View Full Version : Who guild leader is?

05-12-2017, 03:34 PM
Howdy folks need some input. we just created a guild. Someone made another person guild leader before inviting the person to the guild. It said it took but alas we do not have a guild leader at the moment. Any suggestions? Dont want to petition if we dont have to.

05-12-2017, 03:36 PM
I think this works..
/guildstatus target or name - Brings up guild information.

Then I think you can use this if need be..
/guildleader - Transfers guild leadership status to the targeted guild officer..

I think if you wanna make someone an officer it this..
/guildinvite target or name o

If all else fails you can try petitioning for help from the staff.

Source: http://wiki.project1999.com/Commands#.2Fguild

05-12-2017, 03:56 PM
Looks like we will have to petition. How it happened was the guild leader at the time targeted a person not in guild and typed /guildleader <name> it came up on chat <make so ans so leader when we noticed that person was not in guild yet e then invited said person to the guild and it made him an officer and we assumed the person leader. Said person did not check until the next day if they were leader sadly they are not . Looking through all our chars no one is leader lol. It is fitting for our guild though for we are the <Misfits of Marr> reborn =)

05-13-2017, 01:32 AM
I can confirm that the kittens leadership is bugged like this too. We have to pass with GM assistance now.

But Baler is right on with "/guildinvite charName o" to make people officers.