View Full Version : Shadowrun: HK

08-20-2015, 11:31 PM
Only a couple of hours into it and im loving it, new upgraded everything graphics wise.

Very cool SFX and music so far ++++

Recommended for any cyberpunk fan.

Anyone else playing it; What do you think of it?

08-21-2015, 12:10 AM
I was told there was no skyscrapers, immersion destroyed

08-21-2015, 12:31 AM
Hey if you like that, you might like this!

Its called Transistor and its made by the studio that made Bastion (not my favorite game but whatevs, its goog enough). This one is REALLY good though, and a SUPER cool take on the type of gameplay you find in these old shadowrun RPG's.. they figured out how to give you a play your own way to the mechanics in these RPGs, even so much so as to allowing you to play it as an action game if you get really good at it.

Anywho, you may like it if you havent heard of it!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ7Xq_Dj9ts