View Full Version : P99 Political Poll: Trump vs Hilldog/Bernie

02-20-2016, 09:26 PM
We are at an exciting crossroads.

Vote for Bernie/Hilldog: Give your paycheck to lazy people/muslims/feminazi SJW Ham-planets/entitled college kids that don't work and be obligated to let Muslim invaders have most of your paycheck and sleep in your bed while your wife cucks you with Muhammad. Calling someone fat will be considered "fat shaming" and have a penalty of 1 year of "Women's Studies" classes and will be paid for by those dumb enough to be employed and taxed at 50% to pay for "free college." Furthermore all companies will be penalized for hiring anyone that isn't a single mother, a minority, or homeless. All married person's will forfeit their children to the state and have them given to unwed women to increase the single mother party base.

Vote for Trumpdog: All men will be required to hunt Muslim's and gays during season with a 10 tag limit and shooting gun's off your porch will be a daily requirement. He will also stop women's suffrage which is widely regarded as the worst decision of the last century. Obama care will be repealed and replaced by throwing the weak and ill into a tar pit for the betterment of society. He also promises construction on a death-star which will be used to decimate Europe for spreading feminism and VW turbo diesel's while drawing giant dicks on Russian parliament buildings. US Congress proceedings will be replaced by WWF wrestling events where lobbyists and democrat/republicans wrestle and hit each other with metal chairs to see which legislation passes. College will only be available to those that can trace their white privilege back atleast 12 generations but will be widely regarded as a waste of time because anyone that can afford to go to college will have enough money to not have to go.

Who you gonna vote for?

02-20-2016, 09:31 PM

02-20-2016, 09:34 PM
Why are shillary and bernie on the same selection?

02-20-2016, 09:34 PM
Why are shillary and bernie on the same selection?

this. fuck you OP.

02-20-2016, 10:55 PM
Why are shillary and bernie on the same selection?
b'cuz they had to squish them together when writing all those names around teh little drilled hole in the bathroom stall.

02-20-2016, 11:00 PM
So wait how u know if it's hilluries or bernaynays penis?

02-20-2016, 11:34 PM
I will absolutely vote for trump if Hillary gets the nomination. Considering they rolled back the ONLY change in campaign reform during the 8 years of Obama, specifically so Hillary could take advantage of it, there obviously will be no change from a DNC/Hillary presidency.

I would rather the house burnt down then slowly fell apart.

02-20-2016, 11:54 PM
I will absolutely vote for trump if Hillary gets the nomination. Considering they rolled back the ONLY change in campaign reform during the 8 years of Obama, specifically so Hillary could take advantage of it, there obviously will be no change from a DNC/Hillary presidency.

I would rather the house burnt down then slowly fell apart.

There's hope for you yet.

02-20-2016, 11:56 PM

02-21-2016, 12:04 AM
Why are shillary and bernie on the same selection?

yea its like the pole basically is


02-21-2016, 12:06 AM
We are at an exciting crossroads.

Vote for Bernie/Hilldog: Give your paycheck to lazy people/muslims/feminazi SJW Ham-planets/entitled college kids that don't work and be obligated to let Muslim invaders have most of your paycheck and sleep in your bed while your wife cucks you with Muhammad. Calling someone fat will be considered "fat shaming" and have a penalty of 1 year of "Women's Studies" classes and will be paid for by those dumb enough to be employed and taxed at 50% to pay for "free college." Furthermore all companies will be penalized for hiring anyone that isn't a single mother, a minority, or homeless. All married person's will forfeit their children to the state and have them given to unwed women to increase the single mother party base.

Vote for Trumpdog: All men will be required to hunt Muslim's and gays during season with a 10 tag limit and shooting gun's off your porch will be a daily requirement. He will also stop women's suffrage which is widely regarded as the worst decision of the last century. Obama care will be repealed and replaced by throwing the weak and ill into a tar pit for the betterment of society. He also promises construction on a death-star which will be used to decimate Europe for spreading feminism and VW turbo diesel's while drawing giant dicks on Russian parliament buildings. US Congress proceedings will be replaced by WWF wrestling events where lobbyists and democrat/republicans wrestle and hit each other with metal chairs to see which legislation passes. College will only be available to those that can trace their white privilege back atleast 12 generations but will be widely regarded as a waste of time because anyone that can afford to go to college will have enough money to not have to go.

Who you gonna vote for?

Funny shit right here. Good laughs. Piss on Hillary and Bernie btw!

02-21-2016, 05:14 PM
putting hillary and bernie on same slate makes poll invalid.