View Full Version : Paladin + Rogue neu-blues

01-19-2016, 05:56 AM
Hi Blue99, me and my brother just started dwarf paladin and dwarf rogue here coming from Red99 (the server is desolate for group action; we have enc, dru, shm, mnk, nec there, in the 40-50 range). Our decision for these classes was a viable duo combo that is NOT entirely spell based, with main focus on groupability. We kinda set ourselves up for hardmode this way :) Immediately after login we were met with plenty of low levels running around, and high levels providing buffs to noobs. While the exp gains are much worse on B99, it appears the sense of community and comraderie will outweight the grind tedium.

Looking forward to spending time on B99 and meeting friendlies.

Give a shout to Phalla or Epicac in Butcherblock, we are always willing to travel Faydwer for groups.


01-19-2016, 09:59 AM
is the LoH hotbutton broken? seems to be in "ready" mode but gives "Ability not ready" when clicked

01-19-2016, 10:20 AM
its a bit bugged yes, i find that relogging sets it straight and will make it appear that it has been used if it has.

01-19-2016, 12:33 PM
There are new players in many zones but the gfay area is one of the most popular. Freeport area also has plenty. Find a leveling guild and you'll meet plenty of players.

01-19-2016, 12:37 PM
Welcome to blue!

Pope Hat
01-19-2016, 08:34 PM
Going from blue to red back to blue was so painful lol.