View Full Version : Apple pencil

09-10-2015, 02:59 PM
Incase you missed it, apple unveiled a 12.9" ipad and they also sell an optional $99 stylus to use with it, they call it a "pencil".

steve jobs:
"Who wants a stylus?"

"if you see a stylus, they blew it"

Not that i think Steve Jobs had everything 100% right (i agree with Bill Burr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ew6fv9UUlQ8), i just think its funny :)

Its also amazing that you charge this "pencil" by plugging it into the bottom of your ipad. So you have this huge 12.9" ipad with a ~5" pencil sticking straight out of the bottom of it, amazing.

09-10-2015, 03:01 PM
Apple gonna go bankrupt in 10 years if they can't innovate something people actually want/need.

If the economy flourishes maybe more people will buy some of their overpriced computers.

09-10-2015, 03:08 PM
with apple you arent buying the technology, youre buying the brand. its common knowledge that you could get better designed crap for half the price.

09-10-2015, 03:12 PM
I admit, I have an iphone6 (work provided, I wouldnt have bought it), an ipad mini2 (i bought it used on ebay - mainly for another side job use), and a macbook pro (work provided).

I do like some of their products, but I would never personally pay the prices they are getting for their new tablets and laptops.

What amazes me though, is how people eat this shit up, every single year, yet the product doesnt change much, but apple sells is as new and innovative (when other companies have been doing the exact same thing for months or even years before they release it).

People are constantly dropping 1k on a new tablet, $750 on a new phone, year after year. I suspect the average consumer just plops out the plastic and upgrades every year, and are still working to pay off their iphone 2g.

I'm in the wrong line of work, I need to open a business that sells overpriced products to suckers.

09-10-2015, 03:18 PM
I'm in the wrong line of work, I need to open a business that sells overpriced products to suckers.

Alternative healthcare, definitely the way to go.

09-10-2015, 03:19 PM
i had some girl at the bar trying to argue that her macbook was great because osx was the best, to which i replied "have you ever heard of unix?"

sadly, she hadnt. needless to say, that conversation went nowhere... but she did let me take a pic of her while we were fucking

09-10-2015, 03:21 PM
i had some girl at the bar trying to argue that her macbook was great because osx was the best, to which i replied "have you ever heard of unix?"

sadly, she hadnt. needless to say, that conversation went nowhere... but she did let me take a pic of her while we were fucking

Care to share the picture quality features on your phone? kek

09-10-2015, 03:29 PM
i told her i wouldnt show them to anyone lol

09-10-2015, 04:03 PM
I've owned half a dozen windows laptops from dell, gateway, alienware, lenovo - all top end machines and they always end up junk in two years. The seams are weak, a component fails, the battery dies, and they all end up in the gutter. I've had a Macbook for a while and you can really tell the difference. Nothing is lose and everything still works. You can also bootcamp to windows 7 or 10 and run windows native (not through a vm). 90% of the time using my macbook I am on windows running p99.

09-10-2015, 04:39 PM
I've owned half a dozen windows laptops from dell, gateway, alienware, lenovo - all top end machines and they always end up junk in two years. The seams are weak, a component fails, the battery dies, and they all end up in the gutter. I've had a Macbook for a while and you can really tell the difference. Nothing is lose and everything still works. You can also bootcamp to windows 7 or 10 and run windows native (not through a vm). 90% of the time using my macbook I am on windows running p99.

Macs are as susceptible to slowdown as PCs though, plus with macs you generally have a hard time playing a lot of the latest games right?

Agree on the "junk in two years" thing though, my latest PC was a mid spec buy from a small company on eBay, had it 1 year and it's been fine. It was about $550-600. If $600 gets me a good 2-3 years I still think of it as a good investment. The only game it's ever locked up on was actually when it was still new, it didn't like Planetside 2 at all but according to the internet it's not optimized very well anyway :/

09-10-2015, 04:54 PM
as an artist and someone who has bought and returned nearly every wacom cintiq they've made I am looking forward to this new "pencil" and welcome our fruit and vegetable overlords.


09-10-2015, 04:57 PM
I cant imagine drawing on a tablet with a stylus would be nearly as rewarding as painting or drawing with actual medium, but what do I know i cant draw or paint for shit.

09-10-2015, 05:00 PM
I cant imagine drawing on a tablet with a stylus would be nearly as rewarding as painting or drawing with actual medium, but what do I know i cant draw or paint for shit.

every game you play is made with a wacome tablet or a cintiq and zero canvas art.

Unless youre playing some extremely indi game made by some wierdo in thier country home out in michagen or something.

its all like this now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIxyFlq1Ou0

That said, Ive worked next to guys working on VR and they are sitting there at thier desks with headsets on.. and THAT is the future of digital production.. no more physical monitors, just one headset and a VR world of like 20 monitors taht can be any size and fully 3 dimensional

I cant wait omg

*edit* oh hey side note! Some friends of mine made this! IT started in thier bedroom as an idea.. I dont think it will be production ready or that this perticular application is the future of how VR will be used for digital production, but its still cool none the less! its a start. https://vimeo.com/138790270

09-10-2015, 05:17 PM
Valid points. And LOL at that "HD touch", no wonder apple called it "3D touch". Glad they innovated that pencil and screen!

09-10-2015, 07:18 PM
with apple you arent buying the technology, youre buying the brand. its common knowledge that you could get better designed crap for half the price.

Pretty much, brand is such a waste. Shit, my dollar store shirts have lasted longer than my 40+ dollar shirts and i dont even work in brand crap

09-10-2015, 07:29 PM
Just make one. I can confirm that the sponge tipped one works, as that's the only one I've made.


Capacitive touch and a digitizer pen are two completely different things. Apple is just realizing their overpriced crap needs a real pen to compete with some of the things surface does.

staffpad is one expample of an app which will never work on an apple ipad without a digitizer.

09-10-2015, 07:39 PM
This buying the brand shit is nonsense. You guys obviously have not held a macbook.. its in another league than all other laptops.

Some computer nerds think that the only thing that matters is whats inside the computer. But if they realized that some people prefer to pay for other shit, like how something feels physically or looks, then they might understand.

I am by no means an apple cult follower but if you are going to sit there and say that apple products 'suck' then you are just a non-apple cult follower..

I tried a non iPhone once before, and that was stupid. I was like cool I want to play some sweet games.. oh there are just a little bit over, "none".. so I got an iphone and have a fine piece of technology that makes no fucking difference to me comparatively to all other smart phones, except i think its physical design is much cleaner and worth whatever extra I might have to pay AND i have access to like thousands of great time wasting games.

that and it lasts as long as my contract does every time, and I upgrade to a new one every 2 years when thev'ye made significant changes and I get one for 100$.

If i were to say the average apple hater vs the average apple lover all had something in common with each other is, apple lovers are normal people and apple haters are fedora wearing contrarians that think theyre smarter than everyone YIKES if Random is on your side, time to jump ship!

Basically its a product. Its got some clear value to it that other products don't have. You are not simply buying a brand.

The only reason not to go apple is either A becuse you want to encrouage compeition, or B becuse you are a hardware tinkerer and you need an open source OS to create your own wierd glitchy phone customised something or other tricorder homebrew thing.

Sorry but the brand thing is just non-apple cult fanaticism.

09-10-2015, 07:45 PM
I dont disagree with most of what you said, but you are paying a surcharge for the brand.... the cost of the hardware vs the selling price is substantial.

09-10-2015, 07:50 PM
I dont disagree with most of what you said, but you are paying a surcharge for the brand.... the cost of the hardware vs the selling price is substantial.

no doubt they charge more than the competition.. but Im not "buying a brand" Im buying a product that happens to cost more than the competition because primarily of design & feel.

I run windows 99% of the time on my macbook pro. But it was worth it.

Also one thing I left out. I have zero interest in going to websites and reading about what the best new router is and what type of signal degradation bla bla.. I dont care.

I just want to plug my stuff in and not think about it.. apple does this 100% of the time.. non apple products are a web of manual adjustments that I have no interest in.

So I'm paying extra for that too.

09-10-2015, 07:52 PM
I'm with you - I bought my android so i could mod it etc, but I dont give a damn about that crap anymore, the older I get, the less I want to tinker, and the more I want it to just work. I will give them credit, my iphone and macbook just work, without issue, and are very easy to maintain / support. That is worth a premium, in my opinion.

09-10-2015, 07:57 PM
I'm with you - I bought my android so i could mod it etc, but I dont give a damn about that crap anymore, the older I get, the less I want to tinker, and the more I want it to just work. I will give them credit, my iphone and macbook just work, without issue, and are very easy to maintain / support. That is worth a premium, in my opinion.

god Im glad u replied instead of random id be still hyperventilating im calm now thanks buddy :)

09-10-2015, 08:02 PM
Basically its a product. Its got some clear value to it that other products don't have. You are not simply buying a brand.

If Apple products such as iphones and ipads are meant to last, how come they release new versions all the time (I know, money)? I think what pisses people off is they know that they're paying over the odds "for what it is" yet they also know that what they're buying is going to be outdated/obsolete within 12 months.

People are stupid.

09-10-2015, 08:06 PM
If Apple products such as iphones and ipads are meant to last, how come they release new versions all the time (I know, money)? I think what pisses people off is they know that they're paying over the odds "for what it is" yet they also know that what they're buying is going to be outdated/obsolete within 12 months.

People are stupid.

I've never seen anyone own any PC device that lasts much longer than a phone.. let alone any other touch phone.

I mean do I think there is a manufactured demand for thier products? yes. Do I think Samsung also manufactures demand for thier products, only not as well? absolutely.

Hell Addias says you should buy new running shoes every 6 months.

Nestle says you should buy water instead of using it from the tap...

Every buisness in a free market manufactures demand.

All that said, Do I buy a new phone every time they make one, or does anyone Ive ever met? Nope!

bottom line though, people are stupid. Throw em a fish and watch em dance. But they arnt stupid becuse they prefer apple over anything else.

09-10-2015, 08:26 PM
I will say, my iPhone 4S had much better build quality and is still in tip-top shape while multiple Android plastic pieces of shit have had physical issues in less time than I used said 4S. Too bad it runs a shit OS.

Still, I'm holding out hope that that $100 stylus is just a scarlet letter that will be used to determine who goes to death camps after the collapse and who gets rations.

09-10-2015, 08:30 PM
I will say, my iPhone 4S had much better build quality and is still in tip-top shape while multiple Android plastic pieces of shit have had physical issues in less time than I used said 4S. Too bad it runs a shit OS.

Still, I'm holding out hope that that $100 stylus is just a scarlet letter that will be used to determine who goes to death camps after the collapse and who gets rations.

Thats what the watch was for.. notice its digital similarity to a certain yellow armband I wont name.. chortle.

That said I was working with some peeps and this guy next to me got an email while his arms were folded accross his chest, and he looked down and back up and i thought, shit that would be handy for work i guess. not 600$ handy but handy heh.

get it his HANDS were FREE...

no that wasnt the joke i was making but I said handy twice so I felt like surely I was working on something.

09-13-2015, 07:55 AM
Doesn't suprise me on the 99$ tag for a stylus. The only people around where i am (saratoga springs NY) buying apple products are the children. Stupid people will pay stupid prices for things they really should'nt be spending there entire paycheck on.

09-13-2015, 07:58 AM
I admit, I have an iphone6 (work provided, I wouldnt have bought it), an ipad mini2 (i bought it used on ebay - mainly for another side job use), and a macbook pro (work provided).

I do like some of their products, but I would never personally pay the prices they are getting for their new tablets and laptops.

What amazes me though, is how people eat this shit up, every single year, yet the product doesnt change much, but apple sells is as new and innovative (when other companies have been doing the exact same thing for months or even years before they release it).

People are constantly dropping 1k on a new tablet, $750 on a new phone, year after year. I suspect the average consumer just plops out the plastic and upgrades every year, and are still working to pay off their iphone 2g.

I'm in the wrong line of work, I need to open a business that sells overpriced products to suckers.

Its because its a fad, all the mainstream people basically think your only cool if you have an Iphone (insert random number here). So jim goes out, says he has the new iphone, then james thinks that he has to get one so he can be "cool".

09-13-2015, 02:06 PM
This buying the brand shit is nonsense. You guys obviously have not held a macbook.. its in another league than all other laptops.

Some computer nerds think that the only thing that matters is whats inside the computer. But if they realized that some people prefer to pay for other shit, like how something feels physically or looks, then they might understand.

I am by no means an apple cult follower but if you are going to sit there and say that apple products 'suck' then you are just a non-apple cult follower..
This guy gets it. I was one of those nerds who would look at the internals, go price a pc/laptop on newegg with comparable stats and laugh that someone would pay 1-2k more going Mac. Years later after actually holding an using a Macbook on the job my opinion completely changed. It is not just about the internals, but the construction of the product, especially with laptops. I haven't held a laptop yet that can compare to the quality of Macbook. People ask me what windows laptop they should get and my response is a Macbook Pro bootcamped to Windows 10.

09-13-2015, 03:03 PM
pages and numbers suck compared to word and excel, though.

09-13-2015, 09:55 PM
Bought I phone 4 4-5 years ago still works perfect never updated operating system and it works great no cracks in the screen even.my wife on the other hand swears by her samsung along with family and friends and she is on her 5th.i think of apple like an ak and PC like a ar15.Apple just works,PC can do more but it's less reliable..... But I believe apples time is up all leaders eventually get surpassed.there kinda like honda made awesome cheap cars in the 80s and mid 90s but now there vehicles are crap...they waist there RND money building jets and robots that serve little function,Kia on the other hand is kinda like ur new age honda..... Am I rambling ?

09-13-2015, 10:53 PM
pages and numbers suck compared to word and excel, though.

I havent seen a microsoft application on mac yet that I liked. They've all been awful.

That said, anything i do in word / excel is done in google docs now. I dont do anything too crazy, but im 100% google docs, and I love it.

09-14-2015, 12:59 AM
Swish still hating on Mac because he is too broke to afford nice things. Spend less time on forums, more time working on that bank account amigo.

*Predictable and nearly immediate response incoming*

09-14-2015, 01:06 AM
Macs are as susceptible to slowdown as PCs though, plus with macs you generally have a hard time playing a lot of the latest games right?

Wrong, and wrong.

You don't know what you are taking about, but, being the village idiot, you continue to TryHard. It isn't just marketing that has put Apple where they are. But you have no experience using their products, just hearsay and like a monkey you repeat what you heard someone else say.

09-14-2015, 02:26 AM
I havent seen a microsoft application on mac yet that I liked. They've all been awful.

That said, anything i do in word / excel is done in google docs now. I dont do anything too crazy, but im 100% google docs, and I love it.

You know what grinds my gears about google docs?

When you are doing a purely digital document, and it still has page breaks.

I mean come on at this point can we just nix the old 8.5x11 nonsense & make a page rule be 8.5x∞ already? its 2016 almost for chrisakes.

I mean I know were a little behind the times with our 'gaming' preferences, but when it comes to writing a document amiright?!

09-14-2015, 02:38 AM
@ op - the pencil is for artists etc, not for average users. and the new ipad doesn't require a stylus to use it, so they are still on track there.

09-14-2015, 09:52 AM
What's wrong with a pad of paper and a pencil, for "artists".

Did Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Raphael use ipads? No sir.

09-14-2015, 10:09 AM
You know what grinds my gears about google docs?

When you are doing a purely digital document, and it still has page breaks.

I mean come on at this point can we just nix the old 8.5x11 nonsense & make a page rule be 8.5x∞ already? its 2016 almost for chrisakes.

I mean I know were a little behind the times with our 'gaming' preferences, but when it comes to writing a document amiright?!

Yeah because when I am browsing a large document I want to flick the scroll wheel for 5 minutes until I get to the 175,000 word, rather than skip to page 500...

09-14-2015, 10:13 AM
What's wrong with a pad of paper and a pencil, for "artists".

Did Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Raphael use ipads? No sir.

I love sketching, but digital art is vastly more efficient. You are able to generate a work and multiple variations thereof much more rapidly. You are also able to achieve a much greater degree of realism because you don't have to worry about the nuances if the medium. The digital workflow is really the creative process distilled ^^

09-14-2015, 10:41 AM
You know what grinds my gears about google docs?

When you are doing a purely digital document, and it still has page breaks.

I mean come on at this point can we just nix the old 8.5x11 nonsense & make a page rule be 8.5x∞ already? its 2016 almost for chrisakes.

I mean I know were a little behind the times with our 'gaming' preferences, but when it comes to writing a document amiright?!

I have to agree with maskedmelon on this. It's still convenient to skip to page xx, or to know that if you print the doc, where the page breaks are.

09-14-2015, 01:08 PM
I have to agree with maskedmelon on this. It's still convenient to skip to page xx, or to know that if you print the doc, where the page breaks are.

well think of it this way, if someone wrote a contents for you with page #'s.. or refered you to a page #.. it would be just as easy to send you a link to the page location.. like, its been solved b4 my pals long long ago when the internet was in its infancy.


page "24" linked to you bros.

Edit* on printing: in a digital world printing is leas and less valuble and I concede if thats what you do at work, then its fine with me if you add a 'add page breaks option' in my utopian verson of google docs ;)

09-14-2015, 02:06 PM
Imagine not being able to be an artist anymore because there's a power outage.

09-14-2015, 02:16 PM
Imagine not being able to be an artist anymore because there's a power outage.

rofl swish on apple:


09-14-2015, 02:25 PM
What's wrong with a pad of paper and a pencil, for "artists".

Did Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Raphael use ipads? No sir.

Donatello and Raphael would go for digital tablets and turn out some serious art, Michelangelo would sit on his porch and look disapproving, and Leonardo da Vinci would be inventing better styluses and iPads once it occurred to him that he could engineer something like that for money.

It doesn't matter to an experienced artist what medium they use. You can make chewed gum look like an oil painting if you had your heart set on that kind of thing. That said, I personally won't buy the Apple pencil. Not really my thing. I use a 10+ year old Intuos tablet when I go digital.

09-14-2015, 02:59 PM
Donatello and Raphael would go for digital tablets and turn out some serious art, Michelangelo would sit on his porch and look disapproving, and Leonardo da Vinci would be inventing better styluses and iPads once it occurred to him that he could engineer something like that for money.

It doesn't matter to an experienced artist what medium they use. You can make chewed gum look like an oil painting if you had your heart set on that kind of thing. That said, I personally won't buy the Apple pencil. Not really my thing. I use a 10+ year old Intuos tablet when I go digital.

yea and lets be honest here, digital art is for production.. not for art galleries...

were talking the hundreds of thousands of employed concept artists/animators in the games & film industry here.

This is just a random youtube example but when you are trying to turn out 2-3 of these a day what you think they make throwaway concept art with Oils swish hehe


09-14-2015, 03:48 PM
well think of it this way, if someone wrote a contents for you with page #'s.. or refered you to a page #.. it would be just as easy to send you a link to the page location.. like, its been solved b4 my pals long long ago when the internet was in its infancy.


page "24" linked to you bros.

Edit* on printing: in a digital world printing is leas and less valuble and I concede if thats what you do at work, then its fine with me if you add a 'add page breaks option' in my utopian verson of google docs ;)

Your link takes me to the top of a page, which I assume to be page 24. I am not following how this supports your argument against pages, but I can see how you could accomplish the same thing with links to words/locations in documents. Good point.

What is it that bothers you about the page breaks? Are you making art by coloring spreadsheet cells or sticking images in word documents?

09-14-2015, 04:16 PM
Your link takes me to the top of a page, which I assume to be page 24. I am not following how this supports your argument against pages, but I can see how you could accomplish the same thing with links to words/locations in documents. Good point.

What is it that bothers you about the page breaks? Are you making art by coloring spreadsheet cells or sticking images in word documents?

I write a lot of documentation, and when you do that you dont need 'pages'. I mean imagine if every webpage you went to was 8.5x11... our minds, the internet, everything is trending towards whateverXwhatever you want it to be. So I think our legal documentation should as well.

honestly if that link doesn't work for you, its user error.. You must run some wierd addblock or something.. either way linking page locations isnt difficult. Especially if you are google designing your own fricking online based documentation system.

09-14-2015, 04:36 PM
Hmmm so was it supposed to take me to a certain spot on the page? I am just using Safari on an iPhone.

09-14-2015, 04:38 PM
Just replaced my Iphone after 3 years, I put it through hell too (having it in my pocket through multiple structure fires). Their products last, and just because they put out a new phone every year, doesn't mean you have to run out and buy it.

09-14-2015, 04:49 PM
I admit, I have an iphone6 (work provided, I wouldnt have bought it), an ipad mini2 (i bought it used on ebay - mainly for another side job use), and a macbook pro (work provided).

I do like some of their products, but I would never personally pay the prices they are getting for their new tablets and laptops.

What amazes me though, is how people eat this shit up, every single year, yet the product doesnt change much, but apple sells is as new and innovative (when other companies have been doing the exact same thing for months or even years before they release it).

People are constantly dropping 1k on a new tablet, $750 on a new phone, year after year. I suspect the average consumer just plops out the plastic and upgrades every year, and are still working to pay off their iphone 2g.

I'm in the wrong line of work, I need to open a business that sells overpriced products to suckers.

Their apps run better than anything on android OS. The gap is closing because of hardware but their shit is still good quality(ipads, iphones)....Their computers I don't care for especially price.

09-14-2015, 04:53 PM
Hmmm so was it supposed to take me to a certain spot on the page? I am just using Safari on an iPhone.

yea. Anyway if you were google you could engeer it so it was work fine and everyone would be happy.

There are plenty of jobs that need 'pages' I know. But I work in the tech sector and we're from the future where we dont :)

09-14-2015, 07:23 PM
Yea, but what happens when Samson option wipes every hard drive in north america that isn't in the utah data center's giant faraday cage and only satan himself can view the Mona Lisa?