View Full Version : n00b SK question

06-21-2016, 02:23 AM
Probably a real "no duh" kinda question, but...my DE SK is level 11. Can I wear plate armor? Or is that a skill that's acquired at later levels? Can I only wear chainmail or whatever the next highest armor is below plate?

06-21-2016, 03:26 AM
you can wear plate, in fact, you'll be supposed to wear plate, you know, it's more convenient to tank which will probably be your main roll in groups for lots of levels

06-21-2016, 10:18 AM
OP is thinking in Warcraft terms I think where warriors start in chain and move up to plate later on?

Yeah, definitely plate if you can find it in any form. More AC will help you to live longer :p

06-21-2016, 10:37 AM
Go for banded over bronze/plate unless you can get stat gear

Bronze is super heavy and dark elfs have low str. Banded just as good but alot lighter

06-22-2016, 12:43 AM
All plate classes can wear plate lvl 1. But on a fresh server it is impossible to afford such armor and you work your way up from leather to chain to plate

06-22-2016, 04:24 PM
A slightly more indepth answer, mostly for the original poster's benefit:

Armor types (plate/chain/cloth/etc) don't actually exist in this game. All that matters is what classes and races (in rare cases, dieties) are listed on the who-can-wear-it listing on the item statistics. Otherwise, armor types are simply a graphical difference, and there are cases of chain classes that can wear plate, plate classes who choose to use chain or leather items even at high level, a rare few plate items for "cloth" classes, and so forth. Calling a class in this game a plate or chain class is more of a general term referring to the most common sort of items they tend to wear--it isn't a hard, built-in limitation like you see in some other online games.

Most items in this game have no level requirement, either. You can wear the vast majority of items at level 1, including the majority of no-drop items if you somehow obtain them.


06-23-2016, 10:38 PM
Farm bonechips, quality bear/wolf pelts, spiderling/spider silks, etc to sell to players in EC - buy raw mana/hp items that have ac on them. IMO (and i may get bashed at this) I always found more use out of the extra hp and mana on a hybrid with items have have more than just raw AC on them and nothing else. You'd be surprised how many great stat-wise item have little to no value on this server since it's been here so long. And ALWAYS haggle with someone about price. If they want 50p for an item, ask if they'll take 35p etc. 95% of the time people will accept less than their asking price. Especially if they're new. If i find new people I typically just give them a bagfull of items.