View Full Version : DAOC: Uthgard 2.0 - Midgard P99 Group

04-29-2017, 12:00 AM
So after a few months of good times in Hibernia, I've finally decided to try out another realm, one I'm all too familiar with and haven't been back to in a very long time.

Unlike many players who just go back to what they have already played so much in the past, I'm trying out race/class combos I haven't really done before. Despite having to start from scratch without any high level friends from the get-go, I've already made a few new ones in the 3 days I've been playing Midgard so far.

I've a L15 Dwarf Hunter (with 500+ Fletching) and an L5 Dwarf Runemaster (with 200+ Tailoring) for the time being, may possibly try a Thane and maybe a healer type of some sort in the near future.

If anyone else is interested in giving Midgard a try now, we could have a solid base of a group, and check out the RvR (pvp) as early as level 20-24 with the BGs being as active as they are nowadays. I'd really like to have an all-Dwarf group going, with a Kobold exception or two if that class can't be one, this is something I've always wanted to see out in RvR, a bunch of Dwarf midgets wreaking havoc all over the place!

Anyway make a post here or PM me if you'd like to join in and have a good time in Midgard!

P.S. If you already have an existing account on Uthgard in another realm, you don't need to erase your chars or wait the 7 days to do a 'realm transfer', just create a new account using a different email and you're gtg.

04-29-2017, 11:44 AM
P.S. If you already have an existing account on Uthgard in another realm, you don't need to erase your chars or wait the 7 days to do a 'realm transfer', just create a new account using a different email and you're gtg.

That's specifically against the rules tho!

04-29-2017, 02:23 PM
DAOC is worse than EQ

And EQ already sucks