View Full Version : Is there an easier way to have you friends list shared between characters?

02-23-2017, 08:55 PM
Not sure this is the right forum, but I am wondering if there is an easier way to have your friends list shared between all of your different characters so for instance If I am on my seller for a bit and see if one of my leveling buddies are on and then go go on my main to maybe see if they want to group or whatnot?

I remember I asked something before where your friends list is located so you can easily transfer it between different computers, but could I do something similar I guess but then just rename the file to the new character's name like what you can do with the User Interface where you would just rename it to the characters name and the layout will be the exact same?

02-23-2017, 11:53 PM
Your friends' list (and ignore list, and macros etc) are in the charactername_project1999.ini files in your EQ folder. Every character you make has one of these per server. you can open these with notepad or notepad++ or like apps and copy and paste the friends bit from one character's file to another. making a copy of the file and renaming it to 2ndcharactersname_project1999.ini could also work.

02-24-2017, 05:48 AM
There's no pretty way to do it on Windows, but if you really want to - google "creating a hard link on windows". You'll need to make 2ndcharactersname_project1999.ini a hard link to charactername_project1999.ini

If you are on Linux or Mac, things become very simple, use the "ln" command to create a symbolic link between the two files (again, Google is your friend on how to do it).

02-24-2017, 03:07 PM
I recall this, Never tried it. Github doesn't seem to have been updated since april 2015.

If it works as advertised it would solve OP's dilemma.
ps. I think copying/pasting in notepad is less complicated than doing links. Not sure of the OP's tech savvyness.