View Full Version : WTS <Brewing 248> Tainted Avalanche Ale MQ service

11-17-2015, 01:49 AM
Hello, Got 248 brewing last night and am willing to assist anyone wishing to do this portion of Ring 9 because I like being helpful also...I'm poor

What I offer...

YOUR MATS (Minus Wyvern stinger since its No drop) +1k plat , I will combine and make the ale as well as Assist you with the fight in Eastern wastes (I am a moderately geared level 60 Monk). I highly suggest you bring a enchanter to harmony pull, but anyway you do it it you are responsible for bringing help if needed to kill the dwarf

Disclaimer: Even thou I am 248 brewing there is a small small chance to fail trivial combines, In the rare chance I fail the combine I will refund you the 1k plat service fee no questions asked (The 1k plat is for my stinger + time to assist in Eastern wastes)

Please check with me online Character name "Ceriv" if you are interested and make sure to ask if I have a wyvern stinger

12-02-2015, 08:15 AM
Bump Yes i still offer this, 1k (your mats) 248 Brewing combine + Assistance with the dwarf in EW

Based on my availability of course