View Full Version : My way back to the grand adventures of Everquest

10-29-2015, 04:25 AM
Hail all

Just joined the p1999 blue server to relive my childhood as i started playing when i was twelve. I remember it to be hard and unforgiving, like the times i lost my corpse in befallen or got stuck in Najena. But i hung with it and made the best memories and friends i'll ever have in a game. Everquest thought me to be social, kind and patient gamer and i love the community for that.

I created a Erudite Necromancer and already the adventures are coming to me like they did before. I managed to get in Freeport and quickly learned they don't like me that much. No way to get food, drink, bags or a bank. Died and de-leveld a few times while exploring where i could travel and where not. Luckly most players where happy to drag my corpse out. The rush of my first HQ bearpelt drop..

Anyway, i think i made the right choice to start over my EQ adventures and i'm sure this is the perfect server for it. I hope to see you all in game, if you see an Erudite running from a guards train, please throw him a SOW

PS: I'm always looking for a group or to make new friends. If you see me in game throw me a tell :)!

10-29-2015, 06:21 AM

Kill some orcs and soon all of freeport will cheer you on! Quite easy there.

10-29-2015, 11:17 AM
welcome....and if it ever feels "a bit quiet", consider the marathon run from Qeynos to Freeport (don't forget to bind) ;)

10-30-2015, 02:58 AM
I have one more question. On live i used to play a Paladin and i enjoyed the support i could offer in groups. But i had a really hard time leveling this toon. Now on Blue i started a Necro which is awesome, but if i look around pretty much the half of EC is playing one, and i'm a bit worried i'll not be able to group as the levels will be flooded with them ?

Should i start over with another class ?

10-30-2015, 05:04 AM
I just leveled a necro (to 42 so far) and sure, you will see necros from time to time. But i think most people creating a necro do so in order to be able to solo well. That's why you do not see that many necros looking for a group.

Be aware that while grouping, you will need a completely different spell loadout. DoTs are almost useless because they will only tick a few times before the mob drops, making them way less efficient. As a necro you are a decent healer. I am often supporting heals in groups. At 24 you get your first real nuke which is great in groups (not so great solo). You get a mez as well, and it's not undead only (many people think it is), so you can do some CC. You can twitch people who really need that mana now; as a necro you usually have mana to spare.

Basically you can fill many roles in a group and still be one of the best DPS people. Be flexible and people will love having that necro with them. Understand that people have experienced bad necros who try to do their solo tactics in a group setting.

10-30-2015, 05:17 AM
Many thanks Pyrion i might stick with it then!

10-30-2015, 09:24 AM
Necros are a great first class, and you can camp a bunch of stuff as you level.

Paladins are definitely under-represented in the raid scene if you ever fancied a switch...though I'm a SK tank at heart and could never give that advice without suggesting that the SK would be better ;)

11-05-2015, 11:27 AM
Many thanks for all the info. I've progressed to 15 with my Necro now and i'm having a great time. But still have some questions

I don't seem to manage to get great exp and make plat at the same time. I could the early levels grinding bears for HQ pelts, but now those are way behind me in and i don't hunt them anymore. All my money went to spells and a ice proc staff (50pp). I don't want to double my playing time and i have a feeling that most plat camps (sisters, bandits, etc ..) are always occupied ?

On an extend of that, how are people able to sell and buy at ranges of 300Kplat ?
Is this an end game monopoly of certain guilds ? Not really looking forward to that IMO

Otherwise i'm loving everything about this server, many thanks p99!!

11-05-2015, 11:33 AM
Don't worry too much about money. You should have enough for spells after the first few levels and that's what you really need, everything else is luxury as a necro.

In the 20ties you can try warslik woods giant fort, there are some nice money drops and its fun and not too camped usually. If you are like me you play for fun. Camping for money is more like work for me... but of course for each their own. As a necro you are not dependant on expensive gear. There are a few pieces that are really nice to have (CoS, Jboots), but not at all mandatory.

11-05-2015, 11:38 AM
Ok very good to know thanks. i'll surely try the giants camp though

11-05-2015, 12:38 PM
Also a weird tip, and one I didn't realize til I got into my 30s... if you're kiting with dots, its better to fear kite to get the full effect of your dots.

I did the giant fort in WW and used to run around with them chasing me - about 7 levels spent there and not one person told me I was doing it wrong. If you already know then that's A+ :)

11-05-2015, 12:59 PM
i read about that yeah, thanks though.

Greengrocer 2.0
11-05-2015, 01:13 PM
Don't buy iron rations! They're a rip off!!!

11-05-2015, 01:20 PM
Don't buy iron rations! They're a rip off!!!

milk n muffins 4 lyf

11-05-2015, 01:31 PM
Speak for yourself, Swish, I'm living the high life eating pickled drake and globs of slush water right now and it's fantastic!

11-05-2015, 01:42 PM

I wish I was as cultured.