View Full Version : Archery Dexterity bonus?

01-07-2017, 05:44 AM
I was reading the p99 wiki, and I came across two conflicting pieces of information. So I was wondering if Dexterity gives a damage bonus on archery like its supposed to... Thanks :0

Brad McQuaid: "DEX: how quickly you learn weapon skills; how often weapon will proc; how quickly you learn rogue skills; how hard you hit with bows"[4]
"This determines how hard you hit with your bows, how quickly you learn weapon and rogue skills, and how often a magic weapon will process it's skill. This is a good skill to have for fighters, especially rangers and rogues, and of only limited use for magic users."

Melee Combat:
Crippling blows have chance to stun.
Rogues can critical hit, deadly strike, and assassinate on throwing attacks.
The player attack delay floor is 5 delay.
Archery has no damage bonuses.

01-07-2017, 05:52 AM
Without considering the issue of whether to trust what Brad McQuaid described, you need to consider p1999 is not an exact clone of live.

From what I've read it seems STR improves archery damage, not dex. The wiki is open for all to edit, if you manage to work out what is correct you can fix it yourself. If you feel something is wrong, but you don't know the exact details, perhaps note a little disclaimer in the text?

Even the info above is not necessarily conflicting. Dex may not grant a bonus to archery damage, but simply make you more likely to roll one of the higher results (i.e. if it were a dice game, dex might just give you weighted dice or dice with 2 6s and no 1s instead of adding +1 to your result).

01-09-2017, 02:06 PM
Ok, I'll have to do some research...

However, both of my excerpts came from different parts of the P99 wiki... I just thought it would be nice to have the actual facts on the wiki

01-09-2017, 02:59 PM
Hi, I bet you'll find some answers here: http://www.project1999.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242638

01-09-2017, 03:55 PM
Thanks, I will update the wiki.