View Full Version : Numeric Faction Hits?

11-27-2017, 07:19 PM
Wondering if there is any way to see faction hits in numeric form (rather than just a general increase/decrease)?

Maybe that is not strictly classic EQ. I can't remember, but just thought I would ask.

Thanks for any help!

11-27-2017, 07:27 PM
It would be helpful if it was temporarily switched to a numeric system to help bug test for the future p99 server.

11-27-2017, 09:02 PM
Wondering if there is any way to see faction hits in numeric form (rather than just a general increase/decrease)?

No. To learn some similar EQ "secret numbers" you can use a program like ShowEQ (although you could get banned for doing so), which watches the traffic between your client and the server ... but even that doesn't work for faction, because faction numbers are never sent to the client

11-29-2017, 06:02 PM
Live EQ shows exact faction values, the Titanium and Trilogy/PoP clients don't have that ability however. Feel free to roll a character on Agnarr and test out all the faction values you wish.

I get that you're trolling but c'mon man, we don't even got buff timers here. #classic

11-29-2017, 06:21 PM
I get that you're trolling but c'mon man, we don't even got buff timers here. #classic

He's not though. Daldaen used to be one of the top people on this server/forum. He was relatively friendly, very knowledgeable, and even sold me the child's tear for my epic at a discount, because he was just that cool.

Then he went to Agnar/the dark side. Now all he does is come to this forum (even though I don't think he still plays here) and talk about non-Project 1999 stuff from Agnarr.

How the mighty have fallen.

11-29-2017, 06:25 PM
If you are OCD you can count hits and since we know how many hits it takes to move between varying faction levels you can know where you are. Did that recently with Bandages for Honeybugger and in the Warrens for Paineel faction. If you are dorky enough like me you kind of see the numbers in your mind.

11-29-2017, 07:08 PM
If you are OCD you can count hits and since we know how many hits it takes to move between varying faction levels you can know where you are. Did that recently with Bandages for Honeybugger and in the Warrens for Paineel faction. If you are dorky enough like me you kind of see the numbers in your mind.

Doesn't have to be OCD, just search your logs for number of hits for "Your faction standing with Blah blah blah ..." . Then divide by the amount between cons https://wiki.project1999.com/Faction .

I did that with some +Kromzek and +Kromrif faction and corrected the wiki.

12-04-2017, 11:49 AM
I don't see how I'm trolling. That's quite literally the only way to see numeric faction hits outside of seeing the database. In fact this is where P99 got many of its faction values.


Unfortunately they sort of stopped updating P99 with regards to faction values. A lot of them are still very wrong, specifically NToV hits (P99 has massive hits, really should only be -10 for everything but dragon guards at -50 and bosses at -500) and Kael/Skyshrine quest armor NPCs (P99 has small hits, really should be +25 faction per level 30 quest NPC, which equals 350 faction per Clear).

It does look like they finally nerfed Wakening Lands broken faction that P99ers exploited for over a year to get easy CoV and Coldain faction without any risk or really needing any group.

Which ones do you think are still wrong, specifically?