View Full Version : memblur spells

09-23-2017, 05:25 PM
what do you guys use for your memblur situation?

not really sure what the difference between the various blur spells

the wiki has these %blur values that are unclear to me

Xornn's guide was not much help either

Thank you for any assistance!

09-23-2017, 07:38 PM
I almost exclusively use blanket of forgetfullness

I'd have to check, but iirc it has best chance of a blur

09-23-2017, 09:38 PM
These 2 are the ones I use

Level 4 mez is 20 mana(!) and has a high chance of memblur, even at lvl 60 i keep this spell on my spellbar 99% of the time. So for single target memblur that you can mez I see no reason to use any other spell. I feel I get a blur off after 2-3 casts if RNG gods dont hate me.

Blanket of forgetfullness is something like 99% chance to blur, but costs alot of mana and has long recast. It is an AOE target spell.

09-24-2017, 03:37 AM
At lvl 34, I've been using it when a warrior tank is having trouble with aggro. So usually after a shammy has slowed or Wiz nuked too soon.

And I use it when trying to heal up a pet I want to keep. Root it, blur it, let it heal and re-charm.

09-24-2017, 03:46 AM
If mez doesn't blur, a blanket of forgetfulness always seems to work best for me

AE mez then blanket if they are still aggro

09-24-2017, 05:00 AM
Lvl 4 mez for 99% of situations. Blanket for the remaining situations (or when you're killing stuff on which lvl 4 mez is too unreliable - lower velk, krup+ in seb, deeper in Chardok etc)

Memory Flux if for some reason you don't want to use blanket (don't wanna risk the mob you're killing regen a tick or two for example).