View Full Version : The gay accent

09-03-2016, 05:13 PM
Where did it come from? Did gay people always have special ways of speaking? The lilt at the end of a sentence. The lisp.

I don't think it's an inherent trait. I believe it's a cultural thing.

Please tell me if you know

09-03-2016, 05:38 PM
Where did it come from? Did gay people always have special ways of speaking? The lilt at the end of a sentence. The lisp.

I don't think it's an inherent trait. I believe it's a cultural thing.

Please tell me if you know

Started off hundreds of years ago as a way to soften and feminize your voice, more like a tranny putting on a softer voice, in less modern times.

The modern gay accent is cultural. Specifically the flamboyant accent is a purely modern cultural phenomenon. Its natural in the sense that it comes naturally, but it has no genetic basis.

In 2016, a lot of straight guys (hipsters mostly and millennials) have picked up on pieces of the flamboyant accent as a way to degrade/insult someone. This is referred to as the "Andy Dick" phenomenon.

Andy Dick was for a decade or so (and still is by many) considered straight. This opened the door for people to start using his style of insulting and degrading bitchy talk when putting down another guy snidely in a conversation. This is found mostly in the cities.

So its not just a gay thing if you hear someone switch to a flamboyant accent suddenly, they are probably doing it to degrade the argument at hand dismissively. Usually as a snappy final remark at the end of an exchange.

09-03-2016, 05:57 PM
Interesting... Nice connection to the insulting tone of voice, I've definitely heard it. Of course, with how I was raised I become extremely aggressive, loud, and end sentences with an intimidating flatness, daring the other person to make a single error in their response. This is the only way to truly terrify your opponents and leave then reeling from your counter accusations and non sequitur attacks

I hope this finds you doing very well

09-03-2016, 10:47 PM
I believe it's a cultural thing. It's feminine vs masculine. Been around a very long time. Just like Hitler's SS were masculine, and they killed feminine type homosexuals. I wouldn't even associate it with Dandy speak, it's more feminized than it is flamboyant like Dandy.

09-04-2016, 03:28 AM
makes me hard

that skarlorn thread is a monster. just getting into it now, ton of reading to do there, lack the attention span 2ntie but browsing I felt it was relevant to the above quote. I probably won't be making a contribution because if I got involved again in that thread it could disrupt the balance of the force and I don't want to discourage anyone.

didn't anticipate R Flair making a move. Nihilist is in full bloom. the block is hot.

09-04-2016, 01:21 PM
The accent itself is a way to identify one as gay. During the gay movement, it was used for shock value and identification. Basically, you could say you were gay all the time , without actually saying it. It then developed into a stereotype. You had new gays coming out of the closet ( Particularly young people) ,and looking for something to identify with. Well, the feminine accent was one of those things.

There is a lot of stereotypes for gay men. First, is that they need to dress nice all the time. Second, would be the need to validate themselves by making most things into a gay conversation. What I mean is they have a constant need to parade their sexuality around. They want people to look at them and know they are gay. If people can't tell, they resort to the accent. Now if you were to question a gay man about these things , I think you will find most in denial.

When kids grow up, they look for outside sources to look up too. What do you find for a gay male? You will find all the stuff I said above. It isn't until a gay male reaches maturity in his sexuality that he realizes he doesn't need to act like a stereotypical gay man. Those gay men are rare, and you wouldn't be able to know if they were gay, unless they told you. Some men never reach sexual maturity. These are the men that are very flamboyant and everything they do has to have some sort of gay sexual connection. I find these people are troubled and are not secure in who they are.

Overall, I think the gay community will continue having a ton of men using a feminine accent. Like I said above, it isn't until they reach sexual maturity in who they are that would warrant them to quit talking like a retard. I think it's sad , but it originated for the gay movement to desensitize straight people. It's a necessary shock value. Over time I think we will have fewer men having to identify with such accents.