View Full Version : Felia Goldenwing parked by OT zoneline for the next half hour.

04-13-2017, 11:37 AM
Any enchanters needing to trade in their dull sapphire come on over. Send a tell to Feyenu if you need me to wait at all. Just have to charm her and trade in your sapphire. She cons blue to me at level 60, and is listed as level 45 on the wiki, so keep that in mind when you need to charm her.

She is really hard to spawn. The cycle she is in isn't particularly hard to kill, but she is very rare on the spawn table for her cycle, something like 2%. It took me 12 hours of farming the 60 second cycle at the graveyard to spawn her for my epic.

04-13-2017, 01:30 PM
Just want to say that's really nice of you, and I hope some Chanters who need their epic turn-in saw this in time.

I know it was a pretty lame camp for me to do.

04-13-2017, 01:44 PM
I don't need her yet (only level 57) but that's really generous of you!