View Full Version : A few fun GM event ideas

03-03-2017, 05:30 PM
Just thought of some things that may be fun and wanted to share.

Idea #1: Full world clear
Mobs no longer respawn. The only way to get them to respawn is to kill every single NPC in Norrath. Possible that some exceptions should be made for bankers, but I say kill 'em all!

This may be annoying in the long haul, but I am willing to bet it gets done rather quickly when people get their playground disrupted.

Can maybe create a custom faction, maybe adjust faction hit per mob level and award a prize based on end of event in how high you raised your faction?

Idea #2: The Time of Troubles
Idea taken from the Icewind Dale series by R.A. Salvatore when magic stops working throughout the realm. So the spin is this...

Spells above level 39 no longer work. All combat skills and abilities are capped at 125 or so. I would argue to even disable damage bonuses on weapons. No armor or inventory clickies work. No weapon clicks or procs work.

A hidden quest chain would need to be solved, not impossibly difficult, but not exactly laid out for us. People need to be hailing mobs and asking the right questions. Somehow I think this would link to Bristlebane...

Idea #3: Race wars
No, no, no... I'm not talking about the raid scene. I'm talking about raiding towns!! Whatever race slaughters the most opposing town folk gets a buff that lasts a month even through rez and can't be dispelled, can be like +25 all stats / resists for incentive.

Maybe can itemize guild / town leaders with loot as incentive, just mid range stuff like Goblin Gazughi rings, Earring of Essence, etc.

Non-Loot PvP enabled in all towns to make it extra interesting!

Idea #4: World Drop Month
All loot is randomized and can drop from any mob. No high end loot like VP / ToV / Flowing Thought items, but for sure Fungi's, Sky quest drops and the like. Make level appropriate, TStaff can't drop off a scrawny gnoll, etc. Can keep certain quest drops like epic items on the appropriate mobs to prevent rage nerding.

Anyways, had to get those thoughts out of my head, enjoy!

03-03-2017, 11:08 PM
There were Halloween events back in the day (99 ish) where the sky would be all red and odd mobs would be popping; drops would be never-seen-before and never-to-be-seen again specialty items. Lots of running around seeing weirdness. Was fun and those items were cherished. Also seem to recall ec tunnel sudden pops of crazy orc? trains and the like. Am new a few weeks on p99 so might be you've done those kinda things /shrug. GM events r fun. Hope to see something a day here and there.

03-04-2017, 03:48 PM
I have an idea for a GM event, one week no ports work except sky/hate and zone succors. Everyone is forced to take boats/use OT hammers. Self ports still work, don't want the wizards/druids crying, we just want dial-a-port to cry (jk dial a port is cool but it would be a cool event)

03-04-2017, 03:50 PM
There were Halloween events back in the day (99 ish) where the sky would be all red and odd mobs would be popping; drops would be never-seen-before and never-to-be-seen again specialty items. Lots of running around seeing weirdness. Was fun and those items were cherished. Also seem to recall ec tunnel sudden pops of crazy orc? trains and the like. Am new a few weeks on p99 so might be you've done those kinda things /shrug. GM events r fun. Hope to see something a day here and there.

Yep, it was in EK, Rathe Mountains, and Lower Faydark (i think? mightve been steamfont). I remember that was a good time everyone running around to get drops, wasnt the best drops in the world but it was good for newbs and they had custom graphics like there was a jack o lantern helmet you could get.

03-04-2017, 04:00 PM
I really like your full world clear and randomize loot table ideas.