View Full Version : Does Anyone remember server pop numbers?

12-10-2010, 07:54 PM
I was curious what type of numbers were logged in from release to Luclin time frame.

Thanks in advance


12-10-2010, 07:59 PM
This is the commonly linked MMOGChart:


12-10-2010, 08:01 PM
I am not positive, but........ I played on "The Rathe" and I remember 10k people on just my server.

12-10-2010, 08:05 PM
Hrmm... if you can read that chart, it looks like about 450,000-500,000ish around Luclin's release (Dec 2001).

At any given time there were usually about 20-25 servers running then, so 20k per server?

12-10-2010, 08:08 PM
Actually, when was the first merge? There may have been more servers then.

12-10-2010, 08:34 PM
Sony has 300k subscribers across all their games right now.

12-10-2010, 08:35 PM
This is the commonly linked MMOGChart:


WoW! (see what I did there?)

Durothil Skyreaver
12-10-2010, 08:36 PM
I think there was something like 1500-2500 logged in on the servers at peak times. I'll have to check with my bro, he saw a bunch of that info during the summit in San Diego.

12-10-2010, 09:58 PM
I remember at around the time when they stopped showing server numbers, which I believe happened on 9/11 coincidentally, the population on Tallon Zek regularly hit 3k concurrent users in primetime. And we were usually one of the lowest populations.

12-10-2010, 10:12 PM
Here are some data points of how many people were logged into the server at a time, when they still listed it. This is from www.monkly-business.com in archive.org

Server Status
Last scan:
2/1/2001 at 8:37 pm GMT

-a thursday, 3:37pm Eastern time in the United States.

Server Users
Ayonae Ro 1307
Bertoxxulous 1301
Brell Serilis 1198
Bristlebane 1385
Cazic-Thule 1130
Chat Server 39
Drinal 1055
Druzzil Ro 1032
E'ci 1276
Erollisi Marr 1171
Fennin Ro 1216
Innoruuk 1287
Karana 1637
Lanys T'Vyl 1059
Luclin 1085
Mithaniel Marr 1167
Morell-Thule 1113
Povar 1129
Prexus 1291
Quellious 1193
Rallos Zek (PvP) 1013
Rodcet Nife 1115
Saryrn 1028
Solusek Ro 1734
Tallon Zek (PvP) 1074
Tarew Marr 1115
Terris-Thule 1125
Test Server 192
The Nameless 1217
The Rathe DOWN
The Seventh Hammer 1051
The Tribunal 1176
Tholuxe Paells 1071
Torvonnilous 1070
Tunare 1307
Vallon Zek (PvP) 1062
Vazaelle� 1127
Veeshan 1139
Xegony 1256
Xev 1073

And another,

Server Status
Last scan:
7/21/2001 at 1:50 pm PST
A Saturday in the USA.

Server Users
Ayonae Ro 1919
Bertoxxulous 2152
Brell Serilis 2046
Bristlebane 2204
Cazic-Thule 1918
Chat Server 117
Drinal 1848
Druzzil Ro 1824
E'ci 1848
Erollisi Marr 1832
Fennin Ro 1938
Innoruuk 1963
Karana 2356
Lanys T'Vyl 1820
Luclin 1804
Mithaniel Marr 1810
Morell-Thule 1897
Povar 1915
Prexus 2310
Quellious 1922
Rallos Zek (PvP) 1267
Rodcet Nife 1887
Saryrn 1806
Solusek Ro 2251
Sullon Zek� 2178
Tallon Zek (PvP) 1338
Tarew Marr 2067
Terris-Thule 1836
Test Server 405
The Nameless 1923
The Rathe 1915
The Seventh Hammer 1861
The Tribunal 1918
Tholuxe Paells 1764
Torvonnilous 1761
Tunare 2279
Vallon Zek (PvP) 1353
Vazaelle 1773
Veeshan 1970
Xegony 1981
Xev 1837
Zebuxoruk 1753

12-10-2010, 10:39 PM
Funny how, after World of Warcraft, Runescape seems to be the game with the most growth.

12-11-2010, 08:08 AM
What's worrying is that WoW hasn't had a population decline... at all.

12-11-2010, 11:55 AM
I think WoW is tweaking the numbers.
I suspect they are counting every subscription thats ever been registered and paid even a single 15$ month sub. to make the numbers seem huge.
I have no doubt that they have millions of active subs, but as an example,
Over the years I've had 3 accounts that I've played, but only one was active and able to log into a server at a time.
I'm going to assume that Blizzard counts all 3 in that 10 million because none of them have been suspended and *could* be paid for and played at any moment.

12-11-2010, 12:16 PM
wtf is Lineage, I have never even heard of that. And it was more popular than eq? Why aren't we playing that right now? WTF rogean.

12-11-2010, 12:31 PM
wtf is Lineage, I have never even heard of that. And it was more popular than eq? Why aren't we playing that right now? WTF rogean.

Lineage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lineage_(computer_game)) is a Korean MMO. It's very big in Asia. Lineage II was a sequel here in the US under NC Soft.


12-11-2010, 12:34 PM
My old server (SolRo) was the most packed....interesting.

WoW numbers jut show how the majority of the mandkind is stupid :(