View Full Version : NPC Spawn Issue: Pendle Dashinger bugged?

02-21-2017, 10:46 AM
I casted Beguile on him about 15 times in a row on a level 30 enchanter, he outright resisted all of them.

Also resisted every mez attempts with level 4 mez spell - about 8 total.

A couple roots stuck and tash stuck as well.

Has he been made charm/mez immune or just a temporary bug?

I actually charmed him just fine to kill Targishin earlier today and the server hasn't been reset since then.

02-21-2017, 11:20 AM
AC: 214
HP: ~30,000 (100k?)
Damage per hit: 12 - 180 (yes thats correct)

spawns at the gateway of the Kaesora ruins in FoB. Sometimes may be found along the beach when someone's decided to use him to fight the tangrin.

An unkillable mob despite his low level? Is this mob classic?

02-21-2017, 11:28 AM
I pulled him to the guards and it has taken them (4 guards) to kill him in 15 minutes and he resists all spells that the Shadow Knight Guard was casting even HT its kinda funny. He has a ton of hp and hits really hard don't fight him people. Ok I just watched more of the fight he has killed a Trooper and the Shadow Knight guards can heal!!!! I just saw it..reminding you that he cons blue to a lev 31.


02-21-2017, 12:20 PM
I used to charm him just fine all the time, even earlier today. Not sure what happened.

02-21-2017, 01:06 PM
While out of era, the following quote indicates that PD was charmable up to and including the Feb 2003 era.

He can be dire charmed until Verant notices and makes him immune to charm


Dire charm is an AA that allows the caster to cast an unresistable charm on an appropriate mob type up to level 46, as long as the mob is not uncharmable.

The key bit here being that this mob is NOT flagged as uncharmable.

02-21-2017, 01:14 PM
Well he's even con to level 30, and resisted about 15 Beguile's in a row after a Tash.

Beguile has a level 37 cap and used to land on this mob 100% of the time before.

02-21-2017, 01:26 PM
He is Magic immune. Was on Live always should've been here. Dire Charm ignores resist checks only does the charmable and level check which is why DC worked.

Sounds like it's working as intended now.

02-21-2017, 01:33 PM
He is Magic immune. Was on Live always should've been here. Dire Charm ignores resist checks only does the charmable and level check which is why DC worked.

Sounds like it's working as intended now.

Evidence lines up.

he resists all spells that the Shadow Knight Guard was casting even HT its kinda funny.


Sounds like he was broken before and is now fixed, guess I'll have to train Tangrin onto guards instead of using PD

02-21-2017, 01:48 PM
Well I still got a couple roots to stick so he's not magic immune.

And he hasn't even been repopped apparently since earlier today - still holding that torch.


Oh well.

02-21-2017, 01:54 PM
That's a bug then, evidence indicates he should be able to resist up to and including Harmtouches