View Full Version : Quest Issue: Silk Coldain Prayer Shawl

07-09-2017, 03:10 AM
After making my Silk Coldain Prayer Shawl I handed it into Rexx Frostweaver. He said his dialog but there was no experience gained or faction. Shouldn't there have been Coldain and Dain faction at least?

07-11-2017, 06:37 AM
After making my Silk Coldain Prayer Shawl I handed it into Rexx Frostweaver. He said his dialog but there was no experience gained or faction. Shouldn't there have been Coldain and Dain faction at least?

Have you seen any info that said there should be and can you post a link to it ?
it would help the devs if you had the info about the bug so they know if there is a bug or not.

Found this with a quick search not sure if it's the same step you are on:


07-12-2017, 12:01 AM
I was going by http://wiki.project1999.com/Coldain_shawl. But allakhazam's Coldain Prayer Shawl pages have faction given for each shawl quest except for the 5th shawl. So I have no idea for certain if the 5th shawl quest should yield faction or not.

09-03-2021, 11:08 AM
The Rexx step shouldn't have any rewards associated with it.

The npc wants to see your shawl, so you turn it in, and he hands you back the same item.

I added missing exp/faction for Loremaster Borannin for the Fur-Lined shawl.

Fixed, pending update