View Full Version : Damnit.

01-29-2016, 05:06 PM
Been back on p99 for like a week now and already have the urge to make alts.

I want a dwarf tank.

I have a 30 elf war here, I hate myself because I wanted to be pretty. I think I put everything into stamina but I have a whopping 75 str, 100 sta, and 80 dex. There have been dark times in Mistmoore as everything pounded my fragile something something.

On live, I played a Paladin for whenever whenever the planes came out to whenever WoW came out. I still wake up at night having regrets.

So, my only option is to remake into a dwarf warrior. I have limited funds and I can solo a decent amount of quests/camps and whatnot from being a 55 bard main here.

So, when making the dwarf warrior I see two options, everything into DEX or everything into STA. How important is DEX to procs?

01-29-2016, 09:43 PM
if youre rerolling for min/max reasons go ogre

otherwise stay with ur elf and be pretty imo

01-29-2016, 11:23 PM
Keep up with the glamor/fashion quest... In the end you'll find it's the only stat that matters.

01-30-2016, 03:58 PM
Play whatever race you find visually appealing.

01-30-2016, 08:07 PM
You can easily max your stats with gear and buffs. Whether it's for racial bonuses (sneak, slam, etc.) or aesthetics, play what you want.

01-31-2016, 12:51 PM
You can easily max your stats with gear and buffs

It's not at all easy to cap stats as smaller races unless you have access to North Temple Veeshan gear, which most players don't. Thing is, you don't necessarily *have* to max out your stats to do your job well, either. If your elf Warrior buffs to 225 stamina instead of 255, you'll still be within 5% of the maximum life of a capped Ogre Warrior in equivalent gear and be able to tank all the usual stuff low to middle tier guilds raid without any fuss, anyway (kael arena, kunark stuff, ToV East, etc).

An elf Warrior with 75 base strength and no twink gear would be pretty painful to play. I dislike playing any plate-using melee unless I have a minimum 100 starting strength or (now that Velious is out) a lot of +strength gear. The original poster might not want to shelve his elf Warrior though: unless someone plans to power-level him, he can probably acquire sufficient money to buy some +strength gear more quickly than he can level a Dwarf to the 30's to replace his current character.

If you're determined to make a Dwarf, both Dexterity and Stamina-based builds work out okay in the long run.


02-01-2016, 06:05 AM
Maybe try a troll warrior? Regen is incredibly usefull, especially if you have no other means to heal up. Of course trolls are not pretty, but they do look funny.

02-02-2016, 04:06 AM
female barb is a good looking ish and stat wise race

02-03-2016, 05:57 AM
Welp, looks like I may keep the Elf Warrior afterall. But since I am 30 I honestly cannot remember how I kept agro.

Are there any moderately priced Velious weapons I should be looking out for? If I remember right, Yaks dont proc until 37, yak clubs until 40 and such

02-03-2016, 10:10 AM
Wizards job is to root mobs for you (stand closest to the rooted mob and it will attack you regardless of aggro). I'm pretty sure this is a group wizard's primary role, since it sure as hell isn't dps :p.

02-03-2016, 10:35 AM
If you're question is re-rolling warrior, what race? The only answer is Ogre if you're serious about being a warrior tank. Second choice is iksar. Regen is pretty mute for a warrior because you should be grouping with a priest class, mainly cleric.

If your dream isnt to be a raid tank, any race is fine. Get that level up, go to velious and start getting some proper tank gear. You'll be fine. Be sure to get some dex and weapons that proc, this is one of the best ways to keep agro as a warrior. From what I've read.

02-03-2016, 11:08 AM
Holding aggro varies with each group.

If the mobs are dying quick, you rely on white damage (an exceptional ratio weapon) or rooting mobs. A low level root would suffice if they are dying quickly.

If they aren't quickly dying, procs are the ticket. Skorpikis Claw Impaler is like 100pp. It's ratio isn't great, but the threat is real when it procs. All weapons proc at the same rate so if you can find a better ratio with a similar proc in your price range, grab it.

02-03-2016, 12:16 PM
Welp, looks like I may keep the Elf Warrior afterall. But since I am 30 I honestly cannot remember how I kept agro.

Are there any moderately priced Velious weapons I should be looking out for? If I remember right, Yaks dont proc until 37, yak clubs until 40 and such

Good call ^^ Dwarf isn't all that much more durable in the end, at least not enough to accept being stumpy and ugly. At 39, you probably didn't keep aggro. That's what root is for. Pick up a staff of battle and str gear until silken whip starts to proc and train casters to root.

02-04-2016, 09:09 AM
Good call ^^ Dwarf isn't all that much more durable in the end, at least not enough to accept being stumpy and ugly. At 39, you probably didn't keep aggro. That's what root is for. Pick up a staff of battle and str gear until silken whip starts to proc and train casters to root.

You mean Masculine and Handsome. It's okay tho we all make mistakes.

02-08-2016, 11:36 PM
Kept the elf warrior, got myself a full crusty set, having a good time.

But the idea of being able to barrel roll will always be on the back of my head. Thanks for the help everyone.

02-10-2016, 04:49 AM
Regen is pretty mute for a warrior because you should be grouping with a priest class, mainly cleric.

It's true, regen can't talk or make noises for a warrior.

02-13-2016, 05:41 PM
level 35
mistmoore, soldunga, some.. kunark place
all the same
cant hold agro
root agro
someome nukes
taunt fail
chanter mad
cleric mad
switch between so many weapons
cant hold agro without rooty



i miss my paladin from live

I... I had it so good then. It took me this long to figure that out.

A little stun.

A little flash.

Agro all mine

Or.. is there a level or a weapon proc that makes being a warrior all better?

Am I close?

Or is there ally no hope?

02-13-2016, 08:55 PM
It gets better when you're level 60 acting as main tank on raid bosses and using charged aggro click items like Midnight Mallets to stick those bosses to you, while the knights are bored twiddling their thumbs in the background fluff groups.

It'll get a little bit better in normal groups once you have decent aggro-proc weapons like Sarnak Warhammer, Infestation, etc. It won't get a lot better; you'll never match the Paladin or Shadow Knight's ability to frontload threat. You'll always depend on cooperation from your groupmates to keep targets focused on you, and they'll always need to hold back a little. That's the weakness of the Warrior class, and the price you pay for being able to act as tank against the biggest, toughest, hardest-hitting monsters in Norrath.


02-14-2016, 04:34 AM
The hope is that a caster will root the mobs for you (stand on its toes, rooted mobs attack whoever is closest... was playing my ranger the other night and the war went AFK so I just pulled the mob on top of the war and rooted it so he could still tank while he was afk). Also monks and rogues have effective ways of ditching aggro. If the shaman is slowing early, you can taunt off that to give you a lead against any other melee.

If my group could get an AFK war to tank, there shouldn't be any problem having a warrior who is actually tanking to take the majority of the hits.

02-16-2016, 11:33 PM
The most important agro management tools of the warrior are the player's social skills. Make friends with people who aren't idiots. Group with them whenever possible.

In a good group, any tank works well but a warrior (usually) lets you push harder.

In a poor group, a knight tank can often keep things rolling despite the incompetence of the others while a warrior is just marking time until the horrible CR.

Most groups will fall in between. If your group is leaning to the bad and the other players are too busy passing the blame around (or mucking about on facebook, or whatever) to try to make it work better, leave it and make a better one.

04-28-2016, 02:05 AM
Alright, it has been while but I broke down, rerolled into a dwarf warrior with everything into DEX. Was the same ole hit or miss agro until level 37 when my yaks started to proc aaand even then it was back to hit or miss.

Level 39 dwarf warrior, yaks have been procing since 37. I gave it two chances and both times left me with a sick feeling at the end of it all.

Welp, time for a dwarf paladin because I still have the cultural gear

04-28-2016, 11:19 AM
What is your DEX at? The target is 144 (buffed). Also, do you have haste? Are you using kick on cooldown?

04-28-2016, 09:22 PM
Fill a handmade backpack with 10 Wooly Spider Silk Net and you'll be fine.

04-29-2016, 04:14 AM
Alright, it has been while but I broke down, rerolled into a dwarf warrior with everything into DEX. Was the same ole hit or miss agro until level 37 when my yaks started to proc aaand even then it was back to hit or miss.

Level 39 dwarf warrior, yaks have been procing since 37. I gave it two chances and both times left me with a sick feeling at the end of it all.

Welp, time for a dwarf paladin because I still have the cultural gear

Warrior is really an end-game class. At no point in a warriors lifetime do procs become reliable.

If you're interested in the road from 1-60 and being a viable group tank you will want to be a sk, paladin, or twinked monk.

04-29-2016, 11:15 AM
Level 39 dwarf warrior, yaks have been procing since 37. I gave it two chances and both times left me with a sick feeling at the end of it all.

Ykeshas are not good weapons. I don't know why they have a good reputation - 9/24 is miserable. Your first good weapon is Frostbringer (12/22, note the massively improved ratio).

Cucumbers isn't wrong. If you want to be an XP group star, reroll Paladin or even Monk. Warriors don't start to really shine until endgame raiding.

That being said, I think your experience will improve a lot around 50-55. You get some good abilities (Evasive disc 52, Stunning Kick 55). Between better Shaman buffs and Sky/Hate gear your dexterity will rise. But the big improvement will come from the increased hitpoints of the NPCs. Right now I'm guessing you're in Mistmoore vaporizing low 30s Dark Elves with <1000 HP in under 20s. As you level up, you'll eventually be killing low 50s Krup Knights or Myconids with 10K HP. These fights take a minute or so, even with a full group, so you have a lot more time to proc, which means you are tanking a much higher fraction of the time.

http://wiki.project1999.com/Sakuragi%27s_Warrior_Guide might be worth reading.

04-29-2016, 11:34 AM
Alright, it has been while but I broke down, rerolled into a dwarf warrior with everything into DEX. Was the same ole hit or miss agro until level 37 when my yaks started to proc aaand even then it was back to hit or miss.

Level 39 dwarf warrior, yaks have been procing since 37. I gave it two chances and both times left me with a sick feeling at the end of it all.

Welp, time for a dwarf paladin because I still have the cultural gear

My warrior just does his level best to keep aggro with damage. Jade Mace ftw. Whenever I play him I look at him as a dps class that can tank if everyone else is careful or not too badly twinked out.

Fortunately your damage isn't horrible with the right weapons, considerably better than a knight of that level (especially if that knight is 1h + shield). Warriors have a fair chunk more hp, too. They're not bad, it's just hard to consider them tanks when their aggro control is so poor.

04-29-2016, 11:40 AM
With velious out, what are some good warrior aggro weapons now, beyond Frostbringer? I've seen people of various levels rocking an Infestation. It drops off a level 60 named deep in a dungeon. How difficult is it to scroungequest? Does it rot often? What other options are there. I've not got much chance to play binge sessions so am still stuck with some fairly meh kunark gear.

04-29-2016, 02:57 PM
Well I am skeptical about putting more money into this warrior but god dmanit.

Alright, raw DPS for agro at all levels. A Frostbringer and a what for weapons? wyrmslayer? venom axe thingy from velks?

04-29-2016, 03:21 PM
if you're 35 you could quest for...


04-29-2016, 04:07 PM
look, warriors are almost never world-beaters in XP groups. A good monk/enchanter/shaman can compensate for a bad warrior. A good warrior cannot compensate for a bad monk/enchanter/shaman. If you are expecting to tank XP mobs 100% of the time and save your group from certain death, warrior is not the class for you and you should reroll Paladin. The only issue is that a L60 paladins don't much more than cast divine strength. Of course, the raid scene is pretty bad anyway <shrug>

04-29-2016, 07:05 PM
I'd say more but Raev already said it. If you pick Warrior, pick it for the long haul with high-end raiding in mind.

I see lots of Warriors using the veno axe. It's highly popular. At level 55-ish plus an Infestation paired with either a Frostbringer or a Veno Axe seems to be the standard build nowdays outside the very high-end.


04-30-2016, 01:33 AM
I am going to start looking for a frostbringer for around 2500p and give this damn class one more shot so I can at least say I tried most options available

04-30-2016, 01:36 AM
A warrior can only do so much. I much prefer using a decent ratio weapon over a terrible one that has a proc. Procs just aren't reliable and when you get that string of attacks where nothing goes off, you're never pulling aggro back with those weapons.

If you have a rogue who won't stop attacking when their evade fails or a monk who doesn't know how to flop, well let them tank. If they get low they'll back off. It might seem frustrating but it is what it is.

04-30-2016, 04:46 AM
Just pay someone to root the mob for you then stand on it's toes as rooted mobs attack the closest player..

05-01-2016, 11:52 PM
Turns out Frostbringer mainhand with a Crystalline Short Sword offhand is pretty fantastic agro. While I am not king of the castle all the time things are turning my war more often.