03-17-2018, 04:28 PM
So in a random turn of events with incalculable odds, I looted a Goblin Gazhugi Ring (ikr, WUT!?!? Super excited). So my question is, why is pre-nerf CoS so game changing for necros? If its mainly for charming like chanters would a post-nerf CoS and GGR be equally effective?

03-17-2018, 05:32 PM
Other than that it used to be useful clearing agro from mobs that did not see invis. I believe it no longer has that function however.

You mean the stand + click after FD? Does aggro return when invis fade or when standing up is it treated like casting invis on yourself during a fight?

03-17-2018, 06:12 PM
Other than that it used to be useful clearing agro from mobs that did not see invis. I believe it no longer has that function however.

Hmm good to know. Thanks.

03-17-2018, 06:59 PM
Its super nice when you are FD'd in a bees nest worth of mobs. let them reset, stand and instant invis before they agro.

03-18-2018, 03:59 AM
So in a random turn of events with incalculable odds, I looted a Goblin Gazhugi Ring (ikr, WUT!?!? Super excited). So my question is, why is pre-nerf CoS so game changing for necros? If its mainly for charming like chanters would a post-nerf CoS and GGR be equally effective?

In regards to breaking charm then post nerf CoS seems terrible. Instant cast is what it’s all about when charm soloing. You’re going to lose much efficiency breaking charm too early or too late with a 5 sec cast time.

03-18-2018, 09:36 AM
In regards to breaking charm then post nerf CoS seems terrible. Instant cast is what it’s all about when charm soloing. You’re going to lose much efficiency breaking charm too early or too late with a 5 sec cast time.

Yeah, thats what I figured. I probably wouldn't even try it but thought that is where the GGR would come in.

03-18-2018, 09:58 AM
prenerf CoS is much better than ring. instaclick invis ... not sure how i'd live without it on my necro.

03-18-2018, 11:29 AM
for charm killing they are the same.

you don't have to wear the cap. you also don't have to click a target for it. invis is also probably much better as a utlity spell than ivanimals.

03-18-2018, 02:27 PM
for charm killing they are the same.

you don't have to wear the cap. you also don't have to click a target for it. invis is also probably much better as a utlity spell than ivanimals.

For charm breaking they are not the same. CoS is better for breaking charm because you don't have to switch target (to yourself) like you do with GGR. Allows you to eliminate a couple of keystrokes from charm break. Doesn't always matter, but there are definitely times when you're pushing charming to the max when a half-second seems really valuable.

03-18-2018, 03:56 PM
For charm breaking they are not the same. CoS is better for breaking charm because you don't have to switch target (to yourself) like you do with GGR. Allows you to eliminate a couple of keystrokes from charm break. Doesn't always matter, but there are definitely times when you're pushing charming to the max when a half-second seems really valuable.

did you read my post? or just the first line?

03-18-2018, 04:57 PM
You mean the post where you said they are the same and then describe the differences? Yep I read it. I guess I felt some clarification was necessary.

03-19-2018, 12:57 PM
If you’re going to be effectively charm killing, the use of your toggle npc/self key will not impact a single fight 1 time ever. If you are learning how to charm kill, removing that step could make it easier, but once you get to the point of killing 6 mobs at a time with charm (aka charm killing effectively) it won’t matter and IMO you should save your cash for elder beads and stick with your ring.

03-19-2018, 05:30 PM
They can both work, but pre nerf >

03-19-2018, 11:51 PM
Not sure if it was mentioned, and not sure if zhugi ring is the same, but CoS clickable from inventory is great to not have to waste a slot on a statless item

03-20-2018, 08:55 AM
prenerf CoS is much better than ring. instaclick invis ... not sure how i'd live without it on my necro.

- FDed in the middle of non-see-invis mobs, stand up, insta invis (once they dropped aggro of course)

- Invis fading in a bad moment when runing through kos mobs who don't see invis, just click on CoS and it doesn't fade