View Full Version : NPC Spawn Issue: Coldain shawl #4 - Tanik Greskil \ death squad bugged

10-29-2015, 03:15 PM
There seems to be a problem with the Tanik Greskil \ kromrif death squad spawn trap for coldain shawl #4 in Great Divide. It seems that occasionally when the death squad despawns, the trap doesn't reset.

I parked my pet near the specified loc and told it to /guard, as I was told the pet would face the nearest npc (including traps). This seemed to work and I was able to instantly trigger the spawn. I got the death squad, so I zoned them and then returned to the loc to try again. I repeated this process three times and sadly I kept getting death squads, but each time I was able to spawn them within minutes. However when I returned again for my 4th attempt, my pet would no longer face where it had been previously, it was turning and facing one of the kromrif guards outside kael, as if the trap trigger wasn't there. I ran all over where the trap is supposed to be for at least an hour trying to trigger it but no dice.

The next day I tried again: summoned a pet, he faced the trap, and I was again able to spawn the death squad without issue. This time though it bugged after only one attempt; after I returned from zoning the squad my pet was once again facing the wrong way and I was unable to spawn anything.

There seems to be a problem with the invisible trap\trigger resetting properly sometimes after the death squad despawns.

11-03-2015, 04:23 PM
The invisible traps/Tanik have a respawn time. It's possible they were all used, and awaiting respawn to be the closest target for your pet.