View Full Version : thanks for project 1999 and all who have helped so far

02-06-2017, 01:50 PM
Hey all,

It's been a whirlwind few days for gaming in our house. I recently thought about my original eq account and discovered this project, I'm so happy that I did.

I played the original EQ from '99 - 2005 and left after Lost dungeons I believe. I was on the Rathe server in a guild named League of Levity with a Wood elf Ranger Aranarth, many many good times were had. Lots of dragon's slayed...

Fast forward to 2017 now have two kids (one who plays a little WoW) who have heard me talk about the "good ol days" of EQ and how hard it was compared to the easy mode of today's games, especially iPad games!

Thank you so much for setting up this project and keeping it running. Me and my boys all have accounts now and have been able to group by tether'ing to iPhones (until ip exemption is put in for our ip) and having a blast on Orc Hill and other places in GFay and listening to the boys half complain / half be in wonder of having to go on a "corpse run", falling off Kelethin etc. etc.

This community has been great! We have not renewed our wow subscriptions :)


Arinarth - lvl 6 we ranger


Aladard - lvl 5 we Druid
Wolvenblade - lvl 3 we Warrior

02-07-2017, 12:33 AM
Sounds like good times. Glad you guys are back!

02-07-2017, 04:16 AM
Welcome back to EQ :)