View Full Version : Nullify Magic vs Annul Magic

05-28-2016, 01:29 PM
I was testing the cancel magic line of spells on myself. What I've noticed is...

.. Cancel Magic (lvl 19) Remove 1 buff
. Nullify Magic (lvl 44) Remove 2 buffs
... Annul Magic (lvl 55) Remove 2 buffs

It seems that Nullify Magic and Annul Magic do the exact same thing. Can anyone explain to me why I would want to use Annul Magic over Nullify Magic?

05-28-2016, 01:45 PM
more dispell counters for stronger things that need to be removed i think

05-28-2016, 01:47 PM
Funnier name.

Annul magic also has a quicker cast time, and I suppose may remove more 'buff counters' per 'remove buffs'.

05-28-2016, 05:06 PM

1: Cancel Magic (4)
2: Cancel Magic (4)


1: Cancel Magic (9)
2: Cancel Magic (9)

Those numbers in parentheses refers to the potency of the removal. This goes against the potency of the spells.

05-30-2016, 01:13 PM
Remind me how the counters thing works.

A 'remove 4 counters' effect would remove 4 counters from every buff (starting from the top) until either a buff is removed or there are no more buffs to remove counters from?

05-30-2016, 01:35 PM
The thread on how this was fixed is here, Jimjam


05-30-2016, 05:24 PM
Thank you kindly Weasel!

PS Haynar is a champ.

05-31-2016, 12:18 AM
The thread on how this was fixed is here, Jimjam


Not sure if fixed is the right word. Dispells being able to skip buffs is just broken.

05-31-2016, 11:04 AM
*There are still some issues that cause dispells to skip buffs though. Mostly due to poor buff management. I've found that the biggest culprit is letting buffs jump slots during rebuffing. This causes them to visually appear in the UI in one slot but actually be in a different slot when dispels start flyin in, which makes dispel appear to jump slots. If you always click off buffs before reapplying it clears up a ton of the dispel issues people complain about.

This sounds like a bug to me ?

05-31-2016, 11:23 AM
[Buffs] visually appear in the UI in one slot but actually be in a different slot [server side], which makes dispel appear to jump slots. If you always click off buffs before reapplying it clears up a ton of the dispel issues...

I just tested this out and confirmed this to be correct.

Starting buff order in UI (client side) and server side:
Slot 1 - See Invis
Slot 2 - DS
Slot 3 - Arch Shielding

Clicked See Invis buff to drop; slot in UI now open, recast Arch Shielding moved in UI from Slot 3 to Slot 1.
Buff order in UI is:
Slot 1 - Arch Shielding
Slot 2 - DS
Slot 3 - See Inviz

Buff order on server side is still original order:
Slot 1 - See Invis
Slot 2 - DS
Slot 3 - Arch Shielding

Casting Nullify Magic drops DS and See Inviz and not Arch Shielding. The order Nullify worked on was exactly what is on server side.

05-31-2016, 12:05 PM
Why exactly did the developers change buff importance values again? I know that dispell sticks used to always remove your top buff, but then that changed with a random patch, which in some ways made managing dragon AEs and dispells futile.

05-31-2016, 12:11 PM
Why exactly did the developers change buff importance values again? I know that dispell sticks used to always remove your top buff, but then that changed with a random patch, which in some ways made managing dragon AEs and dispells futile.

it still usually removes the top - the issue is just as the previous poster pointed out, the client side and server side buff order is not always 'accurately' displayed to you in the order your buffs actually are

05-31-2016, 12:21 PM
it still usually removes the top - the issue is just as the previous poster pointed out, the client side and server side buff order is not always 'accurately' displayed to you in the order your buffs actually are

Prior to the patch that changed buffs, it was reasonably difficult as a bard to get the right AE removed with dispell when the top buff always got removed. Bards had the extra difficulty of making sure that songs being twisted did not ever drop when dispelling, so songs did not switch buff slot and screw up the rest of your group.

Now, it's pretty hard as a bard to make sure your songs don't drop and end up in the wrong buff slot since you don't know what buff is going to get removed when use dispell and you have to dispell multiple times in a row to get the AE removed. It always felt like a total gamble to me after the "buff" patch.