View Full Version : Chief Rygorr's Head

08-25-2015, 03:37 AM
If you fail to protect Garadain on the 8th ring encounter but succeed in slaying Chief Rygorr/ looting his head, will the Garadain in the hut accept it after the war is over with, or are you essentially up shit creek?

I have the head from an encounter where the script didn't fire off correctly because of "a rygorr messenger" disrupting the left side of the dwarven guards just as they were meant to charge in and protect Garadain as he walked up the middle. But I haven't tested whether or not this head will work with a different Garadain (since the event one is different/ spawned). Has anyone else tried this yet?

08-25-2015, 03:48 AM
Sadly this will not work as the turn in requires Garadain from the 8th war once he yells "Charge!", afaik. There's likely code in there as a prerequisite for hand in of the chief's head.

Waiting for another 8th war and turning in then would shaft the person doing it; I would suggest trying to petition and explaining the situation. Hopefully you get an 8th ring through that

08-25-2015, 07:07 AM
he despawns and respawns when the CHARGE message comes up. you can loot the head and redo the war but you cant hand in the head until that charge message

08-25-2015, 06:35 PM
Oh, I'm aware of how the event works. Empire has controlled the spawn since day 1. The head is on an alt wizard at the moment, but it's just sitting there. I figured best case scenario is to start a war and if I wanted to do it solo I could just turn in the head when he shouts 'CHARGE'. I think a single wizard could probably solo the encounter, but it would just be a pain in the ass.