View Full Version : Miscellaneous: Hansl Bigroon's dropped list locked up my UI.

11-28-2017, 01:16 AM
I'm brand-new to EQ, been playing a few days, Barbarian Shaman. Made my way from Halas to Qeynos for the first time the other day, started exploring.

I wandered into a random house and found a guy named Hansl Bigroon. I talked to him, he said some stuff about a bridge. He's involved in a quest line I can't currently do, but after I left his house, he left it as well, and dropped something. I checked the wiki and that's part of the quest -- its a list of engineers.

Not knowing this, and not having even been to Erudin to start the quest, I clicked on the pouch he dropped. This opened up my Inventory, did not open up any container, and made my entire UI and all hotkeys completely unresponsive. My keybindings did not work, physically clicking on things like Actions and Hotbar items did nothing, I couldn't pick up items in my inventory or anything I was equipped with; nothing.

I manually left-clicked the X button on the Inventory to close it, which worked, but did not restore control. I have Inventory keybound to "i" for instance, and pressing "i" did nothing. I clicked on the pouch again, nothing happened.

I'm using the default UI, but I know stuff can go offscreen sometimes, so I tried pressing Escape multiple times to close any offscreen open containers. No luck.

I tried clicking on the pouch again and it actually did re-bring up my Inventory, but still no container, and the entire UI was still completely unresponsive. I couldn't even left-click anything. Like, I tried left-clicking myself, and my name didn't start flashing and my Target didn't change.

Oh, and whenever I tried mouse-clicking UI elements like spells on my hotbar, I got a message along the lines of "you can't do that while you're busy" or something. I can't remember and didn't take a screenshot.

Happily, I was able to move around freely. I /ooc asked what I should do and somebody told me to zone, to see if that would fix it. I started towards the zone change to the north, but by the time I got to the fountain where Dionna is, I got control of the UI back. Opened and closed my inventory, moved items around, etc. Everything was back to normal.

If it means anything, the pouch dropped in the doorway. Literally inside where the door would be when closed. Maybe that had something to do with it? In any case, I did not dare try to open the pouch again, I'm not even on the questline so it doesn't matter, and I have not interacted with Bigroon since.

Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone want to try to reproduce the bug? Do you want me to try it again? Do you want any further data?

Lemme know, and thanks to everyone who's running P99. I'm having a lot of fun with this game and meeting a lot of helpful people.

12-13-2017, 10:39 PM
Try replacing the default UI with the one in my sig and see if it fixes it.

12-14-2017, 12:40 PM
This is a Titanium Client issue, IIRC (not a P99 issue). Fairly sure there are other bug posts about spamclicking.

This happens to be me all the time when a quickly spam-click on a bag on the ground.

The fix is to relog (the item will reappear on your cursor upon next login).