View Full Version : Tips from left-handed players?

02-23-2017, 03:45 PM

I am new to Project 1999 and I think this is amazing. I intend to invest a lot of time into this.

I am left-handed... Left hand on the mouse, right hand on the keyboard. I am looking for tips from already established players that are playing with the same configuration as me... what keybindings are you using? To move, use spellbars, etc.

If there are any ppl playing like me that is xD

02-23-2017, 11:16 PM
Was meaning this as a joke, but looked and theyre real.

02-24-2017, 09:28 AM
roflmao haha I didn't even know they made those - but it doesn't fix my problem unfortunately :)

02-24-2017, 12:03 PM
From a fellow left-hander... learn to play righty.

02-24-2017, 12:18 PM
I don't think I have ever considered the challenges for a lefty in EQ. Probably don't play a bard, I have yet to see a left handed lute. I have no other advice to offer, but wanted to say welcome to the server!

02-24-2017, 12:46 PM
Basically, my left handed friend plays with all the normal right hand key binds for the most part. He uses ESDF as movement keys with his right hand, scoots the keyboard to the right and uses his mouse with his left hand. His hands are a bit closer together than normal with this setup. But he seems comfortable, and no special gear required

02-24-2017, 01:29 PM
I've never met a lefty who used a left handed mouse, I can't speak for other lefties but I've always done things right handed with the exception of eating, drawing, fapping, etc..

02-24-2017, 04:03 PM
I'm a lefty and I play righty. I have my mouse on the right side and have modified my movement keys to be asdw and attack is q. Been playing that way for years.

02-24-2017, 04:33 PM
razer makes a lefty naga, you could just bind all yer stuff to that and use the arrow keys for moving

02-24-2017, 04:40 PM
I write, eat, and use mouse left handed and do literally everything else right handed. It is pretty rough sometimes but I like to think it doesn't limit my performance in P99. I do curse myself though for lining up my mouse on the left side of my comp first time I used it when I was a youngster.

I bought a left handed mouse and hated it, now I have a Roccat Savu which is sort of a neutral balanced mouse, it's not super inverted or curved for righties and it works well for me.

As for keyboard I use the Arrow Keys to move and then 6 buttons Ins/Del/end/ etc above arrows for 1/6 hot key, with keypad and other keys around for other important buttons. It's something like this but this isn't exact, actually Ins. is jump i think and Del is auto attack but can't remember:


There's a lot of other ways to do it but this is just what is comfortable for me. It transitions well for other games too but its always annoying setting up keybinds and figuring out what's important and adjusting it as you learn a new game.

02-24-2017, 05:05 PM
Do they not make a keyboard with the number pad on the left for lefty people?

02-24-2017, 06:51 PM
I am left handed. And have always just learned to play everything online as a right handed person. Take too much time to remap keys on every game, or learn a mouse for gaming and a different one for work, etc.

This is one of those 'its a deal if you make it one' things

02-24-2017, 06:56 PM
ya i just play right handed stuff my dude. I was touching keyboards as a wee lad though and am fairly ambidextrous

02-24-2017, 07:45 PM
If you are a left handed gamer, you either get used to right handing while playing or buying a new appropriate keyboard.

Get the keyboard, they aren't that expensive.

the problem with getting a left handed keyboard still persists, although the effects are more present in other games as the whole ergonomy of keys was made for your thumb and index to be towards the mass of keys available to the left side of the wasd. For this to be effective, I would need a keyboard that is a complete replica of a regular keyboard but mirrored, so instead of qwerty top left you would get poiuy.

As a left handed player (having right hand on the keyboard, so having thumb and index towards the left side of wasd) makes this very hard to reach keys that are on the right side.

Personally, I've always used the arrows in all the games I played, but having to rebind everything is such a hassle that sometimes I just leave the configs by default and I know that I lose effectiveness this way, or I try to rebind but never really feel optimal because of the lack of keys surrounding the arrows.

Another option for me is to use IJKL just like people would use WASD, but it required to rebind almost everything and it's not pleasant at all :(

Mefdinkins: thank you for showing me this, I will highly consider this arrow setup... it's actually not a bad idea. Only problem is you have to move your hand from arrows if you want to reach any other control, like inventory, spellbook etc but I think it should be viable anyway.

02-24-2017, 07:47 PM
I don't think I have ever considered the challenges for a lefty in EQ. Probably don't play a bard, I have yet to see a left handed lute. I have no other advice to offer, but wanted to say welcome to the server!

thanks you :)

02-25-2017, 12:11 AM
From a fellow left-hander... learn to play righty.

I am left handed, and learned to use the mouse with my right hand ages ago. You'd probably be better off just adapting to a right handed mouse in the long run.

02-25-2017, 02:11 PM
Ok, I have been gaming with mouse in left hand for decades and I have the solution for you. Use the num pad with your right hand. Hi have the basic up down left right keys for movement. Then you have all the other keys adjacent that you can bind spells and actions too. You can even use page up/down/home/end keys and the arrOw keys to left of numpad with a short reach. I have everything set up so that when I play I never have to move right hand from the numpad. And I never have to click on the screen to cast a spell or do an action. It takes effort to set up and iterate the most optimal bindings but it is worth it.

02-27-2017, 04:11 PM
I'm a lefty. Just learned to play right handed. Growing up i didn't realize that they made left-handed anything.

02-27-2017, 07:19 PM
Play it the way right handers do, anything else is needless.

02-27-2017, 08:10 PM
I wont be drawing by mouse anytime soon, but Ive learned to use the mouse in my right hand since i was a kid.

I think the consensus is just get used to it.

02-27-2017, 08:51 PM
When I was younger, I was left without the use of my right hand for several months, and learned how to use the mouse with my left hand. I use the mouse in my right hand when I am gaming, but still use it in my left hand at work (without the buttons flipped).

I would imagine it would be the same, but you would just move with the keypad, instead of WASD.