View Full Version : Dear Poncho

10-23-2015, 09:39 PM
While I understand that officially you may need to deny it, when you dispel a druid and then mez and snare them in a totally empty area except for the 4 mobs they are quad kiting so that they take an xp death it seems like you are trying a little to hard to make friends. While accidents do happen, usually a friendly tell apologizing for the xp death goes a long way rather then your partner Godly nuking down the person 50 ft away at their bind point 30 seconds after said xp death. I realize that I don't have much experience as a druid, or with pvp, or much gear, etc but I will try harder to give you a fun fight next time. If that is not your main character I would also love to know what other guilds you are in so that the spirit of friendly competition can remain unchecked. Happy Hunting!

Stampede <Thunderdome>

10-23-2015, 11:39 PM
Bobby doing the work of southern immigrants.

10-23-2015, 11:40 PM

10-24-2015, 12:16 AM
sounds like you got "Stampeded"

Doctor Jeff
10-24-2015, 10:14 AM
In pvp, CCing your opponent leads to victory. CC is PVP.

10-24-2015, 10:39 AM
I guess I don't fully understand the rules, or lack of rules on this server then. For example would CC'ing the healers of another guild while they are engaging in a big raid fight be considered pvp?

10-24-2015, 12:06 PM
This is what the server is reduced to people crying about intentional exp deaths, pvp and all the lamers calling lns. I only log on my multiple fungus covered Alts to kill newbs. It's all red has left bunch of crybaby nerds trying to max out chars in spin quest

10-24-2015, 02:01 PM
Tass is like 14 hours away from typing up his manifesto

10-24-2015, 02:32 PM
pras crushbone killers.

10-24-2015, 02:52 PM
I mean it's one thing if he trained the mobs on you, but if you expect some sort of impunity while quad kiting I'm not sure what to say. I think it's a completely legit strat to let the mobs kill you and try to pop in the last hit for an easy YT.

You need to broaden your sense of PVP combat I think. In your scenario (CCing clerics of a raid force while they fight a mob) that is in every sense players against other players. Using the environment - be it NPCs, terrain (dodging spells in water, LOS with buildings, etc) is not only allowed but pretty much required to be successful.

Can't stop won't stop
10-24-2015, 04:08 PM
I was under the impression open world pvp and camp dispute was the appeal of EQ pvp

10-24-2015, 04:26 PM
I guess I don't fully understand the rules, or lack of rules on this server then. For example would CC'ing the healers of another guild while they are engaging in a big raid fight be considered pvp?

Yes, absolutely. There is no rule saying "Once a player(a) engages a mob, they are not to be attacked until they have finished it." The force engaging the raid mob would be expected to be aware of others entering the zone, and to protect themselves and their healers. Basically, the tank and healers should remain focused on the mob, and the DPS should turn their attention to the attackers.

Also, you should be wearing enough MR gear to resist bard mez and snare. You should get to at least 100 unbuffed, and at that point I think you can reasonably expect to resist his MR debuff Fufil's Curtailing Chant, which he would use before snare. Once you get in range to 60, though, you'll need more MR to balance out Occlusion of Sound.

If you currently can't resist bard mez or Fufil's/snare, then anytime you see a potential threat in the zone, you can't just continue to PvE. You should be alert and be ready to break it off if Pancho or anyone in range approaches or starts casting on you. This is not blue - other people would love to kill you (not because they hate you, just because they enjoy it) and you should not make it easy for them by letting them catch you with your pants down.

You do have /who bound to movement keys and a dedicated chat box for /who, right?

10-24-2015, 04:49 PM
Oh. I meant: There is no rule saying "Once a player(s) engages a mob, they are not to be attacked until they have finished it."

10-24-2015, 05:09 PM
I guess I didn't understand the server rules very well, I think I took the policy a little to literally then.

"Intentionally causing experience-loss to other players in the PvP environment is illegal in all cases."
"Much like how the Kill Stealing rule applies to those on the blue servers, this rule is designed to discourage and make note of those who do it habitually, thus betraying the spirit of PvP." - PvP policy.

I might have read to much into this policy then, since 'accidental' xp deaths seem to be a normal practice which I guess I just haven't seen that much of yet.

I guess kudos are in order for Poncho for his smart use of the environment and more importantly making it look like an 'accident'.

10-24-2015, 05:23 PM
You're perfectly within the rules to engage someone who is fighting mob(s). An example of intentionally trying to cause exp loss is a monk training a bunch of mobs and feigning them on someone. There is simply no way to police (or desire from most people) intentional or unintentional exp loss when someone does something like root a quad/swarm kiter. If your intention was to YT them or exp loss them the initial steps would be identical regardless - you'd attempt to root/snare/mez them to prevent them from getting away.

Obviously you don't agree based on the snarky nature of your reply, but stop for a moment to think what kind of staff and time would be required to even begin to police what you're asking? That rule is in place to help deter it and punish it in the most egregious cases - such as dragging a bunch of kos guards to someones bind spot or training a raid.

10-24-2015, 06:12 PM
I only attack players that are on mobs.

10-24-2015, 07:19 PM
Yeah that was a bit snarky, mostly because it seems like a shitty deal for noobs and server health. But I appreciate the feedback because now I'm not pissed that I have to play by different rules then someone else. But honestly reading the pvp policy there you can see how I might think that that kind of play might get you banned. Now that I'm a little clearer on it, I won't feel like I'm playing a dirty game just to be competitive. Thanks!

10-24-2015, 07:28 PM
I guess I should edit my top post now, but sorry Poncho, I was just pissed because I didn't understand how the rules were interpreted.

10-24-2015, 07:49 PM
People should just follow the spirit of the rules. It isn't like the people writing them have extensive legal backgrounds. In fact, you could pretty much just say follow the golden rule here and everyone will generally be happy.

In the case study you provided here, I'd say you got caught unprepared - surprised with no way to counter mez ready to go. Take the experience and learn from it. Don't make yourself an easy victim and you won't get victimized as often. PVP is about 50% gear, 40% preparation and 10% skill in EQ no matter what anybody says.

10-25-2015, 08:42 PM
yeah, i know bobby would say "fuck thunderdomes lol"

10-26-2015, 02:43 AM
the boy boy pancho doin' work, i see nothing wrong here

10-26-2015, 02:50 AM
I guess I didn't understand the server rules very well, I think I took the policy a little to literally then.

"Intentionally causing experience-loss to other players in the PvP environment is illegal in all cases."
"Much like how the Kill Stealing rule applies to those on the blue servers, this rule is designed to discourage and make note of those who do it habitually, thus betraying the spirit of PvP." - PvP policy.

I might have read to much into this policy then, since 'accidental' xp deaths seem to be a normal practice which I guess I just haven't seen that much of yet.

I guess kudos are in order for Poncho for his smart use of the environment and more importantly making it look like an 'accident'.

just so you know, the way this rule and most of the other rules work on p99 is that unless a gm/guide is watching it happen, or you are recording a clear FRAPS video, the rule doesn't exist. some of the rules are about things the GM's can investigate with chat/combat logs and figure out, but exp loss isn't one of them. and this rule's mostly about training dungeons with feign death and stuff like that, fighting someone who's quadding and losing the last hit to mobs isn't always intentional yknow? most players will even go out of their way to try to get killed by the mobs instead of the player to avoid yellow-texts if they know they're dead, because exp deaths aren't really that big of a deal.

red server's a lot more fun when you realize all of that and don't expect the rules to ever be reliably enforced